Chapter 30 Steal

Seeing that the two were dead, Xiao Hansheng knew that there was no need to stay here anymore.So, he left quietly and walked towards Black Corner City.

Although it is night, for Xiao Hansheng, it is no different from daytime.Under the cover of night, Xiao Hansheng came to Blackhorn City very quickly.

At this time, the gate of Blackhorn City was closed, so Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to fly into the city.

Xiao Hansheng flew into the city and walked on the streets in the city. Although it was night, the lights were brightly lit.It wasn't a faint sound, it seemed that someone was singing.

Xiao Hansheng secretly said: "What a bustling place."

Xiao Hansheng walked forward, and found a group of women in front of him, all dressed up beautifully, who would wink at passers-by on the side of the road from time to time, and said weakly: "Come on, brother, be happy today." After finishing speaking, everyone It was about to lie on the shoulders of pedestrians. Some pedestrians hesitated and then went in.

And Xiao Hansheng was also seen by them, and there was a woman trotting towards Xiao Hansheng at a long distance away.He grabbed Xiao Hansheng's hand in an instant, how could Xiao Hansheng have been held by a woman, a different feeling came to his heart.

Poor little virgin, as soon as he was held by the woman's hand, he went in in a daze.

After Xiao Hansheng went in, he found that there was a sense of decadence, which gave Xiao Han a sense of depravity.Xiao Hansheng woke up instantly, broke free from the woman's hand, and asked in a calm voice: "What place is this?"

The woman giggled and said, "I don't know if I'm really stupid or fake, I've already entered this place, yet I don't even know what it is?"

This Xiao Hansheng really doesn't know!

Seeing the confused look on Xiao Hansheng's face, the woman thought to herself: "I don't know where this bumpkin is from? I'm afraid he has no money either!"

Then he replied coldly, this is a brothel.If you have money, I'll find you a girl. If you don't have money, leave this place. Only rich people can come here!

In fact, Xiao Hansheng didn't know where the brothel was, so he had to let go of his spiritual sense to investigate.It doesn't matter if you don't check, your face turns red instantly, and you run out of the brothel as if flying.

The woman on the side saw Xiao Hansheng running out quickly, and laughed loudly: "What a chick!"

Xiao Hansheng ran out of the brothel and breathed in the fresh air. Xiao Hansheng felt more tired than practicing "Chilian Jiuzhong".Xiao Hansheng shook his head, looking for a place to live and settle down.

Before Xiao Hansheng found an inn called 'Ke Lai', Xiao Hansheng walked in.I saw the shop waiter nodding his head from time to time, apparently dozing off.

Xiao Hansheng knocked on the table, waking up the waiter.Just now he was still dozing off, but when he saw Xiao Hansheng, his face was filled with a smile, and he asked, "Guest officer, do you want to stay at the hotel?"

Xiao Hansheng took a look and said, "I'm staying in the hotel."

After speaking, we will go to the room.Now, the waiter became anxious and said, "Guest officer, you haven't paid me yet!"

Xiao Hansheng was stunned immediately, and asked: "Money, what is it? Why do you want money?"

Now the waiter in the shop was stunned, and said with a smile on his face: "Guest officer, don't be joking, how can you stay in the shop if you don't pay!"

Xiao Hansheng became anxious, "Then you have to tell me what money looks like!" Xiao Hansheng has never seen money, that's true!In the small mountain village where he lives, he has little contact with the outside world, and basically makes a living by hunting, and his clothes are all made of animal skins.It's all self-sufficient, so no money is needed.As for being with Rou Meier later, he didn't need money, so Xiao Hansheng has never seen what money looks like so far.

It can be said that before Xiao Hansheng came out, there was still a piece of white writing, and you were allowed to scribble and describe on this piece of paper.

The shop waiter's face turned dark immediately, "Guest officer, do you live or not? If not, leave quickly, we are going to close."

Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to walk out of the 'Ke Lai' inn.

Xiao Hansheng didn't notice anything else, but he noticed that the expressions of these people changed so quickly. They were still smiling just now, but they changed into another face in an instant.

"What a bunch of weird people!" This was Xiao Hansheng's real thought.

Xiao Hansheng walked out of the inn, and he didn't plan to stay in any inn anymore, he decided to just find a place to meditate.There was no decent place during the nine years with Rou Meier, so it didn't matter.

So, Xiao Hansheng found a roof of a house to rest for the night.

The next morning, when the sun just came out, Xiao Hansheng finished his practice. He saw that there were already bustling people on the street, and many people started talking about Xiao Hansheng when they saw Xiao Hansheng on the roof.

Xiao Hansheng ignored them, and flew down from the roof with a graceful posture.

Those who watched took a breath, and felt that this young man had such a high level of martial arts!

When Xiao Hansheng was standing on the ground, a man with the appearance of a martial artist came over, clasped his fists at Xiao Hansheng and said, "Little brother has such a high level of martial arts, I wonder if he can be the martial artist of our martial arts hall? I will agree to any conditions you want." !"

Xiao Hansheng shook his head and said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in martial arts."

