Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 89 Be Your Beautiful Bride

"Brother Yuwen, thank you. Then I will go to the unit to ask for leave on Monday morning, and I will leave in the afternoon." Qianqian nodded and said, but I don't know why I always feel that she has something to say from Qianqian's dodging eyes, but since she doesn't If I want to say it, I won't force it. As a lover, trust is the most basic.

"Sister Qianqian, why don't you ask for leave, just call dian hua." Liu Hui stood up and said, holding Qianqian's hand.

Qianqian shook her head, "I'm going to hand over the matter at hand, and I have to fill in a leave note."

Qianqian is the kind of girl who does things from beginning to end, loves her job and is dedicated to her work. Naturally, she will not disappear suddenly while playing. Since she is going to go, we didn't say anything about it.

Things have been decided, and after they go to bed, I also take a shower and prepare for a good sleep, but tonight I always have some inexplicable nightmares, which scares me into a cold sweat, and finally I can't help it. I got up and made a cup of tea, thinking carefully about my future plans.

The next day I naturally went shopping with a few girls with a pair of panda eyes on my face. According to them, they took a pet to go shopping with them, which are still national treasures.

Today I am going to take a few girls to buy clothes first, and then go to buy some nutrition for Qianqian's parents.

We went directly to Ladies' Market, where there were women's clothes all over the place. I was dazzled by seeing them. Since I didn't sleep well last night, I was not in good spirits. I kept yawning all the way, and Qianqian felt distressed. She asked me to go back every time, but I didn't agree, it would not be safe for this beauty to go shopping without a flower protector.

We visited several clothing stores along the way, but there were not many girls we liked, so we continued to walk, and when we passed a women's bridal shop, Qianqian stopped staring at the white wedding dress worn by the model in the glass exhibit.

"Qianqian, I think this wedding dress on you must be much more beautiful than that model's, why don't we go in and try it?" Seeing Qianqian staring at the beautiful wedding dress for a long time, I walked over and suggested.

Qianqian shook her head, "Brother Yuwen, no need, I was thinking that if I could wear this beautiful wedding dress and walk into the wedding hall, Qianqian must be the happiest woman in the world." After speaking, Qianqian continued to walk forward.

I grabbed Qianqian and said, "No, I want you to be my most beautiful bride today. Come on, let's go in." I pulled Qianqian and walked to the bridal shop, and Liu Hui and the others followed.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Is there anything I can do for you?" Upon entering the store, a beautiful woman came over.

"Miss, please bring me the wedding dress worn by the model at the door, we want to try it on." I directly made the request without talking nonsense.

"Please wait a moment, I'll pick it up for you right away." After speaking, the sales lady left.

"Wait here for a while, I'm going to go to the toilet." Since I couldn't sleep last night and drank a lot of tea, now I have a strong urge to urinate.

Following the instructions, I came all the way to the door of the toilet on the second floor. At this time, a man walked over from behind me and almost bumped into me. However, martial arts practitioners like us have aura all over our bodies. Anyone who approaches me within a meter I will feel within.I glared at this man angrily. This man has a mischievous face and sneaky walks. He is not a good person at first glance. He must have seen my bulging pockets just now and wanted to hit my wallet.

Seeing that I found him, the man walked to the toilet resentfully, and I continued to go to my toilet.

When I came back from the bathroom and saw that Qianqian was not there, I asked Wang Xin, "Where did Qianqian go?"

"Sister Qianqian went to the dressing room to try on the wedding dress." Wang Xin replied seeing that it was me.

I nodded, and seeing that Qianqian hadn't come out for a long time, I looked at the three women next to me and said, "Why don't you try to pick one too?"

"Okay!" The three girls hurried away to pick out their favorite wedding dresses.

After a while, Qianqian came out of the dressing room. At this time, Qianqian was wearing a snow-white wedding dress, like a fairy in the sky, and her beauty made people's heart beat.

"Qianqian, you are so beautiful, you are the most beautiful bride in the world." I walked over to hold Qianqian's hand, and praised sincerely.

"Brother Yuwen Qianqian really wants to be your beautiful bride like this!" Qianqian looked at me tenderly, her eyes full of deep love.

"No problem, I will let you be my bride now." I turned to the sales lady and said, "Miss, please take a photo of us, thank you!" I handed her the camera in my hand.

Qianqian and I posed several poses, and the sales lady took pictures of us holding hands, hugging, and kissing.

Looking at the happy couple in the camera, Qianqian suddenly hugged me and started crying, which made me a little bit at a loss for a moment, why I started crying again after nothing happened.

"Qianqian, don't cry. Today is our day of great joy. If you cry, you won't be happy." I gently stroked Qianqian's long hair and comforted me.

"Brother Yuwen, I'm fine. Those were tears of happiness. Qianqian finally became Brother Yuwen's bride, so happy." The more Qianqian talked, the more she cried, and I was a little at a loss.

"Little fool, this is just practice. You can't cry when we get married officially."

"Well, Qianqian doesn't cry!" Qianqian left my embrace and wiped away the tears on her face.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout, and a man shouted: "It's not good, my ring was stolen."

Immediately, all the people gathered around, discussing a lot, and after a while, a tall woman with delicate features and a professional dress came over. I took a look at this woman, who was about 25 or [-]. She had an elegant temperament, a typical professional strong woman, she It should be the person in charge here.

"What's going on?" The woman asked, looking around, her words had the aura of a superior.

"Sister He, these gentlemen just said that his ring was stolen in our store." One of the sales girls replied pointing at the man who just yelled.

The third update will be sent on Monday. Thank you for your strong support for this book all the time. We all work together to make this book stand up!


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