Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 7 The Temptation Is Unstoppable

"Fengshen, what do you think of this new sect leader?" After I left, the four hall masters got together. Although Fengshen is a strong man with five big men, he is the most intelligent person among the four. The so-called people can not judge by appearance.

"From my personal observation, I think our new gang leader is generally good. Don't look at him as stupid on the surface, but he understands better than anyone else in his heart, and he is a very smart person. I dare say he His wisdom is definitely far beyond mine. If he let him give full play, I dare say that what he said today is not impossible to realize, but this kid is a bit timid and has a low self-esteem, so we have to find a way to get rid of him. He must be a talented person in the future." Hearing Fengshen's comments, the other three also pondered, if I were here, I would definitely be frightened by Fengshen's words, this is simply a roundworm in my stomach, No, I know myself better than myself.

"Hearing Fengshen's words, I suddenly realized. It seems that our gang has hope again." Yushen is a mature woman in her 30s. All crazy.

"Hmph, men don't have a good thing." Dian Shen is also a beautiful woman in her 30s, but she has a hot personality.

"Okay, auntie, don't be jealous here, you can try to be gentle if you have the ability." Lei Shen is a young man in his 27s, he doesn't look like a gangster, but more like a scholar.

"Damn boy, you want to die, look at today's aunt and grandma will not deal with you." After speaking, Dian Shen swept over with a lightning leg, but was caught by Thor, and he took the opportunity to touch his plump and round thigh, angry Dian Shen trembled, it was obvious that he was really about to explode.

"Okay, you two don't quarrel anymore, you should think about how to develop our gang and how to make the gang leader truly accept us." Fengshen immediately stopped them when he saw that the two were getting worse, otherwise it would be endless .

"What's your name?" After waiting for a long time, I didn't see a passing taxi. I was very bored. I was going to chat with the two beauties first, and it would be a waste if I didn't talk.

"Back to the leader, my name is Liu Hui, and her name is Wang Xin." Among them, the girl in red introduced herself, and also introduced the girl in blue.

"Oh, Liu Hui, Wang Xin, I'll remember, you don't want to call me helper in the future, it's not good to be overheard, so you can just call me Axiang from now on."

"I dare not." The second daughter immediately knelt down.

"No, that doesn't work either, then you can just call me Brother Yuwen, don't object anymore, or I'll get angry." I walked over and helped them up, not to mention that the second daughter's hand was very comfortable to hold of.

"Okay then, brother Yuwen." The second daughter called out crisply, which made my bones a little crisp.

"Where is your hometown?"

"Brother Yuwen, we are all orphans, and we don't know what our parents look like." The second daughter said with red eyes.

"Don't be sad, don't you have my brother now, you will be my sister in the future." Comparing this way, I feel that I am much luckier than them, at least my mother is still there, and I have a younger sister .

Duh, finally a taxi came over, I quickly waved it to stop, this place is indeed a bit out of the way, it's really not easy to get a taxi.

After getting in the car, I also closed my eyes and regained my composure. I was really tired today. Too many things happened. First, I got a girlfriend, and then I became the leader of the Axe Gang. Now I have two younger sisters. This life is simply more exciting than filming TV.While I was resting with my eyes closed, Liu Hui and Wang Xin sat on my side and protected me tightly. I almost fell asleep smelling the scent of the two girls.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the morning when I returned to the community. I took a shower and was about to go to bed. Only then did I realize that there were still two beauties looking at me crisply.

"Ah, look at my memory, my place is small, why don't you go to sleep in the inner room, I'll just sleep on the sofa outside." I said a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, as your personal bodyguard, the leader, we can sleep wherever you sleep, but we don't have pajamas to wear after taking a shower. Please ask the leader to find us two larger T-shirts." Liu Hui blushed a little.

"No problem, wait a minute." I hurried into the room and found two larger T-shirts for them.

Hearing the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom, I took out the sword I brought back to have a look. Although I couldn't see anything special about it, I still liked it very much, so I decided to hold it at night sleep.

Liu Hui and Wang Xin almost gave me a nosebleed when they came out of the shower, but the second daughter came out wearing only a T-shirt. The two white and slender legs were fully exposed in the air, so they were so alluring.And I found that the two of them had changed and washed their underwear, so I had every reason to suspect that they were not wearing anything underneath. I thought that as long as I lowered my head slightly, I could see the infinite spring.

"Let's go, go to bed, I have to go to work tomorrow morning." As the leader of the gang, I naturally can't do that kind of shameful thing, so I can only resist the urge to explore the depths of Taoyuan.

Due to the existence of the second daughter, I dare not sleep with bare buttocks tonight, and I am too lazy to take off my clothes and go to bed and fall asleep. The second daughter naturally sleeps on both sides of me to protect my safety. The feeling of hugging left and right.

I hugged Xuanyuanjian tightly in my arms, because I always sleep dishonestly, I often roll from one end to the other, tonight is no exception, but I suffered a lot from the second daughter Liu Hui and Wang Xin.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt comfortable all over. Last night, I felt as soft as sleeping on a sponge. I don’t know if it was an illusion. The sword in my arms was moving last night, and my body felt warm.Although I slept very late last night, I didn't feel tired at all when I woke up in the morning, and I felt refreshed.

Stretching, he gently got out of the bed so as not to wake up the second daughter, and saw that the second daughter was sleeping soundly.

Pfft, I feel a stream of heat coming out of my nostrils. The second girl's T-shirt has automatically climbed up to her waist due to her sleep, revealing her flat belly, slender legs, and plump buttocks. The grassy ravines are clearly visible.

I resisted the impulse in my heart, and I didn't know how to get to the kitchen. My mind was full of the tempting picture just now.

"Xiaohui, the boss has gone to the kitchen." After I left, Wang Xin blushed and opened her eyes and said.

"Oh, it seems that the leader of the gang is still an honest gentleman. He didn't respond to the temptation of two beauties like us. He doesn't have physical problems, right?" Liu Hui turned over and sat up.

It turned out that the two little girls had woken up a long time ago, and they just deliberately missed it for me to see. Fortunately, I held back, otherwise I would be underestimated by the two girls.

"Hmph, you were the one who proposed to test the guild leader in this way. Now that he is an honest gentleman, you suspect that he is abnormal." Wang Xin said with his mouth raised.

"Okay, I just find it strange that he didn't respond when a beauty with such a good figure like Sister Xin stripped naked in front of him." After speaking, Liu Hui reached out to pinch Wang Xin's plump tits, and Wang Xin did not show weakness. I pinched Liu Hui, so the two daughters fought together on the bed, and the room was full of joy for a while, if I was here, I can't guarantee that I can endure it again.

In the next few days, the second daughter didn't even have the idea of ​​buying pajamas at all. She still wore my T-shirt to sleep every night. I still had to endure that kind of painful and happy life. Fa-rectification, but I still don't have the courage to be cowardly by nature, so I had to keep nosebleeds, and I suspected that I was going to be weak.


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