"Is that so, sir?" After hearing the sales lady's reply, the proprietress looked at the man sharply.

The man shrank his neck from her stare, and said timidly: "Yes, I put the ring on the sink when I went to the bathroom just now, and it was taken away when I came out after going to the bathroom. At that time, I happened to see this lady leaving the toilet, and I suspected that the ring was stolen by this lady." The man pointed to one of the sales girls.

"No, I didn't steal anything." The sales lady shouted excitedly, then squatted on the ground and began to cry. For a while, everyone didn't know who was real and who was fake, and there were many discussions.

I looked at the man who was talking, and I didn't expect that he was an old acquaintance. He was the one who tried to steal my wallet in the toilet just now. This guy didn't look like a good person at first glance. I don't know what the hell he was trying to do.Looking at the weeping woman again, she is plainly dressed, her body is thin and her skin is yellowish, it should be caused by malnutrition, but looking at her face and figure, if it is not for lack of nutrition, she should be a pretty girl, she is not very old, Probably less than 20 years old, he doesn't look like a thief, which seems strange.

"Sir, think about it again. Xiao Yang has always been a hardworking and self-disciplined girl. I can guarantee that she will never steal from you." The proprietress looked at the crying girl, she knew the girl very well, she was impossible Stealing.

"I'm not mistaken. She stole it. If you don't believe me, search her." The man yelled resolutely.

Seeing this, the proprietress had no choice but to say to the girl: "Xiao Yang, just search him and show him, I believe you are innocent."

"I didn't steal it, I didn't steal it!" The girl cried and searched every pocket on her body.

Snapped!At this moment, a golden ring fell out of the girl's trouser pocket, and the man hurried over to pick up the ring in his hand, "How is it? I'm not wrong, she stole the ring, what do you think should I do? "

"No way, so honestly a person would steal other people's rings, I really didn't expect." For a while, everyone condemned the girl in unison, and she couldn't argue with the facts.

The proprietress shook her head, she was also very distressed, she didn't expect that she trusted a person so much, but in the end she was deceived by his appearance, turned her head to look at the man and asked, "Then what do you think?"

"My request is very simple. You compensate me 1 yuan for mental damage, and then I will not pursue her further." The man opened his mouth like a lion, and finally showed his fox tail.

"Madam, I was really wronged. I really didn't steal his ring." The girl crawled over and begged and begged to the lady, but the lady had no choice but to turn her head away.

The girl saw that she had no choice but to crawl to beg the man, "Brother Dachun, please let me go, I can't live without this job, I have a paralyzed mother at home, and my elderly grandma needs my care, I beg you gone."

"Haha, now that you know, you're here to beg me, bitch, I told you to regret your marriage and not marry me, and I said I wouldn't make it easier for you." The man laughed arrogantly.

Now I understand it. It turns out that the girl and the man knew each other. The girl surnamed Yang and the man named Dachun had a marriage contract since childhood, but the girl's father died early, and her mother was paralyzed. She had to bear the responsibility alone. Responsible for supporting mother and grandmother.And this man is a well-known gangster in the village because he has not done his job properly since he was a child. Naturally, the girl is unwilling to marry a man like him when she grows up. Finally he got his chance.

The matter is clear, everyone is moved by the girl's tragic life experience, and they all sympathize with her, but there is no conclusive evidence to prove that the girl was framed, so they can only stare at the man named Dachun, the girl's family is like him Still going to bully others, is this still a human being? It is simply not as good as a beast.

Even the four women around her were filled with righteous indignation, and Liu Hui was so angry that she wanted to rush over to beat the man up, but fortunately she was stopped by Wang Xin.

"Dachun, right? I think you and I know the truth, so I will give you an extra 5000 yuan, so I won't fire Xiao Yang. Do you think it's okay?" The proprietress is a sympathetic woman. He is willing to spend more money for others.

The man shook his head and said firmly, "No, I'm about to see her lose her job."

"You..." The proprietress was almost mad at him, this man is simply a devil.

"Forget it, lady boss, thank you for trusting me." The girl kowtowed twice to the lady boss, and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, I stopped the girl, everyone looked at me, even the girl stopped in her tracks, "May I ask what's the matter, sir?"

"I think I can prove your innocence." I raised the camera in my hand, that's right, the scene where the man framed the girl just now happened to be captured by me. In the picture, the man quietly walked up to the girl who was washing her face Put the ring in his pocket, everything will be solved with this video.

After my confirmation, the man has nowhere to hide. Everyone understands what happened. Everything is just framed by him. The girl was indeed wronged. For a while, the group of people became angry. If they could, everyone really wanted to step on her. Two feet, simply too shameless.

The man's good deeds were ruined by me, and he was about to rush over to settle accounts with me, but was stopped by the proprietress, who shouted coquettishly: "What do you want to do, I tell you, I can call the police right away."

"Yes, call and arrest this kid and put him in prison. He will be sentenced to at least seven or eight years for deliberately framing and extorting." Seeing that the man still wanted to commit murder, everyone stood up and supported him.

When the man saw the angry crowd, he had no choice but to slip away with his tail between his legs, but before he left, he still said harshly: "Remember all of you, I will make you look good sooner or later."

I pursed my lips, I didn't bother to take threats like this kind of bastard.

"Thank you big brother, thank you Sister He, thank you all!" The girl cried with joy and kowtowed to everyone.

"Little sister, I'm just a little effort, so don't worry too much about it." I walked over to help the little girl up, I firmly believe that good people will always be rewarded.

"Thank you, my lord. My name is He Qingxia. Haven't you asked me your name?"

The proprietress came over to say hello to me and held out her jade hand.

"Ah, hello sister He, my name is Yu Wenxiang, nice to meet you."

I reached out and shook He Qingxia's hand, it was soft and boneless, and very comfortable.

Looking at He Qingxia, who is both beautiful and intelligent, I have to admit that she is a very powerful woman. She has already opened such a large bridal shop at such a young age, and the business is still booming.

"Mr. Yuwen, this is your girlfriend, right? She looks so beautiful, and she is really a couple. You have done our store a big favor this time. I decided to give you a wedding dress for free when you get married."

The first update will be sent on Tuesday, thank you for your strong support for this book all the time, we all work together to top this book, thank you!


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