There was wind, rain, thunder and lightning, they were discussing the gathering of the underworld, and here I also entered the casino, and couldn't help shivering. Could it be that someone is plotting against me again.

When I entered the casino, I found that I was already a big celebrity in the casino. My posters were posted everywhere, and people I knew and didn’t know greeted me along the way. It seemed that I was already a well-deserved big celebrity in the casino. It doesn't make sense for this kind of person who is unbeaten in twelve consecutive games not to become famous.

"The second son is not bad, he has become a big celebrity, you just wait for a lot of female fans to fall into his arms." The second son said enviously, it really is like a dog can't spit out ivory!

"I'm a very serious person, but you can go up and try." Looking at the girls behind me who were about to go crazy, I hurriedly fixed my eyes.

"Tch, then you are not human if you are not serious, right brother and sister?" The second son put his face in front of Qianqian and asked.

Qianqian blushed and nodded, and shook her head again when she felt something was wrong, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

When I came to the martial arts arena, I heard that there was a competition for me today, and all my fans came here admiringly. As soon as I entered the hall, the loud shouts almost shattered my eardrums.

"I'm sorry to surprise you, alas, it's all because I'm too famous." Looking at the excited crowd, I looked at them and smiled narcissistically.

"Just pretend there, you will be struck by lightning sooner or later!" The second son was very upset, and he directly passed me to find a seat in the front row. These seats were arranged by the casino in advance for my relatives and friends .

The shadow of a person's famous tree, now I seem to be the VIP of the casino. In fact, to put it bluntly, I am their cash cow, and they naturally have to pay for it.

"Today's last match, Immortal Xiaoqiang has nothing to do with Xiao Li Feidao. Everyone welcomes them to play." After the referee's voice fell, the two of us stepped onto the competition stage, and we were greeted by warm applause and shocking shout.

I can clearly feel that my popularity tonight is much higher than that of my opponents, and the waves of voices are overwhelming. Tonight, I will naturally be worthy of everyone's support for me.

I turned my head and looked at my opponent. My first impression was a monkey. Yes, it was a monkey. This guy was like Monkey King reincarnated with a monkey head and a monkey brain. He was only about 1.7 meters tall and his body was thin. I was afraid that I would kill him with one punch.

"Brother, please!" I clasped my fists at my opponent. Since I want to subdue such capable people, I naturally have to give him corresponding respect.

"Please!" The other party also clasped his fists in return, quite chivalrous.

"I heard that my brother is good at throwing knives. It's a pity that I can't let my brother show off his strengths today." I looked at the other party seriously and said.

"It doesn't matter, even if you don't use a throwing knife, it won't be so easy for you to beat me." Liu Wuying straightened his short body confidently.

"How about we don't have to compete today, how about we make a bet?" I looked at each other and said lightly.

"Okay, I don't know how you plan to bet?" Liu Wuying also clearly felt my strength, and it was almost impossible to win me normally like this.

"Well, I think you are best at darts. If I can catch your two darts, I will win. If I can't, I will lose. How about it?" I smiled slightly and looked at my strange opponent.

"If this is the case, you will almost certainly lose. No one can catch my darts." Liu Wuying smiled confidently. He has absolute confidence in his darts skills. It is self-confidence and arrogance. This is strength symbol of.

"You don't have to worry about this, just say whether you agree or not?" I don't want to talk nonsense, I am going to fight to win this person.

"Okay, I promise, tell me about the lottery." Liu Wuying is not stupid, if I just want to win, there is no need to take this risk.

"The lottery is very simple. If you win, you will take all the bonus." I paused, and under the gaze of everyone in the audience, I continued: "If I win, I hope you can hang out with me in the future."

After listening to my words, Liu Wuying didn't come back to his senses for a while, never thought that someone would want to accept him as a younger brother, "Fuck with you?"

"Yes, how about mixing with me in the future? Are you afraid of losing?" I directly adopted the aggressive method, not afraid that this kid would not agree.

"Okay, I promise you, it is impossible for me to lose." Liu Wuying replied a little arrogantly.

As soon as they heard that Liu Wuying could appreciate Liu Wuying's flying knife stunt, all the people suddenly cheered up. Those who were worried that the competition would be boring, now opened their eyes wide, full of anticipation.Originally, if the result of the normal contest was almost certain, everyone's enthusiasm was not high, but now that the rules of the contest have been changed, it is hard to say the outcome.

"I think Undead Xiaoqiang is too arrogant. It is impossible for someone to block Liu Wuying's flying knife stunt, so Undead Xiaoqiang will definitely lose." This is what most people think in their hearts now, and everyone is discussing it like this.

However, there are also a small number of people who support me, "I think Immortal Xiaoqiang can win. He didn't come out of desperation that time, and he specialized in creating miracles."

Because of the change of the rules of the game, many people rushed to the casino to re-bet, and the balance of victory was tilted towards the opponent again.Seeing such a betting result, Old Ge was very happy. At first, he was worried that the betting would be out of balance, which would bring losses to the casino, but now that this change has been made, he believes that the casino will make a lot of money tonight.

Now that the two parties have reached an agreement, the casino staff directly took two throwing knives and sent them to Liu Wuying. As soon as he got the flying knives, Liu Wuying changed into a different person. His short body seemed to grow several times taller in an instant. It became the center of the entire arena, and a strong momentum oppressed me.

I quickly mobilized all the zhenqi in my body, and the qi went through the major veins. Under the action of the qi, the clothes moved automatically without wind, and a strong murderous aura rushed out to resist Liu Wuying's pressure.

Huh, the audience was silent for a moment, everyone tried their best to keep their eyes wide open, and it would be a pity to miss any wonderful moment.

"Be careful, I'm going to make a knife." Liu Wuying is a man of chivalry, and he didn't forget to remind me at this time.


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