Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 8 Farewell, Goddess

In this way, half a month passed in a flash. During this half month, I went to work during the day, and after work, I would either eat and play with my second son and the others, or go shopping and eat with Fang Qianqian. At night, I continued to suffer from the mental torture of the second daughter Liu Hui and Wang Xin. .In the past half month, the Ax Gang didn't come to me again, and I didn't bother to look for them. For a while, my life calmed down again.

In the past half a month, the relationship between Fang Qianqian and I has grown very fast, and the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend has basically been confirmed, but I still can't forget the goddess opposite, so every time I go home at night, I still insist on standing in front of the window and staring at the opposite side Although there is no light and no beautiful woman there, it has become a habit of mine, and it has penetrated deep into my bones. I don't know if that beautiful figure will appear in front of the window again.For this reason, the second daughter Liu Hui and Wang Xin also asked me the reason several times, but I just shook my head, and they didn't ask me any more.At night, I still fell asleep with the sword in my arms. I don't know why I have fallen in love with this feeling, just like perverts always like beautiful women.

This weekend, it is a very good weather, the wind will be harmonious, and the sun will be gentle.After breakfast and telling the second daughter Liu Hui and Wang Xin to stay at home and pay attention to safety, I went out alone.I am in a very good mood today, because I finally got Qianqian to agree to go shopping with me yesterday.Originally, the two daughters Liu Hui and Wang Xin wanted to come with them, saying that they wanted to protect my safety, but I politely refused. How could I go to see Qianqian with them.

When I came to the Confucian Temple Square, I saw that Qianqian was already by the pool early. Today, she was wearing a light-colored lily skirt, like a beautiful butterfly, coupled with her slender figure and good facial features. , the whole person keeps turning heads [-]%, and I am also deeply attracted by it.

"Qianqian, I'm sorry, I'm late." I walked over and said embarrassedly, and let a girl wait for me.

"Brother Yuwen, it's okay that you're here, I just arrived too." Qianqian was still so well-behaved and sensible.

"Let's go, Brother Yuwen." Today Qianqian came over and took my arm, looking like a cute little girlfriend.

This was our first physical contact. I froze there for an instant as if I had been electrocuted. I was pulled by Qianqian several times before I realized it. At this time, everyone's eyes were on us, especially From the eyes of those men, I saw envy, jealousy and hatred. I was so timid since I was a child, I was almost scared and ran away. Fortunately, Qianqian held me tightly.

"Brother Yuwen, don't be nervous, I'm your girlfriend now." Seeing that I was very nervous, Qianqian immediately comforted me.

That's right, any girl in the family can let it go. I'm a big man, why should I be afraid? I also reached out and hugged Qianqian's slender waist, not to mention touching that soft waist without a trace of fat, it was extremely comfortable.However, I could clearly feel that she was still stiff the moment I hugged her waist, obviously this was the first time for this little girl to be hugged by a man.

We are like close lovers, walking close to each other and following the crowd on the street, smelling the body fragrance of Qianqian is very comfortable, and Qianqian is also like a gentle little wife, snuggling in my arms.Occasionally, we would buy some cheap snacks when we saw them on the street, walk while eating, and go in when we saw beautiful clothing and accessories stores.Seeing those beautiful clothes and accessories on Qianqian's body, fully displaying their due charm, it is true that Wumart is more beautiful, and she makes me so excited every moment, but it is a pity that I am so shy, otherwise I really want to Buy all these beautiful clothes and jewelry for her.Qianqian is a sensible girl, and every time she tried it, she took the initiative to pull me away to avoid embarrassing me.

When it was almost noon, we came to the Wal-Mart mall. This was the first time I came to this large mall.Holding Qianqian's hand and walking in the labyrinth-like clothing area, there were so many clothes that people were dazzled. During the period, Qianqian saw that my shirt was a bit old, so she picked out a nice shirt for me. To be honest, I suddenly felt like wearing it. Putting on the new clothes, I suddenly became a lot more handsome. This is not fully proved by the eyes of Qianqian and the salesperson next to me. I was going to pay, but was stopped by Qianqian. I refused, she said that this was the first gift she gave to her beloved boyfriend, so I secretly decided to buy a beautiful dress for Qianqian.

