Facing the misunderstanding of the three women, I felt like I jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clear it up.

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, okay? Listen to my explanation carefully. I really have nothing to do with her." I yelled a little angrily. Being so angry at me by them, I couldn't control my emotions for a while.

"Okay, I'll see how you explain it." Liu Hui angrily walked to the sofa and sat down, while Qianqian and Wang Xin were already crying sadly after being yelled at by me.

"Forget it, I was wrong, I apologize to you, but she and I are really innocent." Seeing them crying, I felt a little bit sorry, so I quickly surrendered.

I talked about the process of saving Jinlian, but I omitted the things we knew before. If the third daughter knew that Jinlian had caused me to almost die in prison, she would definitely not forgive her.

"Brother Yuwen is not bad, the hero saved the beauty, and he also found a maid by the way." After listening to my story, Liu Hui said strangely beside me.

"Come on, Sister Qianqian, let's go in and sleep. Let him sleep with his maid tonight." After speaking, the little girl Liu Hui pulled Qianqian and brought Wang Xin into the room.This little girl Liu Hui has become more and more disobedient recently, so she has to take good care of her family another day.

"Sister Liu, do you think we're going too far by doing this? What if Brother Yuwen gets angry?" After closing the door, Wang Xin asked fictionally.

"What are you afraid of? Men are like this. If you are too loose and let your horse run, I will bring you a maid today, and maybe I will bring you a maid tomorrow. I am also doing this for Sister Qianqian For the sake of thinking, do you think so? Sister Qianqian."

At this time, Qianqian was thinking about something absent-mindedly, nodded after listening to Liu Hui's words, and then shook her head again. The second daughter thought that Qianqian must be very angry with me this time.

"Jinlian, why don't you go take a shower? You're tired today, so go to bed early." Seeing the three girls go in and lock the door behind them, Jinlian can only sleep on the sofa tonight.

"Master, did Jinlian cause you trouble?" Jinlian didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, because she knew that talking would only make things worse. Three beauties.

"Don't think too much, they will accept you after two days. They are gentle and kind girls." This woman's heart is really a needle in the sea, anyway, I can't figure it out, so I can only smile wryly.

Watching Jinlian go into the bathroom to take a shower, I was bored and could only turn on the TV, kept turning over the TV, listening to the sound of gurgling water coming from the bathroom, and the looming female body on the frosted glass, I couldn’t help thinking about it , especially at night when Jin Lian was raped by the group of gangsters, the touching body was played back in my mind again. I felt that I couldn't control my desire, so I quickly drank a glass of cold water to calm down the fire in my heart.

I came to the balcony, just to get acquainted with the boxing and body skills I just learned today, but I tried to practice it several times, but I still couldn't get it right.This is strange, Xuanyuan sword technique is so difficult and I can learn it quickly, why the same boxing technique and body technique can't work, I can't figure it out.If I can learn this boxing and body technique earlier, it will be of great help to me in future competitions. After all, competitions require bare hands.

"Master, I've finished washing." Just as I was racking my brains to think about the problem, Jinlian had already taken a bath and came out.

Seeing that Jin Lian was still wearing the evening dress after taking a bath, I suddenly realized that Jin Lian's clothes hadn't been brought yet, "Where do you live now, Jin Lian?"

"Back to the master, Jin Lian rented a basement in Qiushan Community." Jin Lian said with some embarrassment. I lived in a cheap basement, but that place was really not a place for people to live in. Not to mention the humidity, and the endless mosquitoes and mice, she was terrified thinking about it.

"Okay, I'll accompany you there tomorrow and bring your belongings." Hearing that Jin Lian lived in the basement, I knew she must be having a miserable time.

"Thank you, master." Jin Lian said, her eyes were a little red, this girl is made of water, she will definitely mention it if she is not careful.

"Then you go to sleep, tonight I can only wrong you to sleep on the sofa, I'll just sleep on the floor." Looking at the narrow room, it seems that I should change to a bigger one, alas, it's still money, I Scratching my hair with a headache, it seems that I have to fight to earn more money. After treating Qianqian's father's illness, I will try to buy the house next door with the remaining money. Once the two houses are connected, it will be spacious.

"Master, you should sleep on the sofa. Jinlian can sleep on the floor as a maid." Jinlian looked at me and refused to sleep on the sofa.

"Forget it, so you can sleep on the other side of the sofa, and I can sleep on this side." It seems that she won't go to sleep if I don't sleep on the sofa, so I have to sleep on the sofa, but the sofa is a bit short, and our feet are facing each other. If you are not careful, you will touch each other's feet. Several times I even felt that my feet touched Jinlian's thigh and the warm garden area. To everyone's embarrassment.

I had dinner early after get off work today, and I was ready to go to the casino. I heard that the casino had arranged a game for me tonight, so I had to go there earlier.Not to mention the delicious food tonight, Jin Lian was born in a rural area after all, so cooking and laundry is naturally a no-brainer.

After I packed my things, I was ready to leave. I thought Qianqian and the others would not go to my game tonight because they were angry with me, but when I left, they were all ready to stand at the door , It seems that they still care about me. After thinking about it, Jin Lian is boring at home alone, so I decided to bring her with me. Although the three girls were a little unhappy, they didn't save my face.

"Xiangzi is in trouble." As soon as he walked out of the community, he saw the second son and ran over in a panic, not knowing what kind of epilepsy this kid had gone into.

"What's wrong with the second son?" I looked at the second son calmly, this kid was passing by not long ago.

"That's right, Second Brother, if you have something to say, let it go, don't shake the morale of the army here." Liu Hui was still as pungent as ever.


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