"Papa papa!" Not only us, but even the waiters and VIPs passing by were attracted by Murong Qingcheng's beautiful singing voice and touching love story, lingering on them and unwilling to leave.

"Student Murong, one more song!" Murong Qingcheng sang two or three more songs at the unanimous request of everyone. Everyone was unwilling to listen to it, but after all, one person's voice needs to be rested, and everyone had to take turns singing in the end.

But after listening to Murong Qingcheng's perfect singing voice, and listening to everyone's crying wolves and howling ghosts, it is really hard to swallow, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"I have a proposal, let our love song prince Yu Wenxiang and classmate Murong sing a duet, everyone agree?" Just when you push me to sing and I push you to sing, the guy looking forward made a discordant tone again .

Hearing this kid's proposal, he was obviously uneasy and kind, he knew my singing skills better than myself, and he even gave me the title of Prince of Love Songs, it was obvious that he wanted to embarrass me.

"Yes, the prince of love songs!" These people also booed when they heard that they were having fun.

"Okay, then I'll do my best to make one. I hope everyone will forgive me if I can't sing well." I picked up the microphone and practiced my voice twice.

Looking forward and squinting at me, he thought to himself, boy, you can continue to blow, it will embarrass you for a while.

Murong Qingcheng and I picked up the microphone and sang. It is also an original song by Murong Qingcheng called "Love Forever". It tells about a couple of ordinary fishermen who live by the sea. Going out to fish, the wife cooks at home and waits for her husband to come home. In the end, they support each other when they get old, and live a dull and happy married life until the two die.

Since I knew that I couldn't sing well, I didn't plan to sing with my howling voice. I directly adjusted my inner breath and sang with my breath. Although it couldn't compare with the original singing, it was still not satisfactory.

After listening to my singing, all the people were dumbfounded. The desire to look forward and wait for others to watch a good show has come to nothing. Even Murong Qingcheng looked at me in disbelief. You must know that I am a person who has not received professional training. It is difficult to grasp the rhythm of the melody, but I have a good grasp of it.

"I think if you develop in the show business circle, coupled with the guidance of your mentor, you will definitely become a star." Murong Qingcheng looked at me and suggested to me directly. Made this kid.

I shook my head, "I'm not interested in singing." Nonsense, I sang purely from my inner strength, not how good I am, and that's the way it is after training.

"Wow, second son, when did you become so good at singing, or you can listen to the fairy and go to the entertainment industry to develop, and then my buddies will follow you to eat and drink spicy food." The second son will climb up as soon as he listens to Murong Qingcheng. I don't know how many catties I am afraid of.

I just kicked Er Zi aside, if I let him continue to play, I don't know what else to say.

Seeing that I didn't intend to develop in the entertainment industry, Murong Qingcheng didn't mention it again, but I can clearly see that she feels sorry for me, alas!Let the beauty feel sad and guilty.

After a few rounds of singing, since I performed, I seem to have become the second master here. Looking ahead, I also know how to trouble me, but the cold eyes that occasionally look at me make me very uncomfortable, like being caught It feels uncomfortable as if the poisonous snake is staring at it.

"You all continue to have fun, my second son and I are leaving first, goodbye!" I saw that the time was almost up, so I pulled the reluctant second son away from the heaven and earth.

Looking ahead and looking at it now, I am very upset, and I am naturally happy to see us leave, this will just create an opportunity for him to be alone with Murong Qingcheng, so I have no intention of staying.

On the contrary, not long after we left the room, Murong Qingcheng chased him out, which made the two of us very puzzled.

"Did the second son Murong Qingcheng fall in love with you? That's why he decided to elope with you?" The second son's ambiguous eyes gave me goosebumps all over my body.

"Fuck you, I don't have your peacock." I slapped the second son directly on the ass.

"Student Yuwen, wait a minute." Murong Qingcheng trotted over there, not to mention that this beautiful woman running is really very attractive, the waves of ups and downs come up again, my little heart can hardly stand it.

"Student Murong, what can I do?" I turned my head and looked at Murong Qingcheng wonderingly, what is the big star looking for a commoner like me.

"Hey! I finally caught up with you." Murong Qingcheng ran over, patted her upturned chest with her little hand, my second son and I almost drool all over the floor, causing the beauty to blush.

"Student Yuwen, I would like to ask you for a favor, can I do it?" Murong Qingcheng said a little embarrassedly, it seems that big stars rarely ask for help.

"Oh, it's a great honor for a big star to ask me for help." I looked at Murong Qingcheng with great interest, not to mention that this woman is simply a masterpiece of God, how could she be born so perfect.

"I have a small request, do you think you can accept me as an apprentice?" Murong Qingcheng lowered her head and pinched the corner of her skirt, not daring to look at me.

"What? I don't seem to be able to be your master with my singing skills." This time it was my turn to be shocked. I didn't expect the big beauty Ice Fairy to ask me to be her master. It's really embarrassing to say it.

"No, you misunderstood, I want you to teach me martial arts." Murong Qingcheng's big pure eyes stared at me, and I couldn't bear to refuse.

"Second brother, hurry up and agree to come down, so that you can see the goddess you have a crush on every day." The second son poked me in the back and whispered.

"You want to learn martial arts, you should have said it earlier, but I am very strict in accepting apprentices." I rubbed my chin with my right hand and looked at Murong Qingcheng evilly, I didn't expect this chick to be a martial arts enthusiast.

"I know I'm stupid, I hope Master can accept me as an apprentice." Murong Qingcheng looked at me expectantly with big watery eyes.

I nodded, "Okay, but it is necessary to learn martial arts and endure hardships. I hope you are mentally prepared."

In fact, Murong Qingcheng was once kidnapped by kidnappers and almost lost her virginity because of it. Since then, she has been determined to practice martial arts, not to hurt the enemy but to be able to defend herself.Today I finally saw a three-flower gathering master like me, so she naturally didn't want to miss it.

"Congratulations, second son, now you have a beautiful apprentice again. The so-called near-water tower first wins the moon. I heard that master-apprentices become husband and wife everywhere." The second son looked at me with a lewd face. It's unhealthy, you just know it in your heart, why bother to say it.

The first update will be sent on Monday, thank you all book friends for your strong support for this book, we all work together to make this book a top!


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