Seeing my appearance at this time, Fengshen and the others felt a sudden rush in their hearts, and quickly stopped them: "Don't be impulsive, leader. Recently, there have been signs that Mayor Liu has colluded with the Black Tiger Gang and the Cao Gang, so you must bear with me." Hold on, if we want to make a move, we must win with one blow, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

I was shocked to hear that these three forces had already colluded. If these three parties colluded, the Ax Gang would be in danger. If the Ax Gang was dangerous, I, the leader of the gang, would naturally be unable to escape. A strong sense of crisis made me I was fidgeting. If it doesn’t work, I have to think of a way quickly, “Is there any progress in Fengshen’s stalking by Xue Qian from the Provincial Disciplinary Inspection Department recently? If not, I’ll take my sword and kill Liu’s family, and just kill that shit mayor.”

"Some progress. That guy is a corrupt official no less than Mayor Liu. It's easy to catch him, but it's almost the key evidence." Fengshen touched his swollen head. Recently, the Ax Gang had internal and external troubles, and I The gang leader didn't care about anything, so the heavy burden fell on Fengshen alone.

"Fengshen has worked hard for you during this period, please let me know if there is anything." I know that to buy the hearts of these gangsters, friendship is the most important thing.

"Guild Master, thank you for your concern, but I want to advise you, don't rush into the Assassin's Hall, the Hall Master's blood knife is not so easy to deal with." Seeing that I was about to leave, Fengshen reminded me before leaving.

I nodded, and walked outside the Ax Gang. I have decided that even if the Killer Hall is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, I will go there. I'm afraid the child will be in danger if it is too late.

"Is there any progress in the investigation of the leader of the Ax Gang by the leader of the Black Tiger?" Liu Han, the leader of the gang, sat on the tiger leather chair with a big knife, staring at the leader of the Black Tiger.

"Leader, some progress has been made. A few suspicious people have been identified, but that kid is too smart and rarely joins the Axe Gang, so we can't confirm it." Heihu Hall Master replied tremblingly.

"It's really a group of drunks and rice bags. So many people have been dispatched and there is no result. Don't confirm it again. I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. Let me kill them all." Liu Han's eyes showed a fierce look, and he directly made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Yes, boss, I'll do it now."

Liu Han waved his hand to signal Heihu Hallmaster to go out, and Heihu Hallmaster left quickly.Liu Han also has a headache these two days, and is deciding whether to cooperate with Mayor Liu. In the underworld, if any gang is too closely colluded with the government, it is easy to be rejected by other gangs. Although all gangs are related to the government, they are No one dares to put it on the bright side, and if he does not cooperate with Mayor Liu, a ruthless person like Mayor Liu who must be punished, if the Black Tiger Gang does not cooperate with him, then he cannot bear the tragic blow of the Black Tiger Gang of.

In the next few days, people in H city continued to disappear and were killed, which caused a burst of panic among the people of H city. Everyone defended themselves, and the police started to investigate, but nothing happened in the end.

"What do you think about this matter?" Fengshen asked after thinking for a while as the four hall masters of Feng Yu Lei Dian sat facing each other in the headquarters of the Ax Gang.

"What do you think?" Thor answered absently, playing with his slender fingers.

"You...?" Dian Shen became angry as soon as he saw Lei Shen like this, acting like a woman all day long.

"What are you? How did I offend you?" Thor didn't show weakness and stared at Dian Shen, "You hit me if you have a temper." Thor looked like he needed to be beaten.

"I'm going to beat you." Dian Shen was stimulated by Thunder God, and swept him with a whirlwind leg, but she forgot the skirt she was wearing today, and she was so happy, the two men in the room were dumbfounded, drooling fall quickly.

Dian Shen obviously realized his situation, and hurriedly retracted his legs and straightened his clothes, "Hmph, I won't care about you today, I will clean you up another day."

"Don't, kick again, I won't move and let you kick enough." Thunder God still looked at Dian Shen squintingly.

"You want to be beautiful, there is no way to take advantage of my old lady." Dian Shen smiled charmingly, and the two men in the room directly fell under his pomegranate skirt.

Cough, Fengshen coughed and brought the topic back, "I just got a report from my subordinates that those who disappeared and were killed were all done by the Black Tiger Gang. What do you think the Black Tiger Gang wants to do?"

"It's normal for gangsters to kill people. Our Axe Gang often kill people." Thor said indifferently.

"I don't think it's that simple. There must be something wrong with it." Dian Shen, a thick-skinned woman, rarely moved her head.

"I think Dian Shen's analysis makes sense. This may be aimed at our Ax Gang." Rain God said with some concern.

"That's right, it's not aimed at our hands-off leader, is it?" Lei Shen said casually.

"Raytheon is right on point. The Black Tiger Gang has been searching for the gang leader some time ago, but our lazy gang leader made that guy Liu Han hard to do anything, so we had to come up with this trick and kill one of them. Maybe it happened to be Our gang leader." Fengshen smiled slightly, our gang leader really didn't make that old guy Liu Han feel better, maybe he couldn't even sleep well.

"Ah, isn't our leader in danger?" Dian Shen suddenly jumped up in fright.

"Yeah, so you should work harder, Rain God, and bring more people to protect the guild master, so that no accidents will happen." Fengshen immediately arranged.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." After speaking, the four hall masters went to busy with their own affairs.

At this time, I didn't know that I was being targeted by the Black Tiger Gang, and the danger was gradually approaching.At this time, I was worrying about tonight's game, because tonight I was going to face a bloody killer, who never left alive.

"Brother Yuwen, I don't think you should go. Just now, a brother from the gang saw Shashen and a stranger.

On the other hand, I suspect that the man was sent by Mayor Liu to meet with the God of Death, and he must want to kill you on the martial arts arena. "Before I went out, Liu Hui poured cold water on me.

"I'm not afraid, I'm going to make an example to the monkeys, and give that big corrupt official a warning." How can I be afraid of such a monster, who wants to kill me, I will kill him.

"Okay then, if you really can't do it, you just admit defeat. There are rules in martial arts competitions that if you admit defeat, you can't kill again." Wang Xin said worriedly beside him.

I nodded, but it's impossible for me to admit defeat. It seems that tonight I have to be ruthless and shock these malicious people with the force of thunder!


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