Immortal Artifact

Chapter 31 The period of the year

Chapter 31 The Millennium

The old man took Xiao Hansheng away just like that, which made Xiao Hansheng angry.

"You old man, you are too domineering! If you don't succeed, your apprentice will be kidnapped here. It's really unreasonable!"

The old man was not angry when he heard this, and said with a smile: "I've taken a fancy to you, that's your luck!"

When Xiao Hansheng heard this, he rolled his eyes: "You have a crush on me, and I'm not a little daughter-in-law, so it's useless to have a crush on me."

"If only you were a little daughter-in-law, I will marry you to my grandson. At that time, you can only marry a chicken as a chicken, and a dog as a dog." The old man said with some shamelessness.

After hearing the old man's stupid words, Xiao Hansheng simply stopped talking.

The old man carried Xiao Hansheng to a place with a large courtyard and walked inside.In such a large yard, there is nothing inside except for the aroma of some cauldrons and some medicinal herbs.

The old man brought Xiao Hansheng into a room, kept Xiao Hansheng on the bed, and said to Xiao Hansheng: "Don't think about escaping. From now on, you will be the alchemy boy next to me, and you will follow me to make medicine from now on. I will take you now." I will seal it in the Purple Palace, and I will not release your seal until you meet my requirements."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hansheng felt that the spiritual power was not running smoothly, just like an ordinary person, who couldn't mobilize the slightest spiritual power. Now Xiao Hansheng is just an ordinary person.Then Xiao Hansheng's spiritual consciousness was shielded, and now Xiao Hansheng completely returned to the original state.

The old man treated Xiao Hansheng like this, Xiao Hansheng was really angry and unwilling.But there is no other way, so I have to admit it, and secretly swear that when my cultivation level comes up, I must make the old man look good!

However, what Xiao Hansheng can do now is to wait for the old man's arrangement.

Seeing that Xiao Hansheng stopped talking, the old man suddenly said to Xiao Hansheng: "I think you should have been fasting for a long time, and you probably haven't eaten the meals of ordinary people. I will ask the servants to bring you some meals later. The meals of ordinary people The taste is still very good!"

Xiao Hansheng said coldly: "Not interested!"

The old man laughed and said, "You will be interested!" After speaking, the old man left the room.

After about a quarter of an hour, three servants came to Xiao Hansheng's room with platefuls of chicken, duck and fish. They went to Xiao Hansheng's room, and said to Xiao Hansheng: "Master, please eat!" After finishing speaking, the servants were about to leave the room.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng said: "You take all these out, I won't eat them."

Only one of the leading servants said: "The master ordered it, and put it here. If the young master is hungry, he can take it and eat."

Xiao Han was angry because of it, "You don't even care if I eat or not! It's really too much to control."

Xiao Hansheng overturned these meals in an instant.

Xiao Hansheng's temper has always been very good, and he has never lost his temper, but this time, Xiao Hansheng did not hold back.After overturning the food, Xiao Hansheng returned to bed sullenly.

After an hour, the servants brought the food again and took away the overturned food.Xiao Hansheng didn't hold back, and knocked it over again.


The servants delivered it seven or eight times, and Xiao Hansheng knocked it over seven or eight times.

When people sent it over again, Xiao Hansheng found a strange state, that is, he felt hungry. This was the first time Xiao Hansheng felt hungry in several years.At this time, Xiao Hansheng seemed to be back when he was five or six years old. At that time, Xiao Hansheng also suffered from hunger.However, Xiao Hansheng has never felt hungry since he practiced with Rou Meier.

Xiao Hansheng insisted on not eating again, but this time Xiao Hansheng did not overthrow it.In the end, Xiao Hansheng couldn't bear it anymore and thought: "Although I am very angry with you, I can't let my stomach bear it!"

So Xiao Hansheng ate on the stool.However, I found that the taste of these foods is really good!

On the morning of the third day, the old man came to Xiao Hansheng's room again, and said to Xiao Hansheng with a smile: "The taste of these foods is not bad!"

Xiao Hansheng ignored him with a cold face!

The old man didn't mind, and continued: "The people from the Weiyuan Escort Bureau came back today. At that time, a group of killers went to kill them. I heard that they met an 'immortal'. That immortal is you, right?"

Xiao Hansheng still said calmly: "What if it's me, so what if it's not me?"

The old man sighed leisurely: "You have a kind heart! However, this is the most taboo thing for us cultivators. If your cultivation base is higher than others, it's okay, but if your cultivation base is not as good as the other party's, you still want to save people? That's really courting death." .”

Xiao Hansheng wanted to confront the old man tit for tat, and said: "A cultivator encounters injustice in his journey, so he will naturally draw his sword to help."

The old man was silent for a while, and said: "A cultivator is fighting against the heavens for a chance of survival. So try to avoid disputes as much as possible, so let's concentrate on alchemy."

Xiao Hansheng said: "Then what is the use of you after alchemy?"

The old man took it for granted: "Naturally, you can use it yourself, and you can also use it for others!"

Xiao Hansheng sneered and said: "Since you are fighting against the sky for a chance of survival and are less tainted with right and wrong, wouldn't you also be tainted with right and wrong when you give the pill to others?"

The old man was dumbfounded, "What a smart kid!"

"So the original intention of fighting against the sky is not to be less tainted with right and wrong, but to allow yourself to gain an advantage!"

The old man said with a smile: "What you said is very reasonable! Your words have made me firm that accepting you as an apprentice is an extremely correct choice."

