Immortal Artifact

Chapter 25 Big Event

Chapter 25 Events

When Xiao Hansheng walked out of Xuantian Mansion, Xiao Hansheng was shocked by what he saw. He saw that the sky was full of purple and red clouds, which set off the sky and looked extraordinarily beautiful.

When Xiao Hansheng was in a daze, Kou Ba suddenly came over via voice transmission, "Come to the main hall of Bijing Palace, I have something to tell you."

Xiao Hansheng thought while walking, secretly said: "It seems that this is related to the birth of the treasure!"

Xiao Hansheng walked into the main hall of Bijing Palace and found that the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

There were already several people in the main hall, besides Kou Ba, Kou Lan'er and Chu Fei, there were two other people.One looks handsome and handsome, while the other is gray-haired.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng coming in, Kou Ba smiled and said, "Let me introduce someone to you!"

Kou Ba pointed to that handsome man named Che Tao, who I trust the most!Kou Ba pointed to another gray-haired man, "His name is Gao Long." Regardless of his gray-haired appearance, he is not as old as Che Tao!

For Kou Ba, why he arranged his subordinates casually, but for Xiao Hansheng, that would not work.

So Xiao Hansheng said respectfully: "I have seen the two seniors!"

Kou Ba smiled and said: "Don't be so polite to them! Gao Long is very old, but he is very lustful. A few days ago, he even took a few concubines! As for Che Tao, he is clean , claimed to talk about spiritual love, but ended up provoking countless banshees!"

I saw Che Tao and Gao Long looked embarrassed, lowered their heads, and looked carefully, they were looking for a seam!

Listening to Kou Ba's arrangement of his subordinates in this way, Xiao Hansheng covered his mouth, for fear that he would laugh out loud.

As for Kou Lan'er, she wasn't so restrained anymore, she burst out laughing with a 'puchi', and then circled around the two of them in amazement, "I didn't expect the two uncles to have such a habit!"

On the other hand, Chu Fei grinned and laughed wantonly, "Still...still...spiritual love, you really eat too much, you're full!"

At this time, Che Tao glared at Chu Fei fiercely, and said via voice transmission: "Chu Fei, you, you wait!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Fei also replied: "Wait and wait, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Kou Ba's few words broke the tense atmosphere, and I immediately felt much more relaxed!

Several people laughed for a while, Kou Ba saw that the time was ripe, so he asked: "What do you think of the birth of the strange treasure?"

Immediately, the few people stopped laughing and began to think deeply.

First of all, Che Tao stood up: "My lord, judging from the astronomical phenomenon this time, I am afraid that the origin is not small. We have seen the birth of strange treasures before, and we have never seen such a big formation. In my feeling, this must be It will attract the covetousness of powerful people, we'd better avoid it."

But Gao Long who was at the side disagreed, and said, "Che Tao, why have you become so timid? With this rare treasure, how could you give up without even trying?"

Upon hearing this, Chu Fei echoed, "That's right, the rare treasure should be possessed by those who are virtuous. I think your lord should get this rare treasure."

After hearing this, Che Tao resolutely objected: "This rare treasure is extraordinary. The big powers outside the territory probably have got the news by now, and they will definitely send immortal-level masters over. How will you deal with it then?"

Chu Fei replied first at this time: "How can there be so many masters at the level of immortals? Even if there are, it is still possible for us to retreat unscathed!"

"You also said it was possible..."

"Forgive me for not accepting the birth of a strange treasure, we don't even look at it!" It was Gao Long who spoke.


Several people were discussing, while Kou Ba and Xiao Hansheng Kou Lan'er did not say a word, listening to the discussion of the three of them quietly.

The three of them were blushing and their necks were thick, and no one could convince the other. When they finally reached a consensus, they would listen to Kou Ba.

As a result, the ball was kicked back to Kou Ba.

Kou Ba sat on the throne, meditating quietly.After a long time, Kou Ba slowly said: "I don't want to snatch a rare treasure when it's born, obviously it's not my style. Besides, wealth and wealth come from danger, so I can't guarantee everything will be safe! As for not being able to snatch it, I won't." Do the way of death. So, I have decided now, when the treasure is born, I will go alone, as for you, stay here, understand?"

After finishing speaking, before waiting for a few people to answer, he disappeared on the throne.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay!

This kind of scene also happened in Sword God Sect.Sword God Sect, Sword God Palace, I saw Li Xiaoduan sitting in the first position on the right hand, with his eyes closed.And sitting on the throne in the main hall, is a big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with piercing eyes.It was the suzerain of the Sword God Sect, Qiu Daoyi.

Only Qiu Dao said: "How do you think about the birth of the strange treasure?"

Everyone fell silent suddenly, and then began to discuss in a low voice.

At this moment, Li Xiao opened his eyes with divine light, and said coldly, "Tell me one by one!" Then he closed his eyes again.

Suddenly, the hall stopped talking.An old man stood up from his seat, saluted Qiu Daoyi and Li Xiao, and said, "Sovereign Master, Great Elder, this rare treasure is born, and it looks very powerful. If you get it, it will be the moment for my Sword God Sect to rise completely." , restore the ancient glory of my Sword God Sect!"

Immediately, discussions started in the hall.

Qiu Daoyi said: "Elder Wang, what you said is correct, but since the rare treasures are extraordinary, there must be many people robbing them. Compared with those big forces, our Sword God Sect is still far behind!"

Elder Wang said sharply: "I am a disciple of the Sword God Sect, and in order to restore the glory of the Sword God Sect, I can naturally make all sacrifices for the Sword God Sect, including my life."