After speaking, he dodged and disappeared into the crowd.The martial artist watched Xiao Hansheng disappear in an instant, and was stunned inwardly: "This man has such high martial arts, there should be no one in Black Point City who can match him." Then he shook his head, "Such a person will not stay in the martial arts hall. .”

Xiao Hansheng walked to the street, his eyes glanced at the exquisite things on the street, Xiao Hansheng felt curious when he saw them.Just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, she was surprised to see everything.

While walking, I saw a stall in the distance, and there were indeed many strange things on it.Some things look quite old.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng narrowed his eyes and saw something silver-white, the size of a fist. Xiao Hansheng walked forward and asked, "What is this thing?"

The person who placed these outlandish things was a middle-aged man, gentle and gentle, who seemed to have read a lot of books.The middle-aged scholar said: "I don't know what this is. It's just something passed down from my ancestors. It is said that this thing has a great origin. But after many generations, no one has figured out what this thing is. It has been passed down to my generation. The family has fallen, and I can no longer keep this thing, so I took it out and sold it."

I also heard the middle-aged scholar say: "You are a scholar who is useless!"

Xiao Hansheng looked at this thing carefully, and found that the fluctuation of this thing was similar to that of Kou Ba's dark thing, but after careful observation, it was far from that thing, and it was definitely not the same thing as Kou Ba's dark thing.However, Xiao Hansheng still planned to put him away.

Just when Xiao Hansheng asked the middle-aged scholar how to get this thing, he suddenly heard an old voice saying: "Little brother, can you let me have a look at this thing?"

At this time Xiao Hansheng was startled, he didn't expect someone to appear behind him, but he didn't notice it.Xiao Hansheng's intuition told him that this person's cultivation must be higher than his own. !

Xiao Hansheng turned around and saw an old man leaning on a walking stick, and one eye was already blind.Xiao Hansheng never thought that a master with a higher level of cultivation than himself would look like this!Really incredible!

Xiao Hansheng handed the black and dark things to the old man in front, and said, "Senior, please look!"

There was a smile on the old man on crutches, but he didn't speak.When he took the silver-white thing, he closed his smile and looked at it carefully.

Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng felt a fluctuation of spiritual power, which came from the old man's hand.Immediately, this spiritual power disappeared without a trace.

The old man handed the things back to Xiao Hansheng and exclaimed, "It's a good thing!"

Xiao Hansheng could see that the old man wanted this thing very much, so he said to the old man: "Since senior likes it, I can give it to you!"

Although the old man wanted it very much, he still shook his head, "A gentleman does not take what others like!"

Xiao Hansheng declined twice, but the old man insisted on not accepting the resignation, so Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to ask for it himself.So he said to the middle-aged scholar: "I don't know how to give this to me?"

The middle-aged scholar heard the two talk about this thing, and knew it was extraordinary, so he set a price that he thought was very high, "Then 1000 taels of gold!"

Now, Xiao Han's head grew bigger, he didn't know what gold was.So he tentatively asked, "I'll change it with pills, is that okay?"

As he said that, Xiao Hansheng took out a fourth-grade living elixir to give to the middle-aged scholar.

However, the elixir that Xiao Hansheng took out immediately turned into the Moon Spirit Flower. This scene was seen by the old man. The old man shrank his eyes, and then showed joy, and then suppressed the joy.

The middle-aged scholar was a little hesitant, wondering if he should make a change.This is when the old man spoke, "Young man, you should sell it to him, this elixir is more than enough to exchange for 10 taels of gold!"

After listening to the middle-aged scholar, he exchanged with Xiao Hansheng immediately without any hesitation.

After Xiao Hansheng finished changing, when he was about to leave, he heard the old man call out: "Little brother, please stop. I don't know if you are an alchemist? Did you refine that elixir just now?"

Xiao Hansheng nodded.The old man was a little excited because he felt he had found a good apprentice.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng nodding, the old man said, "Let me introduce myself to you. The sect I belong to is called the Danxia sect, which specializes in refining living elixir and living elixir." In order to prove that what he said is true, there is a right Xiao Hansheng said: "Our Danxia sect is one of the [-] top sects in the cultivation world." Obviously, the old man is very proud of this.

"And I am the deputy suzerain of the Danxia Sect. I haven't returned to the Danxia Sect for a long time, just to fulfill my oath to find a genius disciple to be my apprentice. And now I am convinced that you are me The genius disciple I'm looking for," said the old man.

Xiao Han was dizzy, and asked, "Why are you convinced that I am your genius disciple?"

"Based on your age and the ability to refine the living panacea, there are basically no people at your age who can refine the fourth-grade panacea." The old man confirmed.

"Then how do you think it's the living panacea I refined?" Xiao Hansheng asked.

The old man shrugged, "No one would trade a living panacea for something that doesn't know what it does!"

Xiao Hansheng was convinced, but said: "I don't want to be your disciple!"

The old man didn't care, "But I want you to be my apprentice."

"I do not want to"

"I do"

Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to fly the shield.As a result, the old man grabbed Xiao Hansheng with his spiritual power and took Xiao Hansheng back.Teleport back.

Only the stunned middle-aged scholar was left present!

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