When we came to the door of the women's house clothing store, just as Qianqian and I were about to go into the store, a man and a woman walked up to me. When I saw this man and woman, I immediately stood on the spot.Because this couple is none other than the woman I have been thinking about day and night, the neighbor who has never been home again, and I did not expect to meet her here today.

What's even more strange is that I saw a momentary surprise in her eyes, but then I was depressed. Could it be that she still remembers me, the man who secretly loves her secretly, the man who looks forward to her return every day, I know I remember that she said that I was an insignificant person, how could she remember me, it seems that I was overthinking, I laughed at myself.

I wanted to say hello to her, but I opened my mouth, and finally the words circled in my throat and returned to my stomach. What else can I say, what else can I say, everything is over, isn’t it? She already has him who she loves, and I already have my Qianqian. We can only be destined to be strangers for life, just like the song described in the song. I don’t know you and you don’t know me after ten years. Have your own people to wait for you.

In the end we could only pass by each other. In an instant, I felt like I had lost something, but I also felt a lot easier.

"Did you fall in love with that kid?" A man's voice came from around.

"No, don't think too much about it." The woman quickly denied it.

"Hmph, it's not the best. I just taught that kid a little lesson last time. I won't be so kind next time." The man's ferocious voice spread far away.

"Don't be like this, okay, I'm telling the truth." The woman's helpless and aggrieved voice came out.

As the quarrel between the two gradually faded away, they finally disappeared in the mall.

When I came to the women's clothing store, I watched Qianqian try on her clothes, but I could only give some perfunctory comments every time. Obviously Qianqian also saw that I was not concentrating, so after trying two pieces, I pulled her away. When I left, she was very sensible and didn't ask me why, let alone quarrel with me, but silently walked with me on the street, feeling sorry for her, originally wanted to buy her a dress, but in the end Let her go empty handed because of me.

I originally wanted to eat dinner outside, but in the end Qianqian didn’t agree. Instead, I accompanied her to the market to buy some fresh vegetables, and then went to her house to let her cook. Originally, I wanted to help in the kitchen. But she refused, and had to watch TV boringly in the living room alone.

This is Qianqian's rented house, which also has one bedroom and one living room, but the area is smaller than mine, and the decoration is not very good, but it is decorated by Qianqian in a very chic and warm way. I can read a photo album on the sofa. So I opened it when I was free, and there were photos of Qianqian’s parents and Qianqian’s childhood. To be honest, Qianqian’s parents looked like honest rural people, and Qianqian was a little beauty when she was young. No wonder It will be so beautiful when it grows up.But I found a little boy in the photo album. Didn't Qianqian say that she is an only child? Why is there a little boy in the photo album? But since Qianqian didn't say it, I can't ask.

The dinner was quite sumptuous, and Qianqian cooked three dishes and one soup in just a short while, and they were all so delicious, so I ate a lot tonight, but Qianqian ate very little, she just kept using her hands He looked at me eating with his chin propped up, which made me feel embarrassed, but I couldn't take care of so much under the strong request of my stomach.I have to say that Qianqian is the best choice to be a wife. She is gentle and virtuous, and she cooks so deliciously. Whoever marries such a wife is a blessing.

After dinner, I chatted with Qianqian for a while and then I was ready to go back. There are still two people in my family who are hungry. If I go back later, the two of them will have to eat instant noodles to fill their stomachs.Qianqian sent me to the door like a gentle wife.

"Brother Yuwen, if you think the food I cook is delicious, come over often in the future, and I will cook it for you."

"Okay, today is the best meal I've ever had." I exaggeratedly patted my swollen belly, which made Qianqian purse her lips and smile.


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