The elders and disciples present all stood up after hearing Elder Wang's words, and shouted: "Sword God Sect...Sword God Sect..." The sound shook the sky.

Qiu Daoyi and Li Xiao looked at each other and nodded!

Qiu Daoyi immediately stood up, "Okay! I understand everyone's thoughts, but the disciples of Sword God Sect are all treasures of Sword God Sect, and they cannot be sent to death easily, so we have to think of a way!"

All the elders and disciples responded loudly, "Okay!"

Outside the territory, the Haotian Continent, a high-level continent, the Shinichi Sect, a super powerful force.

I saw a person walking into the main hall of Zhenyi Sect in a hurry, saw Elder Huang who was on duty, and heard the person anxiously say: "Where is the suzerain? I have urgent information to tell him!"

Elder Huang asked with a smile: "Elder Li, what brought you here? Aren't you in charge of inquiring about the information of the cultivation world? Why are you here when you are free? Come, have a drink with me before going to see the suzerain." Not too late!"

Li Hufan said: "It's not that I don't drink with Elder Huang, but that I have to tell the Sovereign about a big event in the cultivation world!"

Elder Huang said with a smile: "Could it be that the high-level live elixir was born that made you so flustered?"

Li Hufan said: "That's not true, but I'm afraid it's more important than the birth of a high-level living elixir!"

Elder Huang said: "Oh? Then I would like to know what it is?"

Li Changfan said with a smile: "It's a strange treasure that is about to be born. All I see is purple air rising and red clouds covering the sky. Even a high-level living elixir can't have such power."

Elder Huang said seriously: "That's right, I'll take you to see the Sovereign right now."

After finishing speaking, he led Li Fanfan to the backyard.

Just as Elder Huang was about to report to the Suzerain, he heard a voice of 'Boom, Boom, Boom', "I already know the reason for your coming. But the rising of purple air, and the rising of red clouds are just the precursors of the birth of strange treasures, so wait It will take some time for the strange treasure to be born."

"What we need to do now is to let the children go through a lot of experience. We can't let them become flowers in the greenhouse. They have to go through the wind and rain. Otherwise, how will my true family prosper?"

Immediately, the two understood the suzerain's intentions!

Elder Huang asked, "How many disciples should we send there?"

Just listen to that voice, "Send all the disciples at the Heaven's Punishment Realm and above."

This is Elder Huang hesitated, and asked: "If we send these low-level disciples there, wouldn't we let others kill them?"

The suzerain said with a smile: "It's okay, other sects, the aristocratic family also plan to do so. They will also send low-level disciples there. This time the birth of the strange treasure will be a place where the most talented disciples in the cultivation world will become famous!"

The two gasped: The younger generation who became the number one this time, as long as they don't die young, may become the future king of the cultivation world, and the two dare not take it lightly.

Elder Huang then asked, "Then, will No.1 of the younger generation also pass?"

The suzerain's voice was silent for a while, and he said slowly: "Don't you understand what I said?"

Elder Huang didn't dare to speak immediately, because he knew that the suzerain was already angry.With the majesty of a master in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he would not say the same thing a second time.

Elder Huang and Li Fanchang bid farewell to the suzerain and told the matter to the younger generation of disciples.

This incident caused a huge commotion among the disciples, everyone was gearing up and wanted to make a big splash in the process of the birth of the strange treasure and make a name for themselves.

Somewhere in the Zhenyi Sect, a sweet-looking little girl said: "Senior Sister Sun, this trip to the Qionglan Continent will definitely be a blockbuster. You are second only to Brother Mu in our Zhenyi Sect's younger generation. Like you, I have become an existence admired by thousands of people, and now I can only envy you." After finishing speaking, the little girl had a look of admiration on her face.

Sun Yuting smiled and said: "You girl, you can only speak nice words. It is difficult for me to rank second in our real school. Don't underestimate some people. Although they are not outstanding, in terms of strength, even in the above me."

The little girl shook her head when she heard this, "Senior Sister Sun is a liar, you are the best!"

After finishing speaking, he bounced away.

At this moment, Sun Yuting suddenly said coldly: "Come out!"

After a while, no one responded, Sun Yuting sneered: "Dirty villain, since you won't come out, I will ask you to come out!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Yuting didn't see any movement. Suddenly, a young man appeared in the void next to him.

I only heard the young man laughing and said: "Senior Sister Sun really has a high level of cultivation, and she can discover my existence. Junior brother admires me."

Sun Yuting sneered and said, "Huangfufeng, what are you doing?"

Huangfu smiled and said, "Senior Sister Sun, don't be angry, I'm here to help you."

Sun Yuting said intently: "Help me?"

Huangfu smiled and said: "Senior Sister Sun, how noble you forget things! Have you forgotten that Senior Brother Mu wants to get rid of you? Now, Senior Sister, you are the person who is most likely to threaten him, and he will not keep you Yes! As for me, I am also his target. In the Zhenyi sect, he did not dare to kill you because of the sect’s rules. As for the Qionglan Continent, hehe, I’m afraid it will be very difficult for you to come back alive!”

Sun Yuting frowned and said, "How can I trust you?"

Huangfu Feng said: "Now I have some news for you, that is, he has contacted the Thousand Illusion Sect, and members of the Shen family want to take your life. Of course, there is also mine. Therefore, we can only unite now if we are united. Deal with him."

Sun Yuting sneered and said, "You are not trustworthy either!"

Huangfu Feng said: "Now we are grasshoppers on a rope, we can't run away from you, and we can't run away from me. Now you can be the only one who can be your ally. You should think about it carefully!"

After speaking, Huangfu Feng disappeared.

And Sun Yuting fell into deep thought!

And a similar scene is also being staged elsewhere!

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