"What kind of existence is this? Such a powerful fluctuation of power will keep away even the strong in the divine realm." This is a majestic giant mountain with a thousand blades as high as a sharp sword, and the peak is surrounded by clouds and mist. Dance lightly, like a fairyland.At this time, an elderly Taoist with a long sword on his back sat cross-legged, quietly looking at the place where the power fluctuated in the distance.

In an abyss canyon, where a hundred flowers are blooming, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, like a paradise, a red-faced old man suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Zao, this makes people alive, such a powerful existence unexpectedly appeared in the earth cultivation world, then we How can I still live, no, I have to go to the old woman for comfort."

In this way, under the influence of this powerful force fluctuation, countless powerful beings woke up from their cultivation, and they were all shocked by this powerful force.

"I didn't expect this to be my reincarnated body, so weak." At this time, a soul body floated out of my body and looked at me quietly. This person was dressed in a silver robe, and he had the aura of a superior , as if all the common people in the world are under his control.It's just that we are ordinary people so we can't see it, but his appearance has already shocked the entire earth's cultivation world, which shows that my previous life was not simple.

"As my reincarnation, how can I be so kind, mother-in-law, but since this is the first time we meet, I will help you, it is our first meeting ceremony." The silver-robed man looked at the room indifferently For the poor mother and daughter, if it was the previous life, he would not care about the life and death of these ants.

The silver-robed man entered my body again, and instantly I felt that my consciousness had entered a strange space. In this space, there were countless exercises and martial arts moves, including my Xuanyuan Sutra and Xuanyuan Sword Technique. Dazzling, but I also know the truth that I can’t chew more than I can chew, so I finally only chose the whole set of Xuanyuan that I like. The whole set of exercises and moves is divided into five parts, namely Xuanyuan Zhenjing, Xuanyuan Sword, Xuanyuan Boxing, Xuanyuan palm method and Xuanyuan body method, although the rest of the exercises and martial arts moves are also very attractive, but I am naturally content, just find what suits me.

"Do you want to save your daughter?" I walked into the ward and asked the mother expressionlessly, my voice was devoid of any emotion, as if it were a high-ranking god who didn't eat the fireworks of the world.In fact, I am still in the alien space at this time, and now I am just a puppet manipulated by the silver-robed man.

"Brother, as long as you can save my daughter, I will do anything, even if it is my life in exchange for hers." As a mother of a child, a single mother, she loves her child more than anyone else. Everything about her, so she has no regrets even if she trades her life for another.

"Okay, there is no free lunch in this world, and I can only use your ten years of life to extend her ten years of life. I wonder if you are willing to exchange it?" The silver-robed man shook his head, really not understanding how these human beings What he thought was that he didn't even want his own life for the sake of others.

"I'll change, I'll change, even if it can make Niuniu live another day, I can die immediately." The woman was overjoyed when she heard that she could exchange her ten years of life for her daughter's ten years of life.

"Since you agree, then I will fulfill you, but the process is a bit painful, I hope you can bear it enough." The silver-robed man said lightly, and then slowly stretched out his right hand under the surprised eyes of everyone, This is a white and slender hand, like the most perfect artwork in the world.Countless silver threads spread out from his right hand, instantly wrapping the mother and daughter into a big silver cocoon.

As time passed by, the silver-robed man, that is, my body, stood motionless in the ward, as if it was a statue in itself, and the second son looked at me strangely. He was a different person, he called several times but the other party ignored him.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone's expectation, the silver light gradually faded, finally revealing the faces of the mother and daughter. At this time, the mother seemed to have just been fished out of the water, her whole body was soaked, and cold sweat covered her whole face. She was also much older. Obviously, this process was not easy, but she just persisted with her strong perseverance.Looking at the girl again, although the face was still so thin, it was not as lifeless as it was at the beginning, and in exchange for that pair of big bright eyes, and a face full of vigor.

"Thank you, benefactor." The mother and daughter got out of bed and kowtowed to me as soon as they woke up. It happened that I came out of the alien space again at this time, watching the mother and daughter kowtow to me, which made me baffled.

"It's amazing, this is simply a miracle in the world!" Countless people sighed in their hearts at the same time, and applause immediately resounded throughout the ward. They were applauding for my selfless deed, and they were also applauding for the poor mother and daughter to be born again. .

"Second brother, when did you become so powerful?" The second son pulled me out of the ward, who was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

"Second son, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" I looked at Er son with some confusion.

"When did my brother become so powerful, and I didn't tell my buddies, I'm not enough buddies." The second son came over and patted me on the shoulder, which made me a little puzzled.

I shook my head, ignoring him, "Let's go, go back, I'm stuck." Although I also wondered why those people looked at me so adoringly, and the mother and daughter were kneeling and screaming at me. Thank you, especially that girl got better in an instant, could it be that my wish came true.

Seeing that I ignored him, the second son was also depressed, and muttered: "Hmph, pretend to be me, sooner or later I want you to show your true colors.

When I brought Jinlian back home, Qianqian and Liu Hui were watching TV in the living room. When they saw me coming home, they all stood up happily to greet me, but when they saw Jinlian behind me, they all changed their faces collectively.

"Brother Yuwen, take your time, I'm going to bed." Qianqian didn't say anything, but I could clearly see that she was very sad, maybe she misunderstood my relationship with Jinlian.

"Qianqian, don't go, I have something to tell you." I hurriedly grabbed Qianqian, if I didn't explain clearly, the misunderstanding might deepen.

"Is there any explanation for this? Brother Yuwen, you are so sorry for our sister Qianqian. How could you just bring a woman back here?" Liu Hui couldn't hold back her fiery temper for a moment, and said a lot.

Even Wang Xin, who has always been gentle, looked unhappy and didn't talk to me, and went directly to pull Qianqian, "Let's go, Sister Qianqian, we ignore this Chen Shimei, we already have a girlfriend as good as our Sister Qianqian , still not satisfied, messing with flowers and grass all day long."


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