Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 48 Kill, Kill, Kill

Facing the God of Killing that everyone is afraid of, not only am I not worried, but I am a little bit looking forward to it. I don't know who will win tonight?

Today's casino is very lively. I heard that God of Death is going out to challenge the rookie Immortal Xiaoqiang. Many people come here, including some dignitaries, and Mayor Liu and Mr. Liu are among them. Although the game of God of Death is very bloody , but people who are used to ordinary life usually need a little passion to arouse their blood, so this kind of competition is more popular.

"Killing God, Killing God..." Before entering the casino, we heard the loud shouts, the huge sound wave seemed to drown us.

It seems that the opponent is very famous, and no one is calling my name at all. Today I am going to do a dick reversal, which will make you lose your glasses. I stuck out my tongue and licked my dry lips.

"You two ladies, why don't you persuade the prince, today the killing god is clearly here to take his life." As soon as we arrived at the door, we were blocked by Ge Lai who hurried over. Unexpectedly, this old man Will also care about my life and death.

Liu Hui shook his head at Elder Ge. After seeing it, Elder Ge sighed and turned to leave. In fact, he didn't want people to die in the casino, which would be troublesome to deal with.

The atmosphere in the casino today is very depressing, like the breath of a storm, but I am not as nervous as before, because I naturally have my hole cards.

It’s the finale tonight, I’m angry all over my body, my inner energy is like a big river rushing through all my veins, I adjusted my breathing and strode onto the stage, I’m going to be greeted with warm applause, but I didn’t hear the applause There is a lot of noise, needless to say, these people have become fans of Shashen, and even my fans in the past are getting cold feet, which is really not loyal enough.And compared to my bleakness, the treatment of the Killing God when he came to power was very different, and the loud voice seemed to knock the roof over.

I took a look, and there are quite a few dignitaries here today, especially Mayor Liu, a corrupt official who is sitting in the middle of the first row, but tonight Liu Hui and the others have to sit in the second row go.I stared closely at Mayor Liu's big fat pig for nearly five seconds before turning my eyes back to carefully look at my opponent.

This person is tall and strong, and his whole body is covered with tattoos, with a dragon's head stabbed on his face, which looks very ferocious and terrifying. Moreover, this person smells bloody and murderous, and he really deserves the title of killing god.

"You are Immortal Xiaoqiang." Killing God stared at me and stretched out his scarlet tongue to lick it, as if he would choose someone to devour at any time.

"Exactly, what advice do you have?" I crossed my arms and glanced at the other party.

"I have no advice, I just want to kill you." Killing God suddenly burst out with murderous aura, and I couldn't help squinting my eyes when I was hit by this murderous aura.

"It's just a running dog, so why not be afraid!" My contemptuous tone made Killing God very upset. People like him are the last ones to be treated like dogs. He didn't even bother to talk about others, and what I said just hit his sore spot.

"You're courting death." Killing God was furious when he was provoked by me.

And what I want is exactly this effect. Looking at Shashen who is furious when I provoke him, such an opponent is not to be feared. Naturally, as a master, you cannot be swayed by your own emotions, and you must maintain a calm heart at all times. , because fighting is not only about one's own strength, wisdom is also essential, this is the difference between intelligent warfare and brutal warfare.

"Kill!" Killing God directly hit my Qihai acupoint with a punch, this person is ruthless enough to cripple the opponent's martial arts.

In order to test the strength of this killing god, I channeled all my strength into my hands to block this blow. I don't believe that my fifth level of strength can't resist this blow.

Bang, fists and palms collided, and I was pushed out five or six steps in an instant, while the opponent just took a step back, and I quickly dispelled the true energy that the opponent slapped into my arm.

I shook my tingling arm. It seems that our skills should be equal, but the other party has greater brute force than me. This has always been my weakness. After all, how can I, a scholar studying in school, be more powerful than brute force? Than these big bosses.I have to find a way to solve this troublesome problem. It's not obvious when I use a sword, but when I use my bare hands, my weakness often becomes the weakness of others' attacks. In the next match, try to avoid head-to-head confrontation.

It's not rude to come and go, since the other party is making such a ruthless move, then I don't have to be polite, I just cross-legged and sweep to see if it's okay to attack this guy's foot.

Crackling, after a few times of intense contact, my legs were terribly numb. I didn't expect this guy to be an all-rounder, and his leg skills are not bad at all.

"Boy, have you had enough tossing, let me tell you, it's useless, I have no weaknesses." Killing God looked at me contemptuously, and his arrogant tone made me very uncomfortable. Now I am like a cow eating a pumpkin and cannot get off mouth.

"Really, since you have no weakness, then I will attack by force." Watching me monkey pick peaches, this is a common move in martial arts novels, my right hand curls its lower body directly.

"You..." Killing God was also pissed off by my move, there are some masters who use this despicable move.

Pa, I caught the opponent with my hand, but the Killed God moved a little to the side, just caught his thigh, and I couldn't cause him any harm by pinching his hard thigh.

Bang, Killing God took advantage of the moment of my astonishment, directly lifted his right foot and kicked it. Although I had already used my left hand to resist, I was still kicked away by its huge force. For the feet, the result can be imagined.

"Kid, die!" Killing God directly took advantage of the victory to pursue, and when I was not stable on the ground, he directly bullied me and killed me. I had to rush to resist, but blindly resisting made me lose quickly. .

"Killing God, Killing God..." The audience shouted even more frantically when they saw that the winner was about to be decided, while the second son and the others were already in a hurry.

"Kill God, kill him, kill this kid!" Mr. Liu stood up excitedly, and rushed to the Wutai with his whole body, shouting frantically.

Mayor Liu also looked at the stage and smiled slightly, as if everything had been expected.

"Congratulations, Mayor Liu. I heard that you invested 200 million in Shashen, and you're going to make money soon." Looking at Mayor Liu with a smile on his face, the dog legs next to him hurried over to flatter him.

Mayor Liu nodded happily, "Congratulations, congratulations." Money is secondary, what he wants is to get rid of this serious trouble, but he heard that this kid is unstoppable when he picks up a sword.

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Readers, don't walk away, the excitement will continue, Zuo Jun will continue the third update today, please continue to lock this book!


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