Facing the stormy attack of the Killing God, I was struggling to deal with it, and I gradually began to decline. The balance of victory seems to have tilted towards the Killing God. When the audience and Mayor Liu and his son think that I am about to be defeated, will I wait to be killed? ?

"Hmph, it's too early for you to be happy." Faced with this situation, I didn't seem nervous, because I still had a hole card that was useless, and it seemed that it was time to use it.

"The first trial of Xuanyuan boxing, the imperial dragon breaks through the sea." Following my punch, a small golden dragon on my right arm was circling around my arm. Standing up, even Mayor Liu, who was still happy just now, suddenly changed his expression.

Yes, this is what I have achieved in the past few days. After studying hard for the past few days, I finally learned part of the Xuanyuan boxing method. "Nine" is the highest in the world, it is the highest existence, and it represents a kind of limit. My Xuanyuan sword technique is better and I can do six strokes, but Xuanyuan boxing technique can only have two pitiful strokes, but even so I believe It is not difficult to solve this killing god.

Faced with my sudden powerful move, killing the gods changed from active to passive for a while. Xuanyuan boxing is controlled by the dragon's qi, and the move is as strong as the sun, and it takes people's lives at night.

After receiving two punches from me in succession, Sha Shen already vomited blood, and was seriously injured. Seeing that his failure was a foregone conclusion.

"I'll fight with you!" Killing God's eyes widened suddenly, and his breath soared. Could it be that this guy used some secret method to force his strength to increase instantly? , but since he has already resorted to this trick, it means that he is at the end of his rope.

Bang, the fists of the Killing God and I hit each other's chests exactly. Although I had the imperial dragon's aura to help me, I quickly transported my true energy to my chest to resist with all my strength, but facing the Killing God whose strength soared in an instant, I was still instantly sent flying, drawing an arc in the air, and blood spilled into the sky.Of course, Killing God is not much better, as I was struck into his body by my most rigid and yang energy, and he also vomited blood.

"Ah!" Looking at the two people who fell to the ground in an instant, everyone stared wide-eyed. They didn't expect the outcome of the game to change so quickly. into the eggs.

Seeing Killing God getting up and walking towards me, I knew he was going to kill, and I couldn't admit defeat, but now I can't even move my fingers, I kept calling the golden giant sword in my body, Now I can only pin my hopes on it.

Sure enough, when I tried my best to call out, the giant sword appeared again, and the same golden energy instantly healed my injury by half. If God wants to kill me, then I will show no mercy.

Looking at me who suddenly stood up alive and kicking, Killing God almost didn't get dizzy with anger. Undead Xiaoqiang really didn't scream for nothing, so he had to use the last move.

Killing God suddenly reached into his arms, took out a dagger from his arms, and stabbed at me quickly.

Seeing that Shashen had hidden knives during the competition, everyone booed and booed loudly.And Mayor Liu smiled watching this scene, as if he knew this would happen a long time ago.This was a method specially arranged by Mayor Liu in advance. To be on the safe side, Mayor Liu bribed the casino staff so that Shashen could hide the knives privately.

"No, that shrimp cheated!" The second son stood up and shouted loudly.

"Yes, he cheated. We demand that he be disqualified from the competition." Liu Hui and the others also stood up and shouted.

But the casino turned a blind eye. It seemed that these people were bribed by others. Liu Hui shook his hand angrily. He must go to Mr. Ge to discuss the theory. If he doesn't give an explanation, don't blame her for being ruthless.

Facing the dagger that struck instantly, I could only dodge as much as I could, but my skin was still cut by the dagger. I thought it was just a small injury, but after a while I felt numbness in my waist.

Not good, there is poison on this dagger, I quickly channeled all my strength to my waist, hoping to temporarily resist the spread of the poisonous gas.

This man is so hateful, not only using a dagger as a despicable method, but also smearing poison on it, I looked at Mayor Liu angrily, needless to say that everything is the masterpiece of this old guy, looking at Mayor Liu's wicked smile With a fat pig face, I really want to rush down and beat him up.

"Ah!" I roared, and directly slapped the right wrist of Killing God, the dagger was sent flying out in a beautiful arc, and I punched Killing God's celestial cover with a fist.

Boom, Killing God fell directly on the ground, his eyes were round and protruding, he only breathed out but not breathed in, it seemed that he was really dead and couldn't die anymore.

"Ouch!" There was a scream from the audience, and I turned my head to see that the dagger flew out and hit Mayor Liu's thigh, almost killing him, but even so, Once infected by the poisonous gas, I don't know if his stuff can still be used, I thought evilly.

Soon the staff of the casino ran up to carry away the body of Shashen, and the mayor Liu was also rushed to the hospital by the staff below. Since I was also injured by the poisonous gas, I hurried to the hospital with the support of the second son and the others. A vigorous game ended with one death and two injuries. Of course, I also received a generous bonus. This time, the casino gave me [-] directly, because Shashen didn't have to give it to him after he died.

When I arrived at the hospital, I bandaged the wound and took a detox injection along the way. The doctor also took some medicines, and then I was going to take my four daughters home.I was planning to go to the ward to see the poor pair of grandparents and grandchildren, but when I went to see the ward was empty, I asked the nurse, and the nurse said that the pair of grandparents and grandchildren would be discharged the next day, and asked them to observe for two more days, but that The old lady said it was too expensive to live in, so we had to discharge them from the hospital.

Alas, how can poor people afford to stay in hospitals nowadays? Money flows out here like running water, and ordinary people dare not go to the hospital even if they die at home.

After we parted ways with our second son, we wanted to take a taxi home, but only then did I realize that there were so many women around me that I couldn’t fit in a single car. It seemed that I should buy a car instead. Yes, it's convenient to go anywhere like this.

"Which one of you has a driver's license?" I turned to the four girls and asked.

"Brother Yuwen, Wang Xin and I have one. Are you going to buy a car? Then I can be your driver." Liu Hui came over and replied, it seems that the ax gang is good for the two of them, and even got a driver's license. And I, Qianqian, and Jinlian are all poor people, so naturally I can't learn a driver's license.

"Very well, I have this plan, but I just don't know how your skills are." I looked at Liu Hui with some doubts, this chick's driver's license could not be bought.

"You can't look down on people. Let me tell you that even racing is fine. I used to help the Hall Master drive." Liu Hui raised her head confidently, revealing her white and slender swan neck. I couldn't help swallowing.

These days they still throw me and Jin Lian to sleep in the living room, of course there will always be some accidents at night, and now Jin Lian has put on her own nightgown and often hangs a vacuum in it, I can't help my feet Put it in the warm and humid place, Jinlian is not a virgin, so sometimes her feet will run into the wet hole uncontrollably, Jinlian didn't say anything, let me play with it at night, of course I dare not Really go into battle with a gun, after all, you can play for fun, if you really come here and the three girls inside find out, you will never let me go.

"Okay, so I can rest assured." I forcibly suppressed the restlessness in my heart. It's really hard to be a man, and I have to suppress my own flames all the time.


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