Immortal Artifact

Chapter 308 The Battle of the Divine Soldiers

Even if there are masters in the mortal world who can resist the peerless palm strength of Qingyan and Longzhen, it will definitely not be Xiao Hansheng.At this time, Xiao Hansheng had actually fallen into a certain death situation.

Seeing the two palms attacking directly, Xiao Hansheng's face was calm and he didn't panic.

'Bang', the moment the two powerful palms were about to hit Xiao Hansheng's body, they changed direction, whizzed past Xiao Hansheng, fell to the ground, and cut off three weeds respectively.

"Young Master Xiao, since we have arrived at the divine realm together, we have to go back together. I, Qingyan, would not do such a despicable thing!" Qingyan looked at Xiao Hansheng with affectionate eyebrows.

"Haha, yes! I, Long Zhen, would rather die than do something like sneak attack on you! Otherwise, I'll be in this world for nothing!" Long Zhen was full of pride.

Only then did Xiao Hansheng stretch his smile, "I thought you would capture me alive! Now, I'm a villain in vain."

After hearing this, Qingyan and Longzhen were greatly surprised, "Brother Xiao (Mr. Xiao), what do you mean?"

"Hmph, are you going to trick me?" Jue Yi flashed in front of them, with black divine power surrounding her, like a demon god looking down on the world.

"Jue Yi, you are just a villain, you can kill if you want!" Long Zhen said indifferently. [

'Hoo, hoo', I saw that the space suddenly showed signs of rupture, and the aura of the enemy directly pressed on them, making them feel like their whole bodies were about to tear apart.

'Crack', Long Zhen's legs, which had turned into a dragon body, were directly broken by the powerful momentum, and he half-kneeled on the ground.Then, with the sound of 'cracking', Xiao Hansheng was also crushed by the powerful momentum, and his legs were broken, and his hands rested on the ground.Only Qingyan was still holding on, but she was already covered in sweat, and she couldn't last for a while.

"Do you dare to say that I am a villain?! Anyone who dares to say that about me will die!" Jue Yi's voice was as cold as a ghost.After that, he put his fingers together, and the sword energy that matched him burst out suddenly, piercing the void.

Feeling the vast sword energy, both Qingyan and Long Zhenju felt ashamed.Seeing that they were about to die under the sword, the same powerful sword energy suddenly emanated from Xiao Hansheng's body.Immediately, the two incomparable sword qi collided, and the powerful force almost tore apart the space.However, there was nothing after all, only the space turned into ripples, affecting the three of Xiao Hansheng and sending them thousands of miles away.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a peerless magic weapon handed down from ancient times. It is really amazing!" While speaking, a middle-aged man in fluttering white clothes appeared at Baizhang Yu Jueyi. If you look carefully, it is Junzijian.I saw his expression was leisurely, showing no signs of a war coming.

"You are actually a king-grade immortal artifact, but it is of the same rank as mine." Jue Yi had to pay attention to the Junzi sword that had just appeared.

Jun Zijian smiled calmly, and swung his hands back casually, only to see colorful streamers flashing past, appearing in the bodies of Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan and Long Zhen.Their injuries recovered instantly.Then, the Junzi Sword drove them to the top of Kunlun Mountain, a million miles away.

Qingyan and Long Zhen regained their consciousness, and found a powerful master standing opposite Jue Yi, both of them looked at Xiao Hansheng with horrified expressions, "There is a super master hidden in your body!"

Xiao Hansheng didn't hide it either, "He is indeed the divine sword hidden in my body, and it shouldn't be weaker than Jue Yi."

After hearing this, Qingyan and Long Zhen were even more shocked, and said in admiration: "Brother Xiao (Mr. Xiao), no wonder he has such strength. With the help of this divine sword, it is really not good for the future!"

Although what Qingyan and Long Zhen said was not accurate, they had to admit that the Junzi Sword was of great benefit to him, so he did not refute it.What's more, the secrets of oneself cannot be easily exposed to others, and naturally they will not refute them.

Seeing that Xiao Hansheng did not refute, Qingyan and Longzhen glanced at each other, "With this super expert here, Xiao Hansheng can basically be sure that his achievements must be extraordinary. Fortunately, we didn't take him alive just now, otherwise we would be the ones who died!" "Thinking of the back, the two of them felt more and more chills down their spines.

After this incident, they no longer dared to disagree with Xiao Hansheng, and they all tried their best to befriend Xiao Hansheng.

With the appearance of Junzi Sword, Jue Yi appeared much calmer.

"I didn't expect you, a powerful existence, to live in the body of a mortal kid!" Jue Yi said quietly. [

"Hehe, it has nothing to do with you if I don't rely on mortal boys! Now, I have been struggling for a long time, and it is not easy to meet a peerless soldier like you. Let's talk about it after we have fought!" Junzijian said. Said calmly, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Since this battle could not be avoided, Jue Yi decided to act first.After finishing speaking, he waved his hand casually, and a sword shadow suddenly appeared, across the void, and struck towards Junzi's sword.It seems that the move is not very powerful, but it has the power to kill everything!

Junzi Jianyan saw the sword shadow attacking, and pointed out that it also formed a confrontation between the peerless sword shadow and the sword shadow issued by Jue Yi.

I saw two sword shadows shuttle in the void, one sword flickered and the other appeared, the fight was exhilarating.This situation lasted for a long time, but the two swords never clashed even once.

This is the display of extraordinary swordsmanship, which can prove that both Junzijian and Jueyi have reached the peak of swordsmanship.You must know that the speed of these two divine swords is extremely fast, if one is strong and the other is weak, the winner can be determined in an instant.

After such a trial, the two divine swords both understood the peerless strength of the other, and they both focused on the enemy.Suddenly, Jueyi transformed into his real body, forming a sword three feet long and five feet wide.Occasionally, Senguang flows past the sword, so it doesn't penetrate!

Jun Zijian's face froze slightly and turned into a normal-sized sword. The whole body was white and delicate and smooth, just like the skin of a beautiful woman.

I saw Jueyi shaking continuously, and a trace of divine power burst out, piercing through the gravel.The Junzi sword was spinning extremely fast, driving the air and hissing.

As the power of the two great soldiers continued to brew, the law of the sword was gradually rippling in the void.I saw Dao flying, and the killing power gradually became stronger.However, this is not the end, but just the beginning.Only the way of benefit is revealed, and the void can be destroyed by random fluctuations.In contrast, the mountain-like aura coming down is exactly the way of thickness.

The three avenues are waving and intertwining in the void, and their power is exhausted.

Xiao Hansheng, Long Zhen, and Qingyan, who were thousands of miles away, all felt chills in their hearts.

When the power of the two divine swords reached its peak, the two swords clashed at a speed beyond time and space.

I saw the sword blades of the two collided suddenly, and strong power erupted from the blades.I saw that the blade of the Gentleman's Sword carried the Dao of Lee and kept breaking through the Dao of Thickness displayed by Jue Yi.

Gradually, a semi-circular light curtain formed from the point where the blades met.The two light curtains consume each other, from a quick confrontation to a war of attrition.

Junzijian took the lead in changing his move, separated Junzijian's avatar, circled behind Jueyi, and slammed into Jueyi with a mighty momentum.

'Boom', a violent explosion sounded.Junzijian was thrown back several feet abruptly, while Jueyi was thrown far away.

In the first fight, Junzijian was slightly better.

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