Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 6 Excalibur Xuanyuan?

A group of people went straight to the headquarters of the Ax Gang, and all the passers-by on the road gave way when they saw it. It was like a fucking crab crossing the street, and you can walk sideways. It was so cool. This was the first time someone gave way to me when I grew up. In the past, when people yelled at me, I would run as fast as I could. I didn’t expect that I would be there today. Thinking about it, being the boss of a gangster is quite cool, but I feel dizzy when I see blood. How can I not fuck with the underworld? Killed, and I'm even more afraid of the police.

"The bald head told me about your help." It was boring in the car, so I found something to do, and the bald head happened to be my driver.

"Brother, our gang is called the Axe Gang. There are four halls, one for wind, rain, thunder and lightning. The hall masters are the god of wind, god of rain, god of thunder, and god of electricity. There are two men and two women. Wind God and Thunder God, and the two beauties next to them are Rain God and Electric God, and Rain God and Electric God are mostly women, this is a major feature of our gang." The bald man said straightly.

"Then how many people are we helping? What are they doing?" I leaned back on the seat. To be honest, this limousine is different. It is comfortable to sit in. It is much more comfortable than the bus I used to sit on. , I know I'm OUT again.

"There are about 2000 people in this gang. Except for a small part of the headquarters and the rest are in various bars and casinos. Because bars and casinos are our important source of income, the big gang will spend a lot of money."

"How many gangs are there in this city? I don't know how old our gang is?" Although I was taken aback by the size of the ax gang, as an old man, I naturally can't express my feelings, so I pretended to be calm and went to the seat Leaning up, eyes slightly closed as if resting.

"There are about [-] gangs, large and small, in this city. Our gang barely ranks second, and the Qinglong gang ranks first. Let me tell you that the Qinglong gang is the real boss with a very strong background, but The Qinglong gang will not mess with us unless you mess with it. Another thing worth noting is the black tiger gang. The strength of the black tiger gang is comparable to ours, and it is also a feud with us. We suspect that the former boss was killed by the black tiger gang. Yes, so brother, you have to pay attention to them in the future." Seeing that I was still calm, the bald head nodded secretly, but dropped another blockbuster.

"Cao, it turns out that the underground forces in this city are so complicated, and there is such a powerful enemy. It really won't make people sleep peacefully in the future. Then tell me how the former elder brother died?" I rubbed a little Painful Taiyang meridian, after this, you must always be on guard, otherwise your life will be lost.

"The police said that the former boss died in a car accident, but we suspect that he was killed by the Black Tiger Gang, because the boss' car has been specially modified, and ordinary cars can't hurt him at all. The only possibility is the black tiger gang. It was an accidental car accident intentionally caused by the Tiger Gang, so the boss's car became unrecognizable." The bald head said angrily, wishing to eat the meat of the Black Tiger Gang.

"Have you found any definite evidence? And have you found the body of your former elder brother?" I don't know why I always feel a little strange, and I have to be careful, this former elder brother seems to be very popular.

"No definite evidence has been found yet. We are investigating. If we find out who it is, we must chop him into pieces. That's right, the body of the eldest brother has not been found yet, but witnesses at the scene said that the entire body of the elder brother has been changed beyond recognition." , the blood flowed all over the place, and the body was immediately snatched away by a group of masked men, so the police have only reported it as missing."

Hearing the bald head's words, I seemed to have caught something, but it seemed like I hadn't caught anything, but there must be something wrong, I secretly became vigilant, and I didn't bother to ask any more, I closed my eyes and thought about it.

Unexpectedly, the headquarters of the Ax Gang is not in the city, but in a luxury villa on the hillside of Dongshan. The place is even more heavily guarded than government agencies. Every step is guarded, and all the guards have an ax attached. Don't even think about flying in.

When I came to the meeting hall of the Ax Gang, I was taken aback by the size of the huge meeting hall. It was comparable to a football field, and it could accommodate thousands of people without any problem, and it would not look crowded.There is a huge statue hanging on the front desk of the hall, which turned out to be a portrait of Guan Gong. It seems that this ax worships Guan Gong. Next to the portrait is the head of a middle-aged man. I think this should be the head of their former eldest brother. There are one on the left and right of the front desk Weapons, a huge ax in the middle, Guan Gong's Qinglong Yanyue knife on the left, and an unknown sword on the right, I don't know what kind of sword is so powerful, it is put together with Guan Gong's broadsword, it is not domineering at all, I will go When I saw the word Yuanjian engraved on the scabbard of this precious sword, I was really crazy, and I don't know who forged it.

