Immortal Artifact

Chapter 305 Nantianmen

Chapter 305 South Heaven Gate

Long Zhen was naturally very happy to get Xiao Hansheng, a master with unparalleled combat power.Coupled with the recognition of Xiao Hansheng's strength by Qingyan, the master of the mortal world, it means that Xiao Hansheng has strength comparable to hers.This is undoubtedly a great help for the Dragon Clan.

"Xiao Hansheng has such fighting power at such an age, and his future achievements may be unimaginable. What's more, now that the mortal world and the middle immortal world have been connected, it is just around the corner to ascend to the middle immortal world." Long Zhen secretly said.

Compared with Longzhen's excitement, the faces of the masters of the other animal groups changed slightly, "Could it be that there is another domineering master in the area of ​​​​the beasts? Qingyan is already extremely difficult to deal with, and now Xiao Hansheng is added, so that no one can live." gone?"

That's true, who wants to face an almost invincible master?Not to mention the already powerful Dragon Clan!

With the end of the battle between Xiao Hansheng and Qingyan, the masters in the field gradually fell silent, quietly waiting for the opening of the divine realm space.

"Hey! The space is starting to fluctuate. It seems that the divine realm space will be opened soon!" A master exclaimed.

'Hoo, hoo', the masters in the field only felt the fierce fairy air whizzing towards them, and a door appeared in front of them, which gradually changed from blur to clarity.

In a moment, a grand gate with a height of a thousand feet and a width of a hundred feet appeared in front of everyone.There are four milky white pillars standing on both sides of the gate.On the milky white pillars are carved dragons and phoenixes, the Kunpeng spreads its wings, and the roc strikes the sky.These four pillars are engraved with various gods and beasts. [

The masters in the arena were all divine beasts, and when they saw the divine beasts carved on the pillars, they all bowed and saluted without feeling the breath of blood pressure.

Only Xiao Hansheng did not salute these beasts. He raised his head and saw three large characters engraved on the top of the gate, 'Nantianmen! '

Xiao Hansheng was quite surprised, "Could it be that there is a palace hidden inside? If not, such a grand Nantianmen would not appear here."

After the salutes of the gods and beasts were completed, all of them turned their gazes to the interior of Nantianmen, revealing longing gazes.

"Brother Xiao, the God Realm space is extremely dangerous, you have to be more careful! As far as I know, the masters of various races who can walk out of the God Realm Space are less than the original third floor." Long Zhen once again told Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng was a little astonished, "Why did the Dragon Clan send so many masters into the divine space?"

Long Zhen laughed and said: "To my Dragon Clan, ten thousand masters are nothing more than a drop in the bucket, but if you get even one treasure from the God Realm Space, the improvement of the Dragon Clan's strength is absolutely incomparable, so the Dragon Clan is definitely not worth it." I will miss this opportunity.”

Xiao Hansheng nodded slightly.

Long Zhen seemed to think of something again, and said, "Brother Xiao, you don't have to have too high expectations for the God Realm Space. Experts of all races come out of the God Realm Space, and it is a great joy to find a treasure. It's also very normal."

Xiao Hansheng was not surprised by this either. After all, the divine realm space is the abode of the gods, and being able to get every plant and tree from it is a peerless treasure and an irresistible temptation for the masters of the mortal world.

Finally, some masters couldn't resist the overwhelming temptation and stepped into the divine realm space.After they entered the Nantian Gate, they disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Hansheng was not surprised by this, "It's normal for the divine realm space to have some mysteries!" Without waiting for Long Zhen to speak, Xiao Hansheng entered the divine realm space first.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng leave first, Long Zhen laughed and said, "Brother Xiao is impatient!" He waved his hand and shouted at the thousands of dragon masters behind him: "Let's go too!" After speaking, he also jumped into the divine realm space.

The rest of the masters saw that the Dragon Clan had already taken action, no longer hesitated, and walked into the divine realm space one after another.

When Xiao Hansheng entered the nerve space, he only felt that he had entered the strange space of God. The space here was so strong that he couldn't break even a little ripple with his full swing.He looked around again, and found that this space was extremely vast, and his spiritual sense could not reach the end at all.And where he is now is a flat peach grove.I saw the flat peach trees rooted in the soil like horned dragons, the emerald green leaves stretched out like umbrellas, and bright red flat peaches appeared at the intertwined branches. [

After Xiao Hansheng saw it, his appetite whetted, "Looking at the shape of these flat peaches, they are roughly mature, and I think they can be eaten by people." After that, he was about to reach out to pick these flat peaches.

"Brother Xiao, don't do anything yet." Long Zhen appeared beside Xiao Hansheng and stopped him.

Xiao Hansheng was slightly stunned, "Why?"

Long Zhen said with a smile: "Brother Xiao doesn't know, these flat peaches contain great divine power. If we eat them, our Nascent Soul will explode, so although these flat peaches are gods, they are still very important to us. But it is an incomparable poison."

Xiao Hansheng suddenly smiled wryly, "It's a pity that such a treasure can't be eaten!" Long Zhen could only smile helplessly.

Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Why didn't you bring it into Dragon Star! It must be of great use to the Dragon Clan."

A "giggle" laugh came, "Brother Xiao, this is a peerless fetish, and he refuses to come down to the mortal world. But all the flat peaches brought to the mortal world will turn into spiritual energy and dissipate into the sky. So no one will take it away again." It's taken away from the space of the gods." Qingyan walked briskly, dodged to Xiao Hansheng's side, and said softly.

"Thank you senior for clarifying the confusion!" Xiao Hansheng clapped his hands and nodded.

"We are equal in strength, so let's talk about each other as equals!" Qingyan's eyes flicked, which was truly amorous.

Xiao Hansheng could only smile awkwardly, what could he say?

Now that he can't eat the flat peaches, Xiao Hansheng is going to go through the flat peach forest and continue to explore the space of the gods.

"Hey, your luck is really good! It's really good luck to be able to enter the space he opened up, and to see the flat peach tree, one of the spiritual roots between heaven and earth." The voice of the ancestor of Manghe revealed a slight excitement .

"Senior, who is the 'he' you are referring to? And what is the spiritual root of heaven and earth?" Xiao Hansheng questioned.

"Look at the bones in your chaotic world." The ancestor Manghe said via voice transmission.

Without hesitation, Xiao Hansheng probed into the chaotic world with his consciousness, and found that the bones were exuding strange fluctuations, and their power was so vast that it was outrageous.

"It's been a long time since I got this bone, and I didn't find such a vision, but I didn't expect to have such a scene just after stepping into the space of the gods. Could it be that the bone has a great connection with the owner of the space of the gods?" Xiao Hansheng asked.

"Haha, they have a lot to do with each other. I can tell you that the bone is the remnant bone of the master of the God Realm Space. He is a super strong man who can rival Hong. Even I admire him." came.

Xiao Hansheng was a little startled, "Who would be the opponent who can match Hong?" Suddenly, his face brightened, "Could it be the powerful existence that I observed in the God Tomb space that fell at the same time as Hong?" Thinking of this At this point, he was even more sure that he was the master of the divine realm space.

Then, Xiao Hansheng became excited, "Since it is him, there will definitely be a lot of treasures hidden here, and he really made a fortune."

The Manghe patriarch immediately lashed out: "He is Hong's great enemy, but you are Hong's heir. Do you think you can get his treasure?"

Xiao Hansheng was a little dumbfounded when he heard this.

On the way home these three days, the last day was a bit of a traffic jam, and it was almost twelve o'clock when I got home, so I went to bed early when I was a little tired.Today is just one chapter, and it will be updated on time tomorrow.

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