I glanced at the three of them, and now the situation is not good for me. The blood in my body is getting less and less due to the sword wounds all over my body. After a long time, I am afraid that I will fall down without them doing anything. What should I do?I don't want to die yet.

"Boy, I respect you for being a man. Go back with us obediently, and I can spare your life." Jin Er's gloomy voice came from behind the mask.

"You are from the Assassin Hall, right? I remember you, as long as I leave here alive today, I will destroy your Assassin Hall." I said word by word with bloodshot eyes.

"Boy, since you're looking for death, I'll help you, kill!" Following Jin Er's order, the three of them besieged me again, and the situation was at stake.

A gust of night wind blew up, rolled up the dead leaves all over the ground, and covered the moon, I gritted my teeth, I can only use that trick for the present, if this trick doesn't work, I can only catch it with nothing.

"Xuanyuan's seventh form of dragon roaring in the sky!" As I yelled, my body spiraled up rapidly, and countless golden sword qi sprayed out in all directions centered on me. Wherever the sword qi passed, All the flowers, plants and trees were cut off by the middle, and even the dead leaves in the air were instantly turned into fly ash.

"Ahhh!" As soon as those ordinary killers were sieved by my sword energy, only three gold-medal killers were able to catch one or two, but the three also suffered serious injuries, and blood continued to flow from their bodies. ooze.

After I landed, I glanced around. There were not many ordinary killers left under my ultimate move. Unfortunately, none of the three gold medal killers were killed. Although I was mentally prepared, this result still makes me a little regretful .

Now I find it difficult to even move my fingers. Although the move of Dragon Roaring in the Sky just now is very powerful, but with the internal strength I just broke through the sixth level, it can only support me to send out a blow. After the blow, my body has been drained Every trace of true energy in his body can only wait for death now.

Looking at the three gold-medal killers walking towards me step by step, I knew that the god of death was already waving to me. I was very sad when I thought that my women would become other people's arms in the future. He took the golden giant sword, expecting a miracle to appear again, but there was no response after calling for a long time.

"Kid, die!" Jin Er directly raised his long sword and wiped it at my neck.

Hurry up!Under my vigorous urging, the golden giant sword finally appeared, but unfortunately it was too late, the little internal strength I had just recovered was not enough for me to raise the sword to resist the enemy's final blow, it seems that this time I really I couldn't die anymore, I closed my eyes in pain, and said goodbye to my mother, my sister, and my women. I didn't expect that I, Yu Wenxiang, who was so handsome, would be decapitated!

clang!It was too late to say it, but at this critical moment, a sharp flying knife in the darkness flew towards the long sword cut off by Jin Er, and hit the long sword just right, hitting the long sword just right to save me One life, I quickly rolled to the side.

"Who is it?" The three of them looked around vigilantly, but there was nothing around in the dark, because all the street lights next to our battle had died heroically.

Whoosh!It was still darts that answered them, and not one, but three darts in one shot, and the finished product was shot at the three of them in a zigzag shape.

The three of them stared solemnly at the flying dart, and quickly raised their swords to block it.But when the dart came to the sword as if it had eyes, it suddenly turned a corner and continued to shoot at the chests of the three.

"Ah!" Accidentally, Jin San was shot in the chest and suddenly fell to the ground. Jin Er and Jin Si were lucky enough to avoid the critical point, but the shot hit his arm.

"Jin Er is not a good person, let's retreat!" Jin Si grinned in pain as he pulled out the dart on his arm, and broke out in cold sweat.

"Okay, let's take Jin San and run away quickly." Jin Er and Jin Si ran over to hold Jin San and ran away, and soon disappeared without a trace.

From the moment I saw the darts, my whole heart was relieved. The only person with such powerful darts skills today is Liu Wuying, who is known as Xiao Li Feidao. With him, I will be safe.

At this time, the three of them had already fled, and Liu Wuying also slowly came out of the darkness. Seeing that I was not standing still, he hurried over to help me up, "Master, are you alright? I'll take you to the hospital right away."

"I'm fine." I resisted the severe pain in my body and stood up, "How do you know I was attacked here?"

"Actually, this incident was purely accidental. We happened to meet Liu Hui and the others when we went home today. They told us about your situation and I came to rescue you. Fortunately, it was not too late." Liu Wuying probably explained the matter The process was described.

"Then why don't you protect Liu Hui and the others, I can handle it myself here." I shouted eagerly, and I was most afraid of accidents to the girls.

"It's no wonder you can handle it!" Liu Wuying said to himself, and then said: "Don't worry, Chief, Boss Jin has already gone to protect them."

"That's good, let's go, let's go to the headquarters of the Ax Gang now." I was relieved to hear that Boss Jin was protecting them, but I was still a little uneasy, so I took Liu Wuying to the headquarters of the Ax Gang, Thanks to the help of the golden giant sword in my body, my injury has healed a lot.

But I was dressed in blood, and no taxi was willing to take us. In the end, we had no choice but to force a taxi to drive to the Axe Villa.

As soon as we came to the gate of the villa, we saw Mr. Jin standing outside the gate waiting for us, and ran over as soon as he saw me.

"Boss Jin, how are Liu Hui and the others doing?" I hurried over and grabbed Boss Jin's shoulders.

"Miss Liu Hui and the others are fine, but..." Boss Jin looked at me and said hesitantly.

"But what? Tell me quickly." I shook Boss Jin anxiously. They are my lifeblood. If something happens to them, I don't know what to do.

"Guangzhu, calm down, let Boss Jin speak slowly." At this time, Liu Wuying saw the excited me and quickly persuaded me.

"I'm sorry, Boss Jin, I was too nervous. Tell me what happened? Don't worry, I can bear it." I let go of Boss Jin's hand.

"Leader, I told you not to be sad." Boss Jin looked at me sadly.

Seeing Boss Jin's expression, could it be that some of them were killed by a killer, my heart immediately rose to my throat.

"I'm sorry, the boss. It's because my subordinates are not good at things. Miss Qianqian got lost on the way to escape just now." Boss Jin knelt down to me directly, with a look of remorse on his face.

The third update will be delivered on Thursday. Thank you all book friends for your strong support for this book. I am so shameless to ask everyone for collection and recommendation. Thank you all!


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