Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 38 The Beauty in Red

Although I really didn't want to go, but the factory manager had already spoken, I couldn't resist as an ordinary person. Life is like this. If you can't resist, you can only enjoy it. Amid everyone's laments, I carried my belongings to the warehouse.

Facing a group of aunts in the warehouse all day long made my ears callused, and they talked bad things about me when I was fine.Although the salary in the technical group is not high, at least there is room for skill, and you can use what you have learned, but in this warehouse, as long as you can read and write, you can do it, but no young people want to come to this ghostly place. There will never be a bright future, only to live and wait for death.Looking at me makes me feel uncomfortable. They are a bunch of fucking corrupt officials. If I don’t want to do it one day, I will just raise my sword and kill all these bastards. I don’t know why I can’t control the killing intent in my heart recently.

When I got home at noon, the three girls saw that I was in a bad mood and came to bother me, so I didn't want to say anything after asking.

"Mom, you're here to play for a few more days before you go back. I'll let Qianqian and the others go out with you." I sat on the sofa and rubbed my swollen head. There have been too many things recently. Neither is enough.

"Yes, Auntie, we will accompany you around, you haven't taken a good look at City H yet, have you?" Liu Hui quickly took the words and said obediently.

"No, I still have a bunch of chickens and ducklings waiting for me to feed them. If they stay for a long time, they will starve to death."

Mother waved her hands reluctantly and replied.

I know that my mother must see that my place is too small to live in, lest I sleep on the ground every day, and my mother will ask the neighbors to help take care of the livestock at home, so it is all an excuse, because I, a son, cannot afford a big house. Well, when I have money in the future, I will definitely buy a big house, and take her here to enjoy it.

After lunch, my mother proposed to leave, so we had to send her to the station.

"Xiao Xiang remembers what Mom told you, and the oath you made." My mother still told me solemnly before getting into the car.

I nodded, "Don't worry, Mom, I will remember."

My mother is gone, and I have to continue to face those old mothers when I go to work in the afternoon. The days are like years.

"Hey, the second son will come out to accompany my brother at night." The second son called me dian hua before he got off work.

I heard that the boy's tone was wrong, so nothing will happen, "Second son, have you quarreled with your sister-in-law again?"

"What are you talking about, kid? How could your second son love his wife so much, how could he quarrel with his wife?" The second son's words were a bit weird.

"Okay, you kid, just tell me, what happened?" I'm not in a good mood today, and I'm a little impatient.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when we meet." The kid still whetted his appetite.

After work, I rushed to the place designated by my second son, a Korean barbecue by the river. Poor people like us can only go to this kind of popular restaurant. Today I also brought a lot of bitterness to my second son to vomit.

"Come and sit next to the second son." As soon as we arrived at the door, the second son stood up and greeted me. After a while, the second son chose a table next to the river to sit down.

"Second son, why are you feeling uncomfortable today?" I looked at Er son very puzzled, he, who is always cheerful, didn't even smile today.

"I'm more than uncomfortable. I really want to kill someone with a knife." The second son choked down a glass of wine in one gulp.

"Second son, be careful, why are you drinking so fast, tell your brother what's going on?" I hurriedly stopped the second son who was still drinking.

"Brother, I'm depressed. Like my second son, he usually works hard and conscientiously, but in the end he was relegated to the maintenance workshop to repair machine tools. How do you think this is happening in this society?" The second son raised his glass and touched me. I figured it out, the second son was demoted just like me.

"Second son, it seems that we are really brothers and sisters." I was also depressed when I mentioned this matter.

"Brother, have you been demoted too?" The second son figured it out, and I also encountered misfortune.

"Yeah, I was notified early in the morning to go to the warehouse to work. Do you know what people in the unit think of me now? These people used to say hello to me as a college student with a future, but now they see that I have been demoted by the leader. , They all changed their faces, they all looked at people with colored eyes, they all talked about me behind my back, trying to make me look bad, and some even thought of giving me a chance to give me another blow so that I could show myself in front of the leaders.” The more I said, the more Angrily, he threw the cup on the table.

"Hey, we are brothers and sisters, if one day I push Lao Tzu into a hurry, I will kill him and let his blood flow like a river." The second son cursed murderously.

"Come on, brother, drink. If you have wine, you will be drunk today." In this way, my second son, you and I drank a glass of wine and got drunk. The game will no longer be arranged every day. The time will be notified by the casino. Usually there will be a game in one to two days. Today, I have been informed that there will be no game tonight, so I dare to open my stomach and drink with my second son.

"Second son, are you not drunk?" Er Zi and I helped each other out of the barbecue restaurant. Er Zi was already a little drunk, but I was not much better than him.

"It's okay, I can still drink, my second child, I want to sing." The second son seemed to be drinking too much, and every time he drank too much, the boy would scream.

"Okay, you can sing." I covered my ears directly.

"It's not a sin for a man to cry, no matter how strong a man is, he has the right to be exhausted..." The second son's howling wolves and ghosts spread throughout the street in the dark night, and others couldn't help but block their hands Ear.But seeing that the second son was crying silently, it seems that being demoted this time has hit him hard.

"Brother, don't worry about it too much. We won't do it when my brother sends it out one day. I don't want to be so lazy."

"Okay, we brothers can't make a difference if we work together." My second son and I clenched our fists, now we can only rely on ourselves.

"Second son, hide!" Just as Erzi and I were singing along the street, suddenly a red car roared towards us, and it was about to hit us. Souls under the wheel.

Bang, the sound of flesh colliding with the car, luckily I jumped high enough to just get off the roof, but my feet still hurt.

"How do you drive? Get out of the car. Brother Er Zi wants to talk to you today." Er Zi got up and quickly caught up with the red car parked by the side of the road.

Pop, the car door opened, and a seductive beautiful leg stretched out from the car. When Er Zi saw this beautiful leg, his eyes straightened and his mouth became dumb.

"Second son, catch her, don't let her run away." I immediately got up and limped towards this side.

"This second child, I think we should forget about it." The second son looked at the beautiful woman who had come out. This woman was wearing a big red short skirt, sexy and charming, and her white thighs shook the second son's eyes a little. The beautiful hair, the delicate red lips, the charming face, and the graceful figure, Erzi swallowed his mouth when he saw it.

"That beauty, let me introduce myself. I am the wise and powerful second son. May I ask the beauty's name?" The second son straightened his clothes, posed a pose that he thought was handsome, and approached cheekily.

But the beauty didn't even look at the second son, and directly took out hundreds of bills from the bag and threw it to the second son, "This is for your doctor's treatment, and we don't owe each other." After finishing speaking, she turned around and got into the car.

"Slow down!" I pulled the door directly to prevent the car from driving away.

"I'm not interested in your money, you have to apologize to us." I shouted righteously, what kind of people are they now, thinking that having a little money is great.

"Handsome guy, I don't think you're injured. I'll pay you back, so let go." The woman didn't dare to drive when she saw that I didn't let go.

"I don't want your money, I have to make an apology! You think it's great to have a few stinky money!" I yelled angrily, it's a cheap thing to bump into someone and give some money to think it's done.

"You..." The woman was petrified by my yelling, and after a while she burst into tears.

"Forget it, I won't make you apologize, so don't cry." I'm most afraid of women crying, so I quickly let go of my hand on the car.

When the woman left, she took a deep look at me, and then drove away. Her seductive eyes were in my mind and I couldn't get rid of them.

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What is the relationship between me and that beauty in red?What will happen between us?Please watch the next chapter: Heroes Save the Beauty.


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