Now Xiao Hansheng was dumbfounded, and actually put himself in it!

The old man smiled and said: "Okay, don't stay here anymore, go learn the basics of alchemy!"

Xiao Hansheng said: "I don't need any basics of alchemy anymore, I already know all of these!"

The old man laughed dumbly, and said: "It is extraordinary that you can refine a fourth-grade living panacea at such a young age. You must have had adventures before, although I don't know what adventures are. But I'm sure your foundation must be Not so good! The ability to refine the living panacea must be mostly given by that adventure. You said I was right!"

Xiao Hansheng remained silent, but he was shocked in his heart, "What the old man said is really good! If it weren't for the "Dao Baolu", I'm afraid I don't know what alchemy is. And the process of refining basically depends on Yunlingjue. It didn't work."

The old man said: "Let's go!"

Although Xiao Hansheng didn't say anything, he followed the old man silently.

The two came to an alchemy room, and there were already three children busy inside, one of whom was about the same age as Xiao Hansheng, named Yu Yao.

Seeing the two people coming in, Yu Yao ran forward, Ji Shou said: "I have seen Master."

The old man nodded and said, "Have a drink, let me introduce someone to you."

The other two also put down their things and came over. Jishou had also seen the old man.

The old man pointed at Xiao Hansheng and said, "This is Master's new disciple, named Xiao Hansheng. From now on, he will be Senior Brother Xiaozhuojiu."

At this moment, the old man pointed to Yuyao again, and said to Xiao Hansheng: "This is the first disciple Master has accepted, and he will be your senior brother from now on."

This is Xiao Hansheng's helplessness, I haven't agreed to be your apprentice yet!Xiao Hansheng couldn't refute the old man's face in front of his apprentice, he was forcing himself to recognize him as a master!

Yu Yao arched his hands and said, "Hello Junior Brother!

However, after a while, Xiao Hansheng still didn't respond, and now the old man became anxious.I forced Xiao Hansheng to recognize himself as a master, but now Xiao Hansheng simply didn't respond, neither agreed nor opposed, can you not be in a hurry?My disciples are watching, if Xiao Hansheng doesn't respond, where will I save my face?

In an instant, the old man sent a voice transmission to Xiao Hansheng, saying: "You are talking!"

Xiao Hansheng ignored the old man.

The old man said again through voice transmission: "This is my mistake! You should help to settle the current situation first!

Xiao Hansheng asked back: "Why should I help you!"

The old man was dumb, but helpless, he said: "I will not be forced to be my apprentice in the future. But, I have a favor for you to help me!"

Xiao Hansheng became interested, and said, "What's the matter?"

The old man said: "My real name is Wu Yong, and it is true that I am the deputy suzerain of the Danxia sect! But more than 900 years ago, I made a bet with another deputy suzerain! The situation at that time was that the deputy suzerain accepted an apprentice. , whose name is Guo Tianya. Speaking of which, this person is really amazing and talented in the way of alchemy. At the age of a hundred years, he can refine the ninth-grade living elixir, which is extremely shocking in the sect. However, to me, it is It's a disaster, because I didn't deal with that deputy suzerain. When Guo Tianya was famous, he challenged my apprentice. And in that challenge, I failed miserably! As a last resort, I and the deputy suzerain The suzerain made a bet that I would definitely find an apprentice to defeat Guo Tianya in the millennium. After that, I wandered around the world of self-cultivation. I have been to high-level continents, such as Haotian Continent and Canglan Continent. I also went to low-level continents. Quite a few! However, none of them have found an amazingly talented disciple. It’s almost a millennium, and I haven’t found a suitable disciple yet, and I have to train for a while, at least seven or eighty years! So I’m discouraged, Decided to find a place to live in seclusion until I survive the catastrophe or die under the catastrophe, it is better than being insulted."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yong sighed.Xiao Hansheng also sympathized with Wu Yong!

Wu Yong changed the subject and said: "Just when I was discouraged, I happened to meet you! Naturally, I was overjoyed. Seeing that you wanted to leave, I had no choice but to use force. If I hadn't reached the point where I was at the end of my rope, I would have I won’t forcefully accept you as a disciple. I, Wu Yong, am not that kind of person!”

Xiao Hansheng never thought that there would be such a twists and turns in Wu Yong abducting himself!

Wu Yong continued: "I am a face-saving person! In order to win, I can do this kind of thing! So now I ask you to help me complete the bet."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xiao Hansheng brightly.

Xiao Hansheng thought to himself, so he said to Wu Yong: "I may not be able to help you! My magic power is low now, so I'm afraid I can't help you."

Seeing that Xiao Hansheng's words softened, Wu Yong said, "As long as you are willing to learn, I will definitely let you refine a ninth-grade living panacea within 80 years."

Xiao Hansheng said: "Then Guo Tianya should be able to refine the live elixir in these thousand years!"

Wu Yong shook his head and said: "Refining a first-grade live elixir is a huge threshold, he doesn't have that easy refining!"

So Xiao Hansheng nodded, "I can do my best to help you, but you can't force me to be your apprentice!"

Wu Yong said happily: "That's natural! But you have to settle the matter in front of you first!"

Xiao Hansheng said helplessly: "Okay."

The two communicated through divine consciousness, and it didn't take long.

In an instant, Xiao Hansheng smiled and said briskly to Yu Yao: "Brother is also welcome!"

Yu Yao only felt that this junior brother's expression changed so quickly!

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