Immortal Artifact

Chapter 26 Leave alone

Chapter 26 Leaving Alone

The birth of the strange treasure caused the world of comprehension to boil, and sects of all sizes kept coming to the Qionglan Continent.In the past, the Qionglan Continent was just an obscure continent, because there were no Celestial-level masters sitting in it.For such a continent, this is a low-level continent, unable to win the attention of the ultra-extreme sect at all.And this time the strange treasure is about to be born in Qionglan Continent, and in an instant, Qionglan Continent seems to have become the center of the cultivation world.

The birth of this rare treasure not only attracted the attention of the big forces, but also those casual cultivators who had no background or sect, also flocked to the Qionglan Continent.Naturally, their arrival also brought kindness and resentment.There are those who have the hatred of killing their wives and children, those who destroy their families and sects, and there are also those who draw their swords at each other if they don't like it.In short, a 'mess'.

And Xiao Hansheng in Bijing Palace couldn't sit still anymore, because the birth of the strange treasure was closely related to him, so it was impossible for Xiao Hansheng to stay in this place.

When Kou Ba left, Xiao Hansheng also quietly left the Bijing Palace alone, and embarked on the road to the east.And the little fat boy followed Xiao Hansheng.

And this journey changed Xiao Hansheng's life.

On the third morning after Xiao Hansheng left.Kou Laner noticed the disappearance of Xiao Hansheng and the little fat boy.Kou Laner knew that they must go east.Ever since, Kou Lan'er also quietly slipped out of the palace and headed eastward.

Xiao Hansheng flew eastward with Yujian, the speed was still very fast, and he flew hundreds of thousands of miles in a day.

Xiao Hansheng has always wanted to go home and have a look, but he never made it.Take this opportunity, be sure to go home and see how your parents are doing!

On this road, it was uneventful.Because the news of the birth of the strange treasure had just come out, the people who came to the Qionglan Continent were all powerful beings at the level of heavenly immortals and earth immortals. Usually, Qionglan Continent would go into hibernation after the end, quietly waiting for the real birth of the strange treasure.They didn't care about the rest, let alone the little monk Xiao Hansheng.

So Xiao Hansheng passed through the depths of the Wuling Mountains peacefully and reached the periphery of the Wuling Mountains.This is Xiao Hansheng, be careful, and use his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings all the time, because he is afraid of missing the way back to the small mountain village.

Right here, the outline of a small mountain village was imprinted in Xiao Hansheng's mind, and that was the place where Xiao Hansheng was born.

Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng stopped, carefully recalling the scene of hunting with Xiao Hu, Xiao Qing, and the group of friends. I wonder what happened to them?

Xiao Hansheng became impatient again at this time, speeded up and flew towards the small mountain village.

After a while, Xiao Hansheng landed at the head of the village, and walked slowly to a poplar tree.Feel that childhood time.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng noticed that some two or three-year-old boys were playing with their buttocks pouted.When the little boy saw Xiao Hansheng, he said, "Hello, Uncle!"

Xiao Hansheng was stunned, he hadn't come back for several years, and now he is an uncle.

However, Xiao Hansheng still liked this child very much, and asked, "Whose child are you from?"

The child raised his neck and replied: "Xiao Xiaocan is my father!" He looked very proud.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng suddenly realized that when he was a child, he had a companion named Xiao Xiaocan, who was four years older than him. Come to think of it, he is already 21 this year.

Looking at the baby, he said, "Then what's your name?"

The child narrowed his eyes and said, "Little Bear, Daddy wants me to be as strong as Little Bear!"

Xiao Hansheng smiled slightly, "What a good name!"

At this moment, with a sound of 'hoo', a little fat boy appeared next to Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng didn't speak yet, just heard "Wow, what a beautiful doll, I like it." The little fat boy shouted.

Seeing the little chubby boy suddenly appearing in front of him, the child was frightened, "Wow, burst into tears."

Xiao Hansheng couldn't help but blame the little fat boy, "Look at you, you are not honest at all, where did you go just now?"

The little fat boy stuck out his tongue, but made no sound.

Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought of something, and said to the little fat boy: "It's not peaceful recently, so don't appear in front of others!"

After hearing this, the little fat boy was very dissatisfied, and said, "Why don't you let me appear in front of others?"

Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to patiently explain to the little fat boy: "You know I'm going to look for strange treasures, right?"

The little fat boy nodded, indicating that he knew.

Xiao Hansheng continued to explain: "On the way, I will meet many masters, and if you show up in front of them and show your ability, those masters will arrest you immediately when they see that you are so young and have such great ability. I don't have the strength to protect you now! Even if you don't show your ability, and I take a kid to find the strange treasure, won't people suspect it? So, don't come out for now!"

The little fat boy, a little annoyed, held his little hand and said to Xiao Hansheng: "You will bully me."

Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to say, "I'm doing it for your own good!"

The little fat boy was quite embarrassed and asked, "Then when will you let me out?"

Xiao Hansheng thought for a while, "I'll release you after the search for the treasure is over, okay?"

