Immortal Artifact

Chapter 307 Game Start

Two days have passed, and Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan, and Longzhen are already standing at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, looking up at the immeasurably tall mountain.

I saw white clouds dancing on the mountainside of Kunlun Mountain. Feeling it carefully, you can also feel the vast divine power contained in the white clouds.

"This is the legendary Kunlun Mountain? It really is the place where the fetus of a god is born!" Xiao Hansheng said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes! Although I have been here many times, I can still feel the mighty power of the Kunlun Mountains." With serious eyes on her face, she continued: "I can feel that this is not the Kunlun Mountains. The entire form of Kunlun Mountain. When I see the true form of Kunlun Mountain, I believe it will be earth-shattering and shock the world."

Chewing Qingyan's words, Xiao Hansheng thought what she said was very reasonable.He didn't believe that the existence of Kanbihong would talk about opening up such a great Kunlun Mountain.

Of course, it might be possible for this superior being to regard Kunlun Mountain as a rockery in his own garden!Xiao Hansheng couldn't make such a guess.

Then, they once again marveled at the magnificence of Kunlun Mountain, and flew up along the not-so-steep ridge.Maybe it was their luck, and they encountered the gentle slope of Kunlun Mountain not long after.Here they can take a break and enjoy the view.

Seeing the colorful flowers blooming here, exuding a burst of fragrance, this made Xiao Hansheng feel refreshed and uncomfortable.However, compared with Xiao Hansheng's relaxed and at ease, Qingyan's face is much more dignified.

"Young Master Xiao, it's not that simple here!" Qingyan said. [

Xiao Hansheng said in horror: "How do you say that?" After all, this is the space of the gods, which is extremely magical. He was naturally very nervous when he heard Qingyan say this.

Qingyan didn't answer, she brushed aside the weeds, revealing some blackened soil, occasionally, there was a faint smell of blood spreading.If you don't smell it carefully, you won't feel such a faint smell of blood.

"What does this represent?" Long Zhen asked.

Qingyan shook her head, indicating that she didn't know.Then, she turned her gaze to the top of Kunlun Mountain, and said softly: "Let's get to Yaochi as soon as possible!" They didn't hesitate anymore and rushed out.

Just as they were about to leave, they only felt the ground of Kunlun Mountain shake violently.Then, a divine sword appeared in the void.As soon as this divine sword appeared, it showed great power, which made it hard to look directly at.

When Xiao Hansheng saw this divine sword, his face changed slightly, "How could it appear in front of us by such a coincidence?"

I saw Excalibur struggling and gradually turning into a young man.When they saw the three of Xiao Hansheng, their faces suddenly showed ecstasy.

"Haha, today is the day when I, Jue Yi, will get out of trouble!" Jue Yi had an unstoppable smile on his face.

In Xiao Hansheng's eyes, this kind of smile was the smile of a peerless devil, which made him shiver.

"Senior, do you have any instructions for this junior? No matter what, this junior will definitely do his best to complete it!" He saluted respectfully.

Jueyi glanced at Qingyan, folded her hands, and showed a playful smile, "I want to leave Tiangong, do you have a way?"

Hearing the word Tiangong, Xiao Hansheng's thoughts turned, "Come on, the real name of the divine realm space is Tiangong! Tiangong has a supreme artistic conception, and it has a taste of dominating the heavens."

Qingyan was a little dazed when she heard Jue Yi's question.Immediately, he said in a deep voice: "This junior has no solution, but I believe that senior has already found a solution, so please give me your instructions."

Jue Yi tilted her face in surprise, and said with a smile: "You are really a smart girl, and the body is a rare Chaos beast. As far as I know, the ancestor of the Chaos beast is buried in the Tiangong!" Shocked by the news.

Qingyan still wants to know more about the ancestor of the Chaos Divine Beast.It's just that now facing the disaster of life and death, she can only forcefully suppress the shock in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Please give me your instructions, senior." [

Jueyi didn't expect Qingyan to regain her composure so quickly, she clapped her hands and smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to regain your composure so quickly, your mind is so firm, it's really amazing! Originally, I wanted to take you away, but now I'm a bit reluctant gone."

After listening to Qingyan, her face changed greatly, "My strength is not strong, and I can't use your strongest combat power even if I am in a fight."

Jue Yi smiled and said: "But none of you are strong, who do you think I should win? Now, I am very happy and want to play a game, how about you?"

Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan, and Long Zhen suddenly had a very bad feeling.

"I just need to take one of you away, and the other two will naturally go away. Now, you just need to do it, capture one of you alive, and hand it over to me. Your strengths are equal, and the two of you It's not difficult to deal with one." Jue Yi said with a smile on his face while standing with his hands behind his back.

After hearing this, Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan, and Long Zhen all changed their expressions.

"Young Master Xiao and Brother Long Zhen, Jue Yi is clearly trying to force us to kill each other, with extremely vicious intentions! What's more, even if we follow his request, the other two may not be able to escape the fate of death!" Qingyan said through voice transmission.

"But this is also the only hope of survival, what if Jueyi fulfills his promise?" Long Zhen said in a deep voice.

Qingyan wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to refute, so she kept silent.And Xiao Hansheng also had a gloomy face, without saying a word.

Seeing that they didn't respond, Jue Yi said, "I only give you five hours, if you can't capture one of them, you will all die."

Jue Yi has issued an ultimatum, if he does not follow his will, he will die.In the face of life and death, no one can remain calm.

Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan and Long Zhen discussed secretly, but they couldn't find any way to solve the predicament in front of them.

"You and I will work together to capture me and hand it over to Jue Yi!" Xiao Hansheng said leisurely.

Qingyan and Longzhen's hearts were pounding when they heard this.

"Although Xiao Hansheng's strength is extraordinary, I have a deep foundation in the Dragon Clan, so I don't care if I want him or not!" Long Zhen's palm began to brew a huge mana, and he launched the strongest attack on Xiao Hansheng at any time.

"I am the Chaos Divine Beast, the strongest Divine Beast in the world, and my future achievements will be limitless. Naturally, I cannot die. As for Longzhen and Xiao Hansheng!" Qingyan's eyes scanned Longzhen and Xiao Hansheng, "There is a dragon clan in Longzhen. Big backer, if I capture him alive and be taken away by Jue Yi, it will definitely cause the dragon clan to chase and kill him with all his strength. Well, Xiao Hansheng, he is only alone, and if he is handed over to Jue Yi, he will not be hunted down endlessly." Thinking of this, Qingyan runs her spiritual power secretly, ready to deal with Xiao Hansheng at any time.

Jue Yi naturally sensed that Qingyan and Longzhen were secretly brewing mana, and the corner of her mouth showed disdain, "Hey, in the face of life and death, everyone will become extremely despicable!"

Then, Long Zhen and Qingyan hit Xiao Hansheng with unparalleled palm strength at the same time.With Xiao Hansheng's strength, it is absolutely impossible to avoid this kind of force.

The life and death of Xiao Hansheng is a matter of an instant.

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