Seeing Xiao Hansheng's expression, the ancestor of Manghe couldn't help laughing out loud, "Haha, he has died completely, and he won't come out to trouble you. What's more, with your current cultivation, he doesn't bother to look for you Don't worry about the trouble!"

When Xiao Hansheng heard this, his face returned to normal.

"However, you don't have to be too happy. Although he won't trouble you, it doesn't mean he will let you get his baby. Therefore, you can only return empty-handed." The manghe patriarch said in a playful voice came.

After hearing this, Xiao Hansheng could only smile wryly.

"However, with me here, although you can't get his treasures, you can still get some of his treasures." The words of the ancestor of Manghe brought great hope to Xiao Hansheng.

"Senior, what treasure can I get?" Xiao Hansheng asked excitedly.

"Naturally, it is a flat peach tree, one of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. Although this flat peach tree does not help your strength, it is of great benefit to your evolution of the prehistoric." Said the ancestor of Manghe.

In fact, this is no longer planned by the ancestor of Manghe for Xiao Hansheng, but purely for himself.He already knew that the catastrophe of heaven and earth was coming, and he bet heavily on Xiao Hansheng. Naturally, he wanted to make plans for Xiao Hansheng's future.It was also his plan to let Xiao Hansheng get the flat peach tree, the spiritual root of heaven and earth, but he didn't expect that this plan would be implemented so early.

Xiao Hansheng didn't doubt him, he just thought he was helping him.In fact, Xiao Hansheng really didn't doubt the ancestor of Manghe, which is also very unlikely.After all, with such a master of magic in his body, he couldn't believe that the ancestor of Manghe didn't have the slightest idea of ​​him.It's just that his strength is very weak now, and it's not worthwhile for the ancestor Manghe to deal with him.Therefore, Xiao Hansheng at this stage completely believes in the ancestor of Manghe. [

"Senior, this is a flat peach forest! Is it possible to take it away completely?" Xiao Hansheng asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, this is not a flat peach tree, it's just its branches developed. As for the real flat peach tree, there is only one in this world, and the people who can get the flat peach tree are those who have great chances." Mang Patriarch He explained.

Hearing this, Xiao Hansheng understood.However, he couldn't collect the flat peach tree, the spiritual root of heaven and earth right now. After all, there are still many masters here, so he couldn't collect the flat peach tree in front of them, right?

Xiao Hansheng is now just accompanying the dragon masters to continue exploring the space of the gods.However, behind him there is a tail that cannot be shaken off - Qingyan.

According to Qingyan's meaning, she will go wherever Xiao Hansheng goes, and she will not care about other people's eyes at all.

"Could it be that Qingyan is Xiao Hansheng? If they combine together, there will be no problem in the mortal world!" Some masters followed Xiao Hansheng so shamelessly, and made bold predictions in their hearts.

Xiao Han felt helpless, so he had no choice but to let Qingyan follow.

In the space of the gods, the masters of all races are separated, each looking for treasures.Xiao Hansheng and the dragon masters are looking for treasures together.

"Brother Long Zhen, we can cut off the branches of the flat peach tree! If we plant it in the mortal world, it will be a rare treasure if we can breed flat peaches?" Xiao Hansheng suggested.

"Hehe, Mr. Xiao is a good idea! Someone has tried your idea, but there is no expert who can cut off the branches of the flat peach tree, and more importantly, there is no expert who can lift the branches of the flat peach tree, even if it is just A flat peach leaf, tell me, how should we bring it out of the divine realm space?" Qingyan said softly.

Xiao Hansheng was a little shocked, "Sure enough, it is worthy of opening up a space for great supernatural powers!"

"Ahem, brother Xiao, you don't know! I even wanted to take out the dirt from the divine realm, but unfortunately the dirt is too heavy, and I don't have the strength to take it away even a little bit." Long Zhen was rather helpless. Said.

After Xiao Hansheng heard this, he felt a little unbelieving, and walked to the side of the flat peach tree.The palm stood empty, and the powerful palm force was swung out, turned into a blade, and slashed at the flat peach tree.

'Bang', only the sound of iron and steel clashing was heard, Xiao Hansheng was shocked by the violent shock and retreated ten thousand feet.When he returned to view the results, he found that there was not even a trace of Tao on the flat peach tree.

Xiao Hansheng sighed slightly: "Since we can't even get these, how can we get the treasures in the space of the gods?" [

She smiled and said: "Young Master Xiao, whether you can take the treasure away is entirely a matter of chance. If you have a destiny with the treasure, you can take it away even if it is as heavy as a thousand ounces. If you are destined, even if it is as light as a feather, you will never want to move it."

Xiao Hansheng nodded and said nothing more.

Then, Xiao Hansheng flew forward with the dragon master.

"Brother Long Zhen, where do you think we are going?" Xiao Hansheng asked.

"Kunlun Mountain!" Long Zhen said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Xiao Hansheng had a very strange expression on his face, "Kunlun Mountain, isn't that the sacred mountain that my disciple Zhang Qiaoyun saw in his dream?" Thinking of this, Xiao Hansheng smiled and said, "Won't there be a fairyland in Kunlun Mountain?"

After Long Zhen and Qingyan listened, they asked in unison: "Brother Xiao (Master Xiao), how did you know that there is a fairyland in Kunlun Mountain?"

After Xiao Hansheng heard this, he was stunned, "Here, why did my disciple Zhang Qiaoyun dream of this place? Is there any hint that it can't be done?" He couldn't figure it out.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng in a daze, Long Zhen and Qingyan poked Xiao Hansheng, "How did Mr. Xiao know that there is a fairyland in Kunlun Mountain?"

Xiao Hansheng woke up immediately, shook his head slightly and said, "I guess."

The two of them didn't believe Xiao Hansheng's answer.But they didn't have the strength to force Xiao Hansheng to tell the truth, so they had no choice but to give up.

Now that the direction has been determined, thousands of dragon masters began to move towards Kunlun Mountain.However, when they really ran towards Kunlun Mountain, they found that Kunlun Mountain was really far away, with no end at all.

"This is really running to death!" Xiao Hansheng said with emotion.

"I, why don't the three of us go first, and the ten thousand dragon masters follow behind! After all, the three of us are much stronger than them, so we can save a lot of time." Qingyan said softly.

Long Zhen was not willing to leave the remaining dragon masters like this. After all, this place was full of dangers, and if he didn't pay attention, the whole army would be wiped out. This is what he didn't want to come.

Qingyan seemed to know Long Zhen's thoughts, and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, if there are masters who intercept and kill these dragon masters, they will be my enemy, and I will avenge them. They perish, and with all due respect, even if you are here, you can’t save their lives. So, why don’t we find the treasure as soon as possible!”

Hearing Qingyan's promise, Long Zhen agreed.Immediately, he called his son Long Quan over and ordered: "I want to go first, be careful." After finishing the order, he flew to Kunlun Mountain with Xiao Hansheng and Qingyan.

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