Although I really thought about it, I was quite embarrassed to be told by the second son, so I yelled at the second son.

"Get lost!" Student Murong, don't listen to this kid's nonsense, I am very pure, I smiled awkwardly at Murong Qingcheng.

"It's so late, I'll take you back home." Murong Qingcheng blushed and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Okay, thank you, Murong." The second son ran straight to Audi A without being polite at all.

"You're welcome. You are the master's brother and my uncle. It should be." Murong Qingcheng opened the car door, and I got into the car too. On the way, Murong Qingcheng gave me his contact number, and I also left my own number give her.

Sitting in the car and looking at the passing scenery along the way, I felt as if I had passed away. Before, I could only look at Murong Qingcheng carefully and secretly, but I didn't expect that she has become my apprentice now. Now I can talk to him openly and aboveboard, what a trick!

Send the second son back home first, this guy winked at us when he left, this kid has a bad stomach, thinking about men and women all day long, Murong Qingcheng and I are like a fairy in the sky and a toad on the ground, It's impossible to be together forever, even if I have the heart, I don't have the courage. To be honest, I feel inferior when I look at her like a fairy.

The second son left, and Murong Qingcheng and I were left in the car, a man and a woman sharing the same car, plus I was sitting in the negative driver's seat, and it was only a short distance away from Murong Qingcheng, so I could almost smell her body. Body fragrance, the atmosphere in the car is a bit ambiguous and restrained, I don't know what to say, although Murong Qingcheng has been looking ahead, but I can clearly see her ears are red from the corner of my eye, it seems that her heart It's not peaceful either.

"You..." We said almost at the same time, and then the two met and smiled.

"It's better for you to talk first, ladies first." I said with a smile.

"How have you been these past few years? I heard that you graduated and went to a state-owned enterprise." Murong Qingcheng asked softly, like a wife caring about her husband, which warmed my heart, and it turned out that she would care too Me, it kind of flatters me.

"It's okay, you can't die of hunger anyway, are you?" In fact, it's not too far away from starving to death, but I can't tell the truth, men always have a good face.

Puchi, "It's funny what you say. It's a bit of a shame for you to go there alone as a small technician." Murong Qingcheng actually smiled, and that touching smile made me petrified. Seeing my silly nympho, Murong Qingcheng quickly put away her smile and buried her head between her alluring breasts, even her neck turned red.

I didn't expect that she has been paying attention to me all the time, and even knows what I do. If she didn't pay attention to it, she wouldn't know this. Could it be that she has always had a good impression of me?I shook my head and pinched my thigh, I want to remind myself not to daydream, maybe it’s because of my inferiority complex that I have never found any advantages in myself, “You’ve won the prize, but in fact I’m just an ordinary person, what As good as you said."

"This is too modest for you. Do you know that you were always the Prince Charming in the hearts of the girls in our class in college, especially those in our dormitory who called your name every night in their dreams." Murong Qingcheng looked at me Seriously.

"What?" I was completely shocked this time. Murong Qingcheng actually said that I was the Prince Charming that the girls in the class liked, which meant that she also liked me. I was so excited that I opened my mouth and asked, "Then you like me?" me?"

After hearing my question, Murong Qingcheng kept her head down, not knowing what she was thinking, and told her not to respond for a long time, I suddenly laughed at myself, it seems that I am a peacock again, I am a fairy or a big singer, what kind of big I have never seen a handsome guy from a rich family. How could he like me, a poor boy from the countryside?

In fact, I didn't realize that the moment I turned my head, Murong Qingcheng nodded slightly, which was all her courage, but unfortunately I didn't see it, and just went with low self-esteem, which made Murong Qingcheng helplessly stomp the show foot.

The atmosphere in the car became embarrassing again, we both lowered our heads and thought about our hearts, finally the car arrived at the gate of the community, originally wanted to invite Murong Qingcheng to come and sit with me, but after opening my mouth for a long time, I still didn't have the courage to say it out. I can see the car disappearing at the end of the street. I don't know when we will see each other again, but what Murong Qingcheng said when she left made me look forward to it. She said that she would come to me again soon.

When I got home, I saw the four girls sitting quietly on the sofa, not watching TV, and their expressions were not very happy, especially Qianqian seemed to have just cried, which made me wonder, are they angry? I leave them to meet other women?I was a little uneasy.

"Qianqian blames Brother Yuwen for being bad. I shouldn't have left you at home to play alone. I swear that I really have nothing to do with that Murong Qingcheng." Are you strict?

At first I thought Qianqian would forgive me, but Qianqian looked at me and shook her head, crying even harder, which made me at a loss for a while, and I didn't know what to do.

"Brother Yuwen, you misunderstood, sister Qianqian is not angry with you." Seeing my flustered look, Wang Xin quickly explained.

"What's the reason for that? Why are you all so straight-faced?"

I looked at Wang Xin with some doubts, what happened to them, I suddenly panicked.

"Brother Yuwen's situation is like this. Sister Qianqian's mother suddenly called dian hua today, saying that her father's condition suddenly deteriorated, and the doctor said that an operation is urgently needed." Wang Xin looked at me and explained.

"Oh, that's right, that's no problem. I just made some money today, plus what I earned from boxing before, it should be enough for my uncle to heal his illness. Tomorrow, we'll go to the street to buy some gifts for the old man and a good body for Qianqian." On Monday, Qianqian will bring the money back to treat her uncle.” I looked at Qianqian with some distress, it is indeed not easy for a girl to support two elderly parents, the money is a trivial matter now, but when I think about it, I still feel a little bit reluctant for Qianqian to leave me.

"Brother Yuwen, I'm sorry, Qianqian doesn't want to leave you!" Qianqian stood up suddenly and threw herself into my arms, tears soon wet my lapel.

"Little fool, we are only separated for a short time. You can come back when uncle recovers from illness." I gently wiped away the tears on Qianqian's face with my hand, and patted her slender back with my right hand to comfort her. road.

Although I comforted Qianqian with my mouth, I was actually not feeling well in my heart. I don’t know why I was always panicked in my heart, and I always felt like she was going to leave me forever. This feeling can’t be shaken off, maybe because of getting along

It must be a kind of nervous reaction caused by some reluctance after a long time, I comforted myself.

The second update will be sent on Monday, thank you all book friends for your strong support for this book all the time, we all work together to make this book stand up!


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