The bald head hurried forward and explained: "Brother, this is the Xuanyuan Sword. It is the treasure of the gang, and it is also the sword of the gang leader. Seeing the sword is like seeing the gang leader. It is a symbol of the gang leader's supreme power."

"Really, then this Xuanyuan Sword will be my saber from now on? Is this sword the real Xuanyuan Sword?" I pursed my lips and said.

"I don't know if it's true, but this sword is indeed very sharp, just like the one in the novel that cuts iron like mud."

"Please offer incense to Master Guan and the previous sect master." At this time, the four hall masters of the wind, rain, thunder and lightning went up and shouted together, interrupting my interest in admiring the sword.

Haha, there are really many rules in this ax gang, so I had no choice but to go up and light three incense sticks and put them in the incense burner, and I also made three big gifts, and it was finally over.

"Please take the seat, leader. All the disciples in the gang pay respects to the leader." The four of them shouted again.

I took a look at a tiger leather chair in front of the front desk, so I strode over to sit on it without any hesitation, not to mention that this chair is very comfortable to sit on.

"Meet the guild master!" All the guild members in the hall knelt down on one knee and shouted.

"Brothers in peace." I waved my hand, Cao, how come I feel like being an emperor, so fucking cool, no wonder there are so many people fighting for the throne in ancient times.

"Thank you, Lord!" All the people stood up together, waiting for me to continue to speak, it seems that I have to say something, I scanned the lobby, there are about five or six hundred people, it seems that other people are still there Stand firm.

"Brothers, good evening, everyone. I am new here today. I am very happy to meet you. When I see you guys today, I am suddenly full of confidence in the future of this gang, because we are a group of gangsters with quality. I believe that our gang will become stronger and stronger. I will Lead everyone not only to become the largest gang in the city, but also to become the largest gang in the country or even the world.” No matter how many, let’s draw the cake first.

"Long live the gang leader, long live the gang leader." Seeing the excitement of this group of people, I shook my head, it seems that people in the underworld are not very clever.

I saw them shouting non-stop, I raised my hand to stop them, I have to go home and go to sleep.

"Okay, everyone go to your own business." I turned around and picked up the unknown Xuanyuan Sword. Since I liked Jin Yong's martial arts novels since I was a child, I like swords. Although I don't know the authenticity, but I'm still going to take it home and play with it.

Just as I was about to go out, I was stopped by four people from the wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

"Is there anything else for the four hall masters?" I yawned.

"Boss leader, your safety is very important, so you will live in the headquarters from now on?" The four said in unison.

"That's not okay, I have to go home and go to work tomorrow." I didn't bother to talk to them.

"That's too unsafe, how about we send some people to protect the gang leader." The four still refused to let go.

"I don't think it's necessary, our community is very safe." Being followed by a group of old men all day, although it is very cool, but it affects my mood of picking up girls.

"Then how about this, we, Yutang and Diantang, respectively arrange a woman to protect the leader, so that it will not affect the daily life of the leader, and it will not be too eye-catching." The two female halls of Yutang and Diantang main road.

"Okay." Seeing that I couldn't refuse, I agreed. The most important thing is that the two girls sent by Yutang and Diantang are pretty. Although I don't have any ideas, beauties are always better than big men. It looks comfortable.

"Also, try not to come to me if you have nothing to do in the future. If you have something to do, you can discuss it with the four hall masters. To the outside world, try not to let others know that I am your gang master, because I don't like to be disturbed." In fact, I was afraid of being hunted down by the enemies of the Ax Gang. After all, there are so many enemies in the Ax Gang. If people knew that I was their leader, I would not even be able to sleep peacefully.

"Yes, Chief, if I need to ask the Chief for instructions on where to find you in case I have something important to do?" Hall Master Lei said in an authentic voice. The voice was so loud that I couldn't stand it. The two women standing next to me just stood there. far away.

"If you have anything to do, you can contact me directly, or you can contact the two of them." I pointed to the two bodyguards next to me.

"Okay, boss, you go slowly." The four of them sent me out of the villa area. Originally, they wanted to let the Rolls Royce send me off, but I refused. It was too conspicuous, so I still think I can go back by taxi. better.


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