"Has anyone been sent to look for it?" After listening to Boss Jin's words, I asked eagerly, hoping that Qianqian would not fall into the hands of Killer Tang.

"The Ax Gang has sent people to look for it, but there is no result yet."

"Ah!" I looked up to the sky and roared, "Let's go, let's go to the Assassin Hall to ask for someone."

"Master, don't be impulsive, your current physical condition urgently needs treatment." At this time, Liu Wuying beside me stopped me.

"I'm still treating you, my women have been captured by others, I can still feel at ease." I roared, drew my sword and rushed towards the Killer Hall.

"Well, I, Liu Wuying, will go all out today." Liu Wuying chased after him without hesitation, and Boss Jin followed closely behind.

"Very good, the three of us brothers are going to wipe out the killer hall today." I shook their right hands and shouted.

"Okay, wipe out the killer hall!" The two also shouted in unison.

"Hey, boss, look, isn't that girl Qianqian? Why did she come back by herself?"

Following Liu Wuying's words, I saw two figures appearing in the distance, and one of them was Qianqian who terrified me, but why was there a man beside her?

When I approached, I saw that the man was about the same height as me, wearing a silver mask, he must be the leader of the Qinglong Gang, Yinhu, no doubt, when did Qianqian know Yinhu?And seeing the intimacy between the two makes me feel very uncomfortable.

"Brother Yinhu, thank you for saving your life today, let's just say goodbye." Qianqian obviously saw me, so she bid farewell to Yinhu.

"Miss Qianqian, we regret that we have a date. Remember to come to me if you need anything in the future." Yinhu took a deep look at Qianqian, then turned and left.

The reluctance of the two of them made me very uncomfortable, so I walked over and shouted angrily, "Boy, my woman doesn't need your protection, I want to challenge you one-on-one."

"Not interested!" Silver Fox continued walking outside without looking back.

"You..." This kid's attitude made me very uncomfortable. Since he dared to pick on my woman, I didn't talk nonsense and just raised my sword and prepared to kill him to avenge my hatred for taking my wife.

"Brother Yuwen, no, Brother Yinhu saved my life tonight." Qianqian stopped me and didn't let go of her hand.

"Hmph! Brother Silver Fox shouted so affectionately!" Seeing that Qianqian actually helped outsiders, I couldn't get angry.

"I'm ignoring you, woo woo woo!" Qianqian cried and ran into the villa.

Looking at Qianqian who left sadly, I rubbed my head, as if I had gone too far, I don't know why I couldn't control the anger in my heart tonight.

"What kind of skill is a boy to bully a woman? I'll tell you that if you don't protect Qianqian well, I don't mind snatching it from you. A girl as good as Qianqian is a waste of money with you." Yinhu said contemptuously. Jump disappeared into the night.

"You fart, Silver Fox, I'm not done with you!" I yelled in the direction where it disappeared, but the only answer was the echo.

"Master, I think you should stop getting angry with that silver fox. Now you should think about how to coax Miss Qianqian, otherwise be careful kneeling on the washboard at night." Liu Wuying came over and winked, and the boy said in a serious manner.

Boss Jin next to him kept nodding after listening, "That's right, that's right!"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you guys, I'll go in first." After saying that, I asked the two to wait for me, and I went in to bandage the wound and walked out with the fifth girl.

"Brother Yuwen, did you make sister Qianqian unhappy again?" Wang Xin asked, looking at the angry Qianqian, and then at me with a long face.

"Not only is she angry, I'm also angry." I snorted unhappy.

"What's wrong with all of you? Didn't you be fine just now?" Liu Hui also looked at us who were staring at us, and called out.

"Ask him?" Qianqian and I replied almost at the same time.

"It seems that you have a tacit understanding. Let's shake hands and make peace. Sister Qianqian will leave tomorrow." Wang Xin took our hands and put them together.

Thinking that Qianqian will leave tomorrow, I feel very sad. Maybe she thinks the same way. In the end, we all held each other's warm hands, tightly unwilling to separate.

In fact, I also know that Qianqian and that silver fox have nothing to do, but I just can't let go of it in my heart. According to the second son, it is because the silver fox is better than me in everything, so my inferiority complex is at work.

When I got home, I saw the silver mask in my hand. It was given to me by Fengshen when I first arrived at the headquarters of the Ax Gang. It seems that I have to take some time to go to the headquarters of the Black Tiger Gang. I will meet Liu Han, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang. A hero in H City.But I definitely can't go tonight. Although the injuries are not fatal, my anger has recovered a lot by now, and I don't feel that way when I think that Qianqian will leave tomorrow. Let's talk about it in two nights .

The next Monday, the so-called one-year plan lies in spring, and Monday is a good start to the week. I got up early in the morning and went to work to ask for leave, and I continued to go to work to kill time.

When I came to the unit, I sat and passed the time boredly, and looked at the old women next to me, who were not worth seeing. It was almost half noon when the eunuch Chen came to me for information, and I realized that I forgot to put the knife consumption and supplementary materials on the watch strap. It came, so I had to go home to get it again.

Since the three girls have the habit of sleeping late at home, it is not easy for me to wake them up, so I quietly opened the door and walked quietly to the living room to get the materials.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of whoa from the inner room.I walked towards the inner room a little nervously.

The first update will be delivered on Friday, thank you all book friends for your strong support for this book all the time, we all work together to top this book up, here is a shameless request for collection and recommendation, thank you!


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