In the face of Liu Wuying's famous flying knife stunt, not only was I not afraid, but I had some vague expectations in my heart, as if all the cells in my body were burning.

"Come on!" I slowly stretched out my right hand, a golden infuriating energy swirled in my palm, and my eyes stared at Liu Wuying's hands without turning for a moment.

Whoosh, a flash of lightning, that's right, a flash of lightning. With a wave of Liu Wuying's hand, a flash of lightning rushed from his hand, and the flying knife magnified extremely quickly in my eyes. The golden-yellow zhenqi in the palm directly forms a Tai Chi pattern, which quickly rotates around the two yin and yang eyes.As soon as the flying knife arrived, I grabbed the flying knife with both hands, and the zhenqi in the palm of my hand rotated faster, which was exactly opposite to the direction of the flying knife, hoping to weaken the force of the flying knife.

But facing the powerful force of the flying knife, I couldn't stop it at all. The strong shock force forced me to retreat quickly, leaving two long scratches on the competition platform.

All the audience opened their eyes wide. They didn't expect the power of the throwing knife to be so great. If they were not careful, they would become the soul of the knife. Finally, when they were about to retreat to the edge of the competition stage, they finally took the flying knife. There was warm applause.

Behind this glamorous appearance, my right hand was quietly placed behind me, the palm trembled slightly, and a trace of blood was flowing down the flying knife and dripping onto the competition platform.

"It's very good of you to be able to take my one-style throwing knife." Liu Wuying looked at me calmly, as if everything was within his expectations.

"You are not bad, the power of the flying knife is very good." I squinted my eyes and stared at the other party. I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful when he took the flying knife. A person with a little bit will become a soul under the sword.

"Just now I only used five successes, and then I will use my sword with all my strength. If you can still catch me, I will fulfill my promise." Liu Wuying's face suddenly straightened, and he said solemnly.

As soon as Liu Wuying said this, the audience was full of noise, and even I was taken aback. I thought that the knife just now had [-]% success if it was not [-]% effective, but I didn't expect that he only made such a powerful move just now. With the power of five successes, how can I resist it in the future? It seems that this time I am really overwhelmed.

"What should I do? I'm afraid Brother Yuwen won't be able to catch the second knife at all." Wang Xin looked anxious, and tightly grasped the hem of his clothes with both hands.

"No way, didn't the second brother take the knife from him just now, it shouldn't be a problem to take another knife." The second son replied disapprovingly.

"Maybe you didn't realize that brother Yuwen was injured just now, and I clearly saw his right hand trembling slightly." As a woman, Wang Xin really observed carefully, and he even noticed my cover-up.

"Ah! Brother Yuwen will be okay?" Qianqian and the others also became nervous when they heard that I was injured.

Wang Xin shook her head, she didn't know what the result would be.

"Don't worry, I believe the second child is fine." The second son has more confidence than myself, which is too blindly worshipped.

"Yes, we have to have confidence in Brother Yuwen, he is the strongest." Seeing that everyone was a little frustrated, Liu Hui shouted while waving her fists.

Seems like it's time to come up with a unique move, if you don't succeed, you will be successful. Seeing Liu Wuying with astonishing aura at this time, I had to come up with my own unique skill and fight to the death.

"Please take the move!" Following Liu Wuying's words, a startling rainbow was like a dragon sailing out of the sea, and the space where it passed made a piercing scream, which made people's eardrums hurt.

"Golden dragon silk hand!" As soon as my words fell, a small golden dragon rushed towards the flying knife, and there were bursts of dragon chants, and everyone stood up excitedly. They actually saw the legendary dragon. , even Qianqian and the others, who had been worried all the time, suddenly wept with joy. They believed that with this mighty golden dragon, it would be no problem for them to catch the throwing knife.

The golden dragon silk-wrapping hand is the second form of the Xuanyuan palm technique, which uses the cyclone of Xuanyuan's true energy to form a golden dragon shadow. This is also one of the two forms of Xuanyuan palm technique that I have mastered so far. It's not very clear, and I'm not sure if I can block Liu Wuying's flying knife stunt.

"It's useless!" Liu Wuying shook his head as he watched the golden little dragon rushing towards him.

As if fulfilling the other party's words, the golden little dragon was defeated as soon as it came into contact with me, only retreating steadily, and the shrill dragon cry seemed to show its helplessness.

"Ah! I didn't expect that even the golden little dragon couldn't stop Liu Wuying's flying knife. Could it be that the myth of immortal Xiaoqiang's invincibility will end here?" Countless people stretched their necks and waited for the moment of victory or defeat.

The second son and the others stood up nervously, praying in their hearts, "Second brother, Brother Yuwen, you must hold on!"

"Ah! I can't lose!" I raised my head to the sky and shouted. I kept squeezing every ounce of true energy in my body to strengthen the little dragon, but I still couldn't resist the fierce flying knife.

"Shadow step! As I yelled again, countless shadows formed a string on the competition stage, and the audience could no longer tell who was the real me, and even Liu Wuying, who had been indifferent all this time, suddenly had his eyes flickering.

The reason why I want to use the afterimage step at this time is that I hope to use the extreme speed of the afterimage step to offset part of the speed of the flying knife, thereby reducing its power.

As I retreated, shadows appeared to block me in front of me, but unfortunately the effect was not obvious, the throwing knife still shot at my palm at an extremely fast speed, what should I do?If I can't block the flying knife, my palm will be pierced by it.


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