Immortal Artifact

Chapter 314 Save the Dragon

Just when Qingyan and Longzhen were about to ask for clarification, they saw a strong aura coming from Youdao, followed by bloody aura spreading.

"Old Ancestor, my Dragon Clan is being attacked by the Phoenix Clan, go and save the Dragon Clan brothers!" While speaking, a dragon master who has turned into a dragon body appeared in front of them.However, the flesh and blood of this dragon master has disappeared, and only the remaining dragon head remains intact.

"This is the blood shield method of the Dragon Clan!" Long Zhen's face was ashen, and he said every word.This blood shield method is the unique escape method of the Dragon Clan. At the price of the dragon's flesh and blood, it stimulates all potentials to escape.However, the method of blood shield is extremely harmful to the source, and it is difficult to heal. Dragon masters will never use it unless it is a last resort.Seeing this dragon master injured like this, Long Zhen immediately understood that the remaining dragon masters were in great trouble.

Qingyan narrowed her eyes slightly, "Hey, I just promised Long Zhen that if a dragon master encounters a catastrophe, I will avenge him. I didn't expect to meet him so soon."

Without delay, Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan, and Longzhen raised the wounded master of the dragon clan, and turned into a streamer and flew towards the place where the dragon and phoenix clans were fighting.

"You despicable Feng Clan, when my father arrives, I will kill you all!" At this time, Long Quan's mouth was bloodshot, his whole body was trembling, but he stood still.

"Haha, Long Zhen? In your Dragon Clan, he is considered a strong man, but in the Phoenix Clan, he is not a fart!" The master of the Phoenix Clan is named Feng Xuan, and he is already a master of the Immortal King Realm.However, his realm has not yet reached the highest realm, but it is much higher than Longquan.

Long Quan was not Feng Xuan's opponent, and when he saw a large number of dragon masters being slaughtered, he missed again and again, almost unable to parry.At this time, he was just holding on, as long as Feng Xuan shot at him again, he would disappear completely.

"Hmph, you are nothing but ghosts and ghosts, how can you compare with my father's openness? You are not even worthy of carrying his shoes!" Long Quan laughed. [

"Since you want to die, I will help you!" Feng Xuan said solemnly.The Phoenix Clan is extremely proud, even the Dragon Clan is not in their eyes.Now that Longquan blatantly slanders the Feng family, does this make him bear it so much? !Simply put, Feng Xuan didn't care too much, and wanted to put Long Quan to death.

I saw that Feng Xuan began to brew a peerless palm, and the five-colored light flashed in the palm of his hand, which turned into an exquisite palm, and hit Long Quan.

Long Quan's eyes narrowed slightly, making a final fight.He operated the formula, raised the remaining spiritual power in his body, and swung his fist to collide with Feng Xuan's palm.

'Hoo', Feng Xuan's palm force was only slightly hindered, and it hit Long Quan's chest in an instant.Hearing the sound of broken ribs, Long Quan's body immediately fell backwards and fell to the ground.Immediately afterwards, the dragon power turned into a dragon body and lay on the ground. The chest where the dragon claws were located was sunken, and dark red dragon blood continuously flowed out from it.

Feng Xuan came to the side of the dragon with a tiger's pace, stroked his sleeves, and said with a smile: "Haha, since you will no longer exist, why don't you give me the dragon tendons! My grandfather is about to refine the Wanlong whip , your dragon tendons are just right!" After that, he condensed his left hand into a big palm of spiritual power, and directly held down Longquan's dragon head, while holding a fifth-grade fairy sword in his right hand, the sword gang formed and stabbed towards Longquan's spine. , wanting to pull out the dragon tendon.

"Stop!" Only a rolling voice could be heard, warning Feng Xuan about his upcoming behavior.Feng Xuan raised his head suddenly, and saw three figures galloping towards him from afar.Immediately, Feng Xuan panicked, "If I kill Long Quan now, I'm afraid I will be killed by Long Zhen!"

"Xuan'er, don't panic, with me here, you can just extract the dragon's tendons!" Feng Wutian said in a deep voice.Feng Xuan is the son of Feng Wutian, he has been watching Feng Xuan's actions, so he naturally understands that Feng Xuan is going to extract dragon tendons.

Hearing Feng Wutian's assurance, Feng Xuan did not hesitate, only to see that the fifth-grade immortal sword had pierced Long Quan's dragon body.Under the severe pain, Long Quan twisted the dragon's body, looking extremely painful.

Long Zhen really knew that when he saw that his son was about to have his tendons taken away, he was extremely angry, and shouted: "Feng Xuan, if you dare to try to touch my son again, I promise to kill you!"

"Hehe, Long Zhen, I said that this trip to the divine realm will be your death! You can save your life!" Feng Wutian said with a smile.

Long Zhen didn't reply, and used all his spiritual power to strike Feng Xuan with peerless palm strength.This palm was sent out by Long Zhen with hatred, so it was naturally powerful.

"Hehe, seeing you panicking, I feel relieved instead. It's so cool!" Although Feng Wutian was joking, the powerful palm force burst out in an instant, directly smashing the palm force of Long Zhen and dissipating into the air. .

"My son is finished!" Long Zhen sighed in a low voice.

"I may not!" Xiao Hansheng comforted.Without waiting for Long Zhen to speak, he continued: "Brother Long Zhen slapped Feng Xuan again, and I have my own way to save Long Quan."

Long Zhen was extremely frustrated at first, but when he heard Xiao Hansheng's words, he was secretly pleasantly surprised, and without asking any further questions, he sent out a fierce palm force and attacked directly. [

Seeing Long Zhen slap another palm, Feng Wutian laughed and said, "Since this move has already been used, what use is it to me?" .

Feng Wutian's strength is also strong, directly shattering Long Zhen's palm power.At this time, Feng Wu was full of ambition, and in the space of the gods, the Feng clan seized the opportunity to wipe out thousands of masters of the dragon clan in one fell swoop.This is an achievement that the Feng Clan has never achieved before. Under his command, the Feng Clan has achieved such a great victory, and it would be an unimaginable honor for him to return to the Feng Clan.

At this moment, he felt a warning sign in his heart, and felt an unparalleled threat coming.Feng Wutian raised his head suddenly, and Xiao Hansheng with white teeth appeared in front of his eyes, seeming to be smiling.Xiao Hansheng didn't talk to him, he raised his palm and hit the palm of light.

With such a short distance, Feng Wutian had no time to bring up enough spiritual power to resist Xiao Hansheng's Mingming Palm.Suddenly, the reincarnation of light and extinguishing hit Feng Wutian's chest, only the sound of several ribs was heard, and Feng Wutian was thrown away far away.

Then, Xiao Hansheng shook his flying wings and came to Feng Xuan's side.Feng Xuan also seemed to sense the danger, and when he raised his head, he saw a kick from his right leg, which was as heavy as Mount Tai, and could almost kill the eternity.

The only thing Feng Xuan can do is to close his eyes and wait for death, otherwise, what else can he do?However, a miracle did happen.The moment Xiao Hansheng kicked Feng Xuan with his right leg, he felt as if he had kicked an iron plate.

Xiao Hansheng immediately understood that there was an immortal emperor-level expert blocking him from beheading Feng Xuan, and secretly said in his heart, "The immortal emperor-level expert is really extraordinary, I can't break through his defense!" Immediately, he retracted his right leg and held the right hand His body, vibrating the flying wings, appeared in the distance.

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