Although the Junzijian won slightly, it was only due to the decisiveness of his shots, not Jueyi's lack of strength.The gentleman sword blasted Jue Yi away, and did not continue to pursue, but floated in the void, waiting for Jue Yi quietly.

"Hmph, what a despicable guy, you dare to attack secretly!" Jue Yi's angry voice came.

"Haha, you have also experienced countless battles, you don't even understand this truth?!" Junzijian said leisurely, shaking the snow-white blade.

Jue Yi also knew that she was ignorant, so she stopped talking nonsense, shook the sword body, raised the tip of the sword horizontally, and locked the Junzi sword firmly, "Try my sword technique again!" The rays of light condense into mountains.Afterwards, the way of the sword and the way of thickness gradually merged, and their power increased dramatically.

Although the three thousand ways are different, they can also be integrated with each other to form a more powerful force.This is like the way of treasure and the way of falling, comparable to the most powerful way in the world.If there is a master who can fully integrate the three thousand ways, the final combat power can be equal to that of the way.However, throughout the ages, no master has been able to do this!

It can be said that all kinds of things in the world are based on the three thousand principles, and gradually merge with each other to form a more powerful force.

Junzi Jian saw that the two Dao's merged with each other, the power was great, and he was secretly worried, "I don't know to what extent Jueyi has merged the Dao of the Sword with the Dao of Thickness? If he can merge to the third level, I'm afraid I can't." His opponent!"

Although the Junzi Sword can also integrate the Dao of Sword and the Dao of Benefit, but only up to the third level.The focus of the competition now is whose Taoism is more integrated.

The Gentleman's sword is no longer delayed, suddenly, the sword body shakes, the way of the sword appears, and the way of benefit hangs down.I saw that the two Dao were reorganized with each other, and gradually turned into the Dao Zejian with extremely powerful attacking power in the void.Suddenly, Junzi Sword and Dao Ze's evolutionary sword overlapped, and their power suddenly increased, with the potential to sweep the world. [

Just at this time, the Junzi Sword suddenly appeared beside Jue Yi, and the enemy's attacking force struck Jue Yi.

Jueyi also combined the great sword evolved by Dao Ze with her own body to form a mountain-thick sword blade.At this time, Jue Yi has become thick and thick, giving people the feeling of being indestructible.

These are the two extreme swords, Junzijian takes the offensive route, and Jueyi takes the defensive route.Although the routes are different, when reaching the extreme, you can also stand proudly on top of the world.

The confrontation between the two peerless divine swords stirred up the situation and spread thousands of miles away.

Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan, and Longzhen, who were watching the battle from a distance, all had earthy faces, and they all had the urge to escape here.

The battle between the two great swords did not make any sound, but their fierceness was unique.

'Crackling', there was a crisp sound, but it was Jue Yi Shengsheng's gap as big as a sesame seed when Junzi's sword collapsed. Although it was not big, it represented that Junzi's sword was slightly superior in strength.

Suddenly, Jueyi was pushed back by a powerful force for a whole hundred miles before stopping.At this moment, the divine light on Jue Yi's sword was shaking, as if he couldn't maintain it.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect you to merge the Dao of the Sword and the Dao of Benefit into the third layer. I admit that I am not your opponent! However, don't be too happy, when I see you next time, It will be the day you break!" Jue Yi left behind this cruel sentence and walked away.

"Hehe, I'll wait!" Junzijian smiled casually, then the sword body disappeared and flashed into Xuantian Mansion.

With the end of this battle, the space of God Realm returned to calm again.But Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan, and Long Zhen are still reminiscing about the battle just now, unable to extricate themselves.

After two days, they finally woke up.

"Haha, it really deserves to be the top battle in the world. I thought I had reached the limit of my comprehension in the Immortal King Realm, and I couldn't make any progress! But I didn't expect that after watching this battle, my comprehension has improved a lot!" Long Zhen sighed. .He has been trapped in the Immortal King Realm for many years without making any progress, which makes him feel like he has reached his limit.Unexpectedly, after this battle, he showed signs of breakthrough.

"That's right! Now my comprehension of Dao can hit the Immortal Emperor Realm!" Qingyan said mischievously with her small cherry mouth open.

Compared with Longzhen and Qingyan, Xiao Hansheng's comprehension is not so much!After all, he has just reached the Golden Wonderland and has reached the bottleneck. It is impossible to understand too much!As for the impact on the Immortal Venerable Realm, it only needs enough spiritual power, and the comprehension of Tao does not need too much. [

Although he didn't have much understanding of Tao, it also made him understand, "Tao principles can be fused with each other, and the power after fusion will increase dramatically!" Tao is fusion.However, he studied for a long time, but he didn't gain anything from it.However, he was not discouraged, "The gentleman's sword has reached the pinnacle of the world, but it is only a fusion of the two major principles, let alone me."

After they sorted out their thoughts, they looked at the surrounding mountains and mountains, a little at a loss.

"Tell me, which direction should we go!" Long Zhen asked.Now, they don't know where they are, let alone which direction to look for Yaochi.

"Ahem, let's go in any direction we want, we can't just wait here to die!" Xiao Hansheng suggested.

After discussion, the three decided to go west.Compared with the other three directions, the road to the west is smoother, and the more favorable direction is naturally chosen.

The three of Xiao Hansheng flew westward tirelessly. Except for the majestic mountain peaks and green trees, there was no other scenery at all, not even an animal!

This monotonous color makes them very chatty.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, the three of Xiao Hansheng finally came to the deep Grand Canyon.In the canyon, they could hear the sound of rushing water beating against the stone walls.

This scene made them very surprised, "Maybe there is some treasure in the canyon!" Then, the three of Xiao Hansheng flew to the bottom of the valley and rushed to the place where they thought the treasure was buried.

When they were about to reach the bottom of the canyon, they found a pitch-black stele, guarding the land like a strong warrior.

"This, this is the Emperor's Monument!" Xiao Hansheng said tremblingly.He has seen the Emperor's Stele many times, so he naturally knows what the Emperor's Stele means.

"Brother Xiao, do you know the origin of this stele?" Long Zhen asked.Qingyan also tilted her head, staring at Xiao Hansheng.Obviously, she also wanted to know the origin of this stele.

"Let's get out of here! Where there is an emperor monument, it is usually accompanied by great danger, so we better not take risks!" Xiao Han said nai.

"What's so strange about the emperor's stele that Mr. Xiao is so afraid?" Qingyan knew that Xiao Hansheng had hidden a master in his body, and couldn't figure out what he was afraid of.

Before Xiao Hansheng could explain, he only heard Long Zhen tremblingly saying: "In front of you!" Xiao Hansheng looked up with Qingyan, but found that there were rows of graves standing upright, almost exhausted!

"Could it be another God's tomb space?" Xiao Hansheng secretly guessed.

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