The little fat boy reluctantly agreed.

Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng turned into a ray of light, entered Xiao Hansheng's purple palace, turned into "Dao Baolu", floating quietly in the purple palace.

The child looked at the little fat boy in front of him, turned into a ray of light, and entered Xiao Hansheng's body.Thinking it was a monster who ate the little fat boy, he burst into tears again, chanting "monster, monster"

At this time, a young man in his 20s walked out of the small mountain village. He was quite strong and looked like a good hunter.

But this young man looked very angry, and said to Xiao Hansheng: "You are such a big man, do you still bully a child?"

At this moment, the child was sobbing and said to the young man, "Dad...Dad, boy...for..."

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng stared at the man in front of him, and said in a shy voice, "Do you still remember me?"

Xiao Xiaocan stared at Xiao Hansheng, feeling that this person looked familiar, but suddenly couldn't remember where he had seen him before!

Suddenly, Xiao Xiaocan recalled his childhood scene, and stammered: " are Xiao...Xiao Hansheng?"

Xiao Hansheng nodded.

In an instant, Xiao Xiaocan hugged Xiao Hansheng and said, "You're back! Auntie misses you so much that she scared her eyes from crying."

Xiao Hansheng's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "Let's go home quickly."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hansheng grabbed Xiao Xiaocan and Xiaoxiong and flew towards his home.

But Xiao Xiaocan was stunned, and said in horror: "Are you a fairy?"

Xiao Hansheng didn't want to say that he was an immortal, because he was far from being an immortal.But for a person who doesn't know the realm of cultivation, it is really too troublesome.So, nod!

Now, Xiao Xiaocan has the urge to kneel down to Xiao Hansheng, for Xiao Xiaocan, the immortal is so unattainable.But now, this fairy is in front of him, and he is also his childhood playmate.How could Xiao Xiaocan not be shocked by this?

Xiao Xiaocan was still in shock. Xiao Hansheng had already arrived at the door of his house. Although it looked very dilapidated, in Xiao Hansheng's eyes, everything was so beautiful!

Xiao Hansheng walked forward and saw an old man limping, drying the washed clothes with one hand, Xiao Hansheng immediately grabbed the patched clothes and helped him put them on the rope.

This is, the old man said: "Thank you, young man, you are a good man!"

At this time, Xiao Hansheng couldn't restrain the sadness in his heart anymore, he knelt down suddenly, and shouted: "Father, I'm back. My son made you suffer."

After listening to the old man, his whole body was stiff, and he looked at his son kneeling in front of him. Suddenly, tears flowed, and he said, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's voice rose a lot: "My wife, Xiao Han is back! Yes, Xiaohan is back."

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng heard the sound of the stool falling, and an old woman came out of the house, and hurriedly said, "Where is it? Where is it?"

Xiao Hansheng immediately flew to Li Su's side, "Here, here!" Before he finished speaking, he took Li Su's hand!Li Su stroked Xiao Hansheng's face carefully, and said, "This is Xiao Han, the face I will never forget in my life."

At this moment, Xiao Han felt sad for a while.

Li Su took Xiao Hansheng's hand into the room, and Xiao Yun also followed.As for Xiao Xiaocan, he left with his own child, leaving the reunion time for his family.

Xiao Hansheng chatted with his parents until it got dark, but he still couldn't get enough. Xiao Hansheng told his parents everything he could tell his experiences in the past few years, except for hiding some more important things.

When his parents knew that Xiao Hansheng was now a fairy, they were even more overjoyed. For them, a fairy is omnipotent.

When Xiao Hansheng was chatting with his parents, he consciously entered "Dan Dao Bao Lu" to see if he could cure his parents' diseases.

This aspect is really recorded in the "Dan Dao Bao Lu".For example, to treat Xiao Hansheng's mother's eye disease, you can use Bright Eyes Pill, and to change your appearance, you can use Anti-Yan Pill.Xiao Hansheng also found the cure for Xiao Yun's disability and reconnected his severed limbs, but the elixir needed was of a higher grade.However, it can't be hard for Xiao Hansheng now.

After Xiao Hansheng found out the elixir needed, he said to his parents: "Father and mother, I have found a solution to the illness of the elders. In a few days, my father will have healthy limbs. My mother will also be able to regain her light. "

After hearing Xiao Hansheng's words, the two elders were overjoyed.I didn't expect to be able to reply again when I was old.Immortals are amazing!The second elder is proud of Xiao Hansheng!

As for when Xiao Han was born as a fairy, Xiao Xiaocan made it known to everyone. After all, a fairy appeared in a small mountain village, that is super big news.So people want to see how the immortal looks like three heads and six arms.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, Xiao Hansheng's house was crowded with people, even his former friends were there!

Xiao Hansheng already knew it through his divine sense, so Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to go out.

I only heard the people outside shouting, "The fairy has come out, the fairy has come out." Suddenly, everything became silent.People are scrambling to see Xiao Hansheng, just wondering why Xiao Hansheng doesn't have three heads and six arms?

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