Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 9 Undercurrents surging

On the way home, I bought some food at a nearby snack bar. I thought that the second daughter hadn't eaten yet, so I planned to take it home for the second daughter Liu Hui and Wang Xin.

Sure enough, when I opened the door, I saw that the second daughter was still there hungry. I seldom buy food and the refrigerator at home is empty, but there are a lot of instant noodles at home, so the two of them can only eat instant noodles if they want to eat.Seeing that I came back from buying food, the second daughter suddenly fell down. I felt very sorry to see the second daughter wolfing down. They were here to protect me, but I made them hungry.

"Brother Yuwen, your food is so delicious. I'm almost a noodle man after eating instant noodles for a day." Wang Xin said inarticulately while chewing on the food.

"I'm sorry for making you wait for me at home for so long." It's right to apologize for letting others wait, especially the two beauties.

"Brother Yuwen, you don't need to do this. Brother Yuwen has been out for so long, is he going to accompany his girlfriend?" Liu Hui stared at me, not knowing why she was a little nervous, and even Wang Xin, who was eating next to her, stopped. Come down and wait for my answer.

"No more, just go shopping with a friend." My old face was a little hot and I fished my head.

"Oh." The second daughter replied like this, then she stopped talking and continued to eat her own food, but this night I don't know why I always feel that the second daughter is a little abnormal, the second daughter who has always been talkative has become taciturn, as if Thinking about something, I asked the reason and the second daughter didn't say anything, this woman is really strange, I don't understand.

In the middle of the night, just as I was falling asleep, there were rustling sounds in the room.

"Wang Xin, can't you sleep?" Liu Hui looked at Wang Xin who had been keeping her eyes wide open and said softly.

"Yeah, you can't sleep either." Wang Xin simply turned over and faced Liu Hui.

"Liu Hui, what should I do? The boss seems to have a girlfriend." Wang Xin looked at Liu Hui with some anxiety, and then turned to look at me who was already sound asleep.

"Oh! I can't help it either." Liu Hui sighed, a little sad.

"If the leader gets married, we will definitely not be able to live with him. During this period of time, I have become used to sleeping next to him. Without him, I would have insomnia every day." Wang Xin said with a choked voice.

"Actually, the situation is not so pessimistic. They are not married yet, why don't you work hard and snatch the gang leader back, so that you can sleep with the gang leader forever." Liu Hui came up with a bad idea.

"Fuck you, your boss will be an ordinary man in the future, and you will abandon your sloppy wife with just one finger. You see, our two beauties seduce him every day and sleep with him every day. Isn't it still true? Is there any progress? Is there anything else I can do. I have never seen such an upright man, and I suspect that there is something wrong with him." The more Wang Xin spoke, the angrier he became, and he wanted to bite me.

"This shouldn't be the case, why don't you try to be a bully tonight." Liu Hui didn't forget to tease Wang Xin at this time.

"Go, I want to try you, and I'll show you." Wang Xin blushed a little.

"Sleep." I turned over in my sleep, and accidentally pinched my hand where it shouldn't be pinched.

"This dead man hurts me." Wang Xin, who was still angry, pinched my hand fiercely, and I immediately retracted my hand in pain.

As soon as I interrupted them, the two girls lost their mind to chat, and each lay down thinking about their own affairs.

After leaving the Ax Gang, I lived a three-point and one-line life every day. I went to work, stayed with Qianqian after work, stayed with Liu Hui's second daughter at night, and occasionally got together with the second son and the others. In that way, the salary is too eye-catching.During this period of time, I lived a leisurely life, but the underground forces in the entire H city were not calm. To be precise, there was an undercurrent surging. This hands-off shopkeeper.

"Report to the leader. According to reliable sources, the Ax Gang has a new leader." This is the headquarters of the Black Tiger Gang, located in a building in the city.

"Okay, go and check for me right away to find out who their new leader is, and we must nip it in the bud." A big man in black stood up and ordered loudly.

