After Xiao Hansheng saw the Tianbei, suddenly, a drop of bright red blood appeared in his palm.Then, he dripped this drop of blood into the Tianbei.

Seeing that the essence and blood were spinning around, but couldn't enter the Tianbei, Xiao Hansheng was slightly disappointed, "It's not so easy to get Yuxu Palace!"

"Hehe, that's natural. The Yuxu Palace was not prepared for you. Now that I help you get the Yuxu Palace, it is against the original meaning of the Heavenly Palace. Therefore, you will suffer great pain." Manghe Patriarch laughed road.

"So it is!" Xiao Hansheng nodded and said.He also understands that Yuxu Palace is a rare fetish, and it is naturally extremely difficult to obtain it.

"I'll inject your blood essence into the Tianbei right now, you have to do it yourself." The Manghe Patriarch said gloatingly.After all, the blood essence in Xiao Hansheng's palm exuded strange fluctuations, and then disappeared, followed by Xiao Hansheng's consciousness.

Xiao Hansheng entered the Tianbei, but found that he had entered the unexplored chaos, and everything was chaotic and indistinct.Just when he was wondering, he only felt severe pain, which almost made him faint completely.This pain is even more painful than when he opened up the meridians, an unrivaled pain.Due to the attack of severe pain, he has become confused and does not know where he is.

When Xiao Han was in a daze, he felt a tall giant appearing in front of him, holding a giant silver axe, as if he wanted to break through this chaotic world and evolve the universe.Just when this giant was about to open up the universe, a huge monument came to the world, which directly suppressed this giant and disappeared without a trace.As the giant fell down, a line of big characters appeared on the monument—the mark of Tianxin.Immediately afterwards, the imprint of Tianxin began to evolve, and gradually turned into words and penetrated into Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

With the disappearance of the mark of Tianxin, Xiao Hansheng fell into a complete coma.Although he was lethargic, his body was twitching non-stop, showing that he was suffering from unimaginable pain.

This kind of pain tortured Xiao Hansheng to death, but his essence and blood could not be fully integrated into the Tianbei.I saw that his blood essence was continuously washed by the powerful force, and passed into Xiao Hansheng's body through the blood essence, causing him pain. [

This is Tianbei's instinct to reject Xiao Hansheng's control.After all, the Tianbei does not belong to Xiao Hansheng. If Xiao Hansheng wants to snatch it by force, he will naturally have to endure unimaginable pain.In fact, almost all the power of the Tianbei was blocked by the Manghe patriarch. If it wasn't for this, Xiao Hansheng would have been shaken to pieces long ago.

Suddenly, this drop of blood essence merged with Xiao Hansheng's consciousness, and gradually turned into Xiao Hansheng's entity.Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng opened his eyes and stared at the space of the Tianbei indifferently.

"Hmph, it's really good! If you want to subdue me, beat me first!" Tianbei's indifferent voice came.

"If you want to fight, fight!" Xiao Hansheng also said coldly.At this time, Xiao Hansheng seemed to have changed into a different person, with strange magic power flashing in his eyes.

"Then you go to die!" While speaking, the boundless aura in the space of the Tianbei began to fluctuate, turning into seven-colored thunder and striking towards Xiao Hansheng.This is the site of the Tianbei space, and its power is more vast than imagined.The Manghe Patriarch only blocked the external power of the Tianbei, but he couldn't stop it internally.This is also where the ancestor of Manghe miscalculated.

Seeing the colorful thunder coming, Xiao Hansheng poured out his breath, "The Tao is empty!" While speaking, the space of the sky monument suddenly rose with empty power.The vastness of this force instantly enveloped the Seven-Colored Divine Thunder.The wrapped seven-colored thunder is like entering the infinite void, and can never reach the other side.

"Unexpectedly, you can control the power of Xu, which is the power contained in the Tao!" Tianbei's consciousness was surprised.

"Hmph, there are more things you can't think of!" Xiao Hansheng said indifferently.While speaking, he mobilized the power of emotion, which was the power he used when fighting against Guo Tianya, but after that, he never awakened the power of emotion again.Now, with the help of Xu Li, he once again displayed his miraculous power.

I saw the anger sweeping the space of the Tianbei, trying to turn it into the god of anger.

"Hmph, although your emotional power is miraculous, it's too weak to affect me at all." Tianbei's consciousness said coldly.

"Hehe, let's add this!" Xiao Hansheng's voice had just finished, when Mingxulu appeared in the void of the sky tablet space.This is one of the three major scriptures that Xiao Hansheng practiced, but so far he has not discovered anything miraculous about Ming Xulu. Now, he can finally display the peerless power of this scripture.

With the full display of Mingxulu, Ruqiong's strength blesses the emotion of anger, and then directly acts on the consciousness of Tianbei.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! I'm going to kill you, you bastard, how dare you treat me like this!" Tianbei's consciousness roared hysterically.

"Appear!" As Xiao Hansheng's voice fell, a cloud-like white thing appeared in front of his eyes, which was the consciousness of Tianbei.I saw the consciousness of Tianbei constantly struggling, trying to mobilize the power of Tianbei to suppress Xiao Hansheng.

"Hehe, now you are at the end of your strength, you are no longer my opponent, or Ming Xulu's opponent! Belonging to me, this is your only way out!" While speaking, Xiao Hansheng's blood rushed out and scattered in In the consciousness of Tianbei. [

Just listening to the hissing sound, Xiao Hansheng's blood essence and Tianbei's consciousness were deeply fused.Gradually, Tianbei's consciousness returned to calm, and suddenly entered Xiao Hansheng's consciousness.

Xiao Hansheng immediately felt that he had established a strong connection with the Tianbei, but now he couldn't drive the Tianbei at will, "Oh, my strength is still very weak!" Then, Xiao Hansheng's consciousness returned to his body, and his eyes brightened, " Haha, I finally subdued the Yuxu Palace, this is such a treasure!" Afterwards, he drove the Tianbei to move the Yuxu Palace into the Chaos Divine Land, lying quietly in the center of the Chaos Divine Land.

"Hey, you kid is really lucky! You were able to collect the Yuxu Palace and get the Tianbei. This is the best thing to study the Emperor's Monument!" Xiaoyao Tianzun looked at Xiao Hansheng with some envy.

Hearing Xiaoyao Tianzun's words, Xiao Hansheng had a thought, and urgently searched his sea of ​​consciousness, but found nothing, "I once remembered that a piece of text entered my sea of ​​consciousness, why did it disappear?" Xiao Hansheng was very surprised by this. Doubt, but no answer.

"Okay, I've been hiding here for a long time, and it's time to return to chaos and prepare for the catastrophe of the world!" After that, Xiaoyao Tianzun carried Xiao Hansheng out of the tomb, and then threw him on the ground, and the shadow disappeared trace.

"Hey, brother Xiao, why did you arrive at the foot of Kunlun Mountain before us!" Qingyan and Longzhen looked at Xiao Hansheng suspiciously.When they left the cemetery of the gods, Xiao Hansheng hadn't moved yet!However, