Chapter 24 Purple air transpires and red clouds cover the sky

Xiao Hansheng was a bit unlucky at this time, who would have thought that the little chubby boy would rush in suddenly, just in time for the critical moment when he was refining the elixir.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Hansheng felt that he had some consciousness in the middle of the fog, and only heard an anxious voice, which was Kou Lan'er's anxious voice: "Daddy, is Xiao Hansheng okay? Will it affect the future practice? ah?"

Kou Ba looked at his daughter helplessly, and said, "You have asked this question many times. Don't worry, it won't have any impact on his future cultivation."

At this time, Kou Laner nodded, "Oh, I see."

Kou Ba looked at Kou Lan'er's appearance, a little funny, and asked her softly: "Do you like this kid?"

After hearing this, Kou Lan'er felt embarrassed, stomped her feet and said, "Father, what nonsense are you talking about! How could I like that stupid boy!"

Kou Ba laughed, "If you like it, you like it. We monsters are not as reserved as humans. If you are willing, I will arrange your marriage tomorrow!"

Kou Lan'er's pretty face was filled with red immediately, "Father, don't talk nonsense, I won't like him!"

At this moment, a voice happened to interject, "Then why are you repeating his name every day!" It was a little fat boy who spoke!

Kou Lan'er turned her head away immediately, "You're itchy again, aren't you?"

The little fat boy shrank his neck, not daring to speak.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng had completely woken up. Hearing their father and daughter's conversation, he could only cry and laugh secretly, and shouted in his heart: "There is still someone we have a crush on! There is someone else we have a crush on!"

After several days of recovery, Xiao Hansheng's physical condition has completely healed.However, Xiao Hansheng learned a lesson here, no matter when he must be fully prepared, otherwise, danger may come at any time.Even those closest to you!

After Xiao Hansheng recovered, he continued to make alchemy.

Xiao Hansheng took a long time to refine alchemy this time, and practiced for a full year. Now Xiao Hansheng can refine the living elixir of the sixth rank and below. As for the necromancer pill, he can also refine the seventh rank.In other words, Xiao Hansheng is only in the early stage of entering the Dao realm, but with the pill in his hand, he is comparable to a strong man in the Heaven's Punishment Realm, although it is the lowest level.

Xiao Hansheng realized the benefits of alchemy to himself.

When Xiao Hansheng was secretly happy, the Xuantian Mansion in the sea of ​​consciousness sent waves of fluctuations, which seemed to have a fatal attraction to him, as if something was calling him.

Xiao Hansheng didn't know what happened, so he decided to go to Xuantian Mansion to take a look.

With a thought in Xiao Hansheng's mind, Xuantian Cave Mansion appeared from the sea of ​​consciousness, floating in the air, only as big as a mustard seed. If he was not the master of Xuantian Mansion, he would not have found such a thing.

The moment Xuantian Mansion appeared, Xiao Hansheng disappeared and entered Xuantian Mansion.The Xuantian Mansion that turned into mustard seeds also fell on the table.

Xiao Hansheng came to Xuantian Mansion again, and found that Xuantian Mansion had not changed at all, as if the years had no effect on Xuantian Mansion.

Xiao Hansheng walked in, feeling where the thing that summoned him was while walking.

When Xiao Hansheng came to the fork in the road, Xiao Hansheng found that the power to summon him came from the Tianbing Pavilion, "Could it be the Junzi Sword calling me?" In the Tianbing Pavilion, the Junzi Sword has a better relationship with Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng pushed open the gate of Tianbing Pavilion, and found that many weapons were looking at the green sun, and he was puzzled, "What's the matter with the green sun? It often has some unusual fluctuations recently. In the endless years before, It has never been like this!" All the weapons were puzzled.

When Xiao Hansheng stood at the gate, he suddenly discovered that the source of summoning him was the green sun, which should be called a fragment of "Ji Tian Que".

At this time, Dao Ba also saw Xiao Hansheng coming, and said with a cold smile: "Boy, if you dare to come here, don't even think about leaving today."

Jun Zijian in the distance smiled gently, but what he thought in his heart was, "What a fool, that kid obviously came because of the fragments of "Ji Tian Que", you can't even see through this, it has existed for so long gone."

Xiao Hansheng ignored Dao Ba, his eyes were fixed on the fragments of "Ji Tian Que", and his spiritual thoughts went to the fragments of "Ji Tian Que".And the fragments of "Ji Tian Que" are also felt, and the green light covers Xiao Hansheng's body.

Xiao Hansheng's divine sense just came into contact with the fragments of "Ji Tian Que", and he felt a hot white light, and Xiao Hansheng felt as if he had lost consciousness.In an instant, this feeling disappeared.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng's divine sense appeared in a wasteland, but there were huge corpses lying in the wasteland, and each corpse stood upright and vast.The corpse emitted an incomparably long time ago, the breath of the time when the world was not opened.

This feeling made Xiao Hansheng feel extremely heavy.However, these corpses were covered with wounds, and some corpses had only one wound, but it was a fatal wound.

In this wasteland, Xiao Hansheng seems to have also turned into one of these corpses, feeling the sadness, unwillingness and helplessness conveyed by these corpses.

Xiao Hansheng stood still for a long time, unable to speak.

After a long time, suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky, and then it became dense.Xiao Hansheng looked up, but what he saw was a giant walking towards here!

He walked in front of Xiao Hansheng in three or two steps, and what Xiao Hansheng felt was the endless killing spirit.

The giant looked down at Xiao Hansheng and said, "Welcome to the interior of "Ji Tian Que". I am the weapon spirit of Ji Tian Que. To be precise, I am one of the tool spirits of the Wheel of Heaven. Now I am just the ninth member of the entire tool spirit. One-tenth, as for calling you here today, I will teach you the exercises of "Ji Tian Que", because the Heart of Heaven is about to be born. According to my perception, there is a king in the God Realm who is looking for the Heart of Heaven, so Heaven The heart needs a master to escape the snatch of the king of the gods, and I am the spirit of the heart of the sky!"

The giant conveyed a lot of information. At this time, Xiao Hansheng was completely confused, and he didn't know what the giant said!

"Could it be the reason why I haven't communicated with anyone for a long time?" Xiao Hansheng thought secretly.

Xiao Hansheng looked confused, and the giant shrank his body instantly, and he was as tall as Xiao Hansheng at this time, and his appearance was very handsome.

Only now did Xiao Hansheng feel more comfortable. After all, a giant looked down on him, and he still felt a little uncomfortable.

After the spirit of Tianzhixin shrunk, he said proudly to Xiao Hansheng: "If you have any questions, ask them quickly!"

Xiao Hansheng glanced at Tianzhixin's Qi Ling and said, "Then what should I call you?"

The spirit of Tianzhixin said nonchalantly: "Since I am the spirit of Tianzhixin, you can call me Tianxin."

Xiao Hansheng nodded and said, "Why did you summon me?"

Tian Xin smiled and said: "Naturally teach you the formula of "Ji Tian Que", so that you can get the heart of heaven!"

Xiao Hansheng said: "Then why did you choose me?"

Tianxin was stunned, and said: "Can I still choose someone else? You are the only person I can meet. If I don't choose you, who will I choose? However, I am not optimistic about you. That guy has high vision, and your qualifications It's very bad, and it's hard to get into his eyes."

Xiao Hansheng suddenly became dumb, "Okay, I admit that my aptitude is not good!"

After hearing this and Tianxin's words, Xiao Hansheng also lost interest in having a question and answer with him, and said directly to Tianxin: "Tell me everything I should know!"

It was the first time that Tianxin looked at Xiao Hansheng seriously, and secretly praised: "Smart!"

Tianxin pondered for a while, and said: "Before the world opened, countless innate gods were born in the chaos. Among them, there are strong and weak. The strong ones are like the ancestor dragon, the phoenix, the Kunpeng, etc., and the weak ones are like Qiubi. , Zhulong, etc. These innate gods also want to devour the weak and make themselves stronger. Then a powerful person appeared at this time, sweeping away the invincible hands of Chaos." But at this time, Tianxin paused.

"Later, this man forged an immortal artifact called the Wheel of Heaven. This immortal artifact ranked first on the list of Chaos Immortal Artifacts." After Tian Xin finished speaking, he applied proudly, as if he was the Wheel of Heaven.

"However, later, some accidents happened. The person died, and the wheel of heaven broke into pieces, and it was turned into tens of millions of pieces, which were scattered in the depths of chaos. However, there were nine larger fragments left in the wheel of heaven, and Artifact spirits are also divided into nine pieces. Seven of them were obtained by people, refined separately, and turned into nine weapons, which are the heart of heaven, the line of heaven, the pusher of heaven, the sword of punishment, the hammer of reincarnation, the sea of ​​immortality, and the mountain of Tiandi. ﹑The Wheel of Time and the Blade of Space. Except for the Heart of Heaven and the Line of the Way of Heaven that have not been obtained by humans, the other seven have been obtained by humans. Anyone who obtains these immortal artifacts is called a king, the king of the gods .As for why you are in a hurry to find you, it is because the Heart of Heaven is about to be born, and I suspect that the owner of the Blade of Space has already entered the lower realm, and only the owner of the Blade of Space can escape the supervision of the Line of Heaven. The Line of Heaven It is to prevent masters from descending, even the king of the gods can stop it, but the owner of the blade of space cannot stop it. The heart of heaven is the key to gathering the people of heaven, so we must not let the heart of heaven fall into the space In the hands of the owner of the blade. And the function of "Ji Tian Que" is to restore the kung fu created to restore the blade of heaven, and now I will teach you the kung fu of that part of the heart of heaven!" After finishing speaking, before Xiao Hansheng Nodding his head, he forcibly passed on the exercises of "Ji Tian Que" to Xiao Hansheng.

"The realm of Tianyuan lies in the beginning, the beginning of will, lies in the heart, sincerity in the heart, everything is in the hand, everything..." Tianxin handed over 28 sentences of "Ji Tianque" to Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng knew that there was a big burden on his body.

At this moment, outside the Xuantian Mansion, there was a 'boom boom', and the purple air was transpiring, and the red light was shining in the sky, rising from the east and covering the entire Qionglan Continent in an instant, and bursts of divine voices came from the sky. The aroma rushes, the listener is intoxicated, and the smell is fascinated.

Kou Ba looked at the sky at this time: "It seems that a peerless treasure is born, and there must be a big force to fight for it. Is it a disaster or a blessing!"

At this time, Xiao Hansheng has obtained the inheritance of the part of the Heart of Heaven in "Ji Tian Que".

At this time, Tianxin said to Xiao Hansheng, "At this time, Tianxin has been born, you go out! Whether you can get it depends on your chance."

Without waiting for Xiao Hansheng to reply, he kicked Xiao Hansheng out of the fragment of "Ji Tian Que".

Xiao Hansheng was speechless for a while, this is too anxious! !

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