"It's the leader, I'll check right away." After speaking, the man disappeared into the building, and the big man in black kept walking back and forth, wondering what he was thinking.

At the same time, in another place in H City, a forbidden place for ordinary people.

"Reporting to the master, according to reliable news, the Ax Gang has a new leader." Just as the Black Tiger Gang received the news, the Qinglong Gang also received the same news, but the Qinglong Gang was in a big mountain outside the city. , The entire mountain has been hollowed out, no wonder the Qinglong Gang is so mysterious, no one knows where the headquarters of the largest Qinglong Gang in this city is.

"Understood, go and find out who their new leader is." A man wearing a silver mask sat high on the dragon chair, and the whole dragon chair was entrenched like a huge green dragon. This is the leader of the Qinglong Gang, and no one knows. What does he look like, because he always shows people with a mask, people in the underworld call him Silver Fox.

All the gangs in H City received this news, and everyone was looking for me, but I didn't know this at this time, I still went to my shift every day, and enjoyed the gentleness at night.

Since I only showed up to the Ax Gang once, and I never contacted the Ax Gang, and the Ax Gang didn't come to contact me, so these people can only run around like headless chickens.The Ax Gang naturally knew that those gang members were tracking my whereabouts, so they also secretly sent more people to protect my safety.

"How is it? Is that kid okay during this time?" At the headquarters of the Axe Gang, the four hall masters of Rain, Thunder and Lightning were still staying up all night busy with the gang's chores.At this time, Rain God looked at the leader's seat above and asked quietly.

"Hmph, of course it's okay. We eat enough and sleep soundly. We're the only ones working here. They live a leisurely life and have beautiful women in their arms." Dian Shen felt a little resentful.

"No way, who asked us to have such a gang leader, it's exhausting." Lei Shen shook his head and said.

"Don't shake it there, it's annoying me." Dian Shen seemed to have eaten explosives, and he wouldn't let anyone catch him.

"I just like to sway, can you control it, I sway, I sway, I will sway again." Thor still has the same temper, he likes to fight against Dian Shen.

"Okay, you guys stop making trouble, what's going on with other gangs recently?" Needless to say Fengshen's prestige, the two of them fell silent as soon as he spoke.

"These people are all looking for the whereabouts of the gang leader, especially the Black Tiger Gang, which is almost all mobilized. I think they want to harm the gang leader, but there seems to be no progress now." Yushen said clearly.

"That's good. During this period of time, send more people to protect the safety of the gang leader, but do it secretly, and don't be seen by other gangs. Only in this way is the gang leader the safest." Fengshen said firmly.

"Okay, then tomorrow I will send some experts from the hall to protect the leader, you don't have to worry about Fengshen Dao." Lei Shen said a little ruffian.

"This kid is really lucky, and he didn't get discovered by the Black Tiger Gang like this. He is really lazy." Dian Shen whispered to himself from the side.

In the middle of the night, in the Black Tiger Gang building, the gang leader's room was brightly lit.The four hall masters of the Black Tiger Gang stood below and did not dare to say a word.

"What did you guys do? It's been so long and you still tell me that there is no progress." On the first place, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang was furious.

"Calm master calm down, the subordinates have tried their best, but that kid is indeed too slippery, and there is nothing we can do about it." The head of the Qinghu hall replied cautiously.

"A bunch of trash, send me more people, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to dig him out."

"Yes, Chief, the subordinates will make arrangements now." After speaking, the four hall masters bowed out of the room, and this time they breathed a sigh of relief.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. All the big and small gangs in H City are collectively busy looking for me, a living person, and only I can continue to sleep peacefully.

"Interesting." In the Qinglong Gang, Yinhu, the leader of the Qinglong Gang, leaned on the dragon chair and said to himself.

"Guild Master, this Ax Gang's Guild Master is not fabricated by their Ax Gang, right?" the Qinglong Guild Master Qinglong Hall Master below was a little uncertain.

"Whether it's a fabrication or not will be known soon, we'll just wait and see." Silver Fox's voice came from behind the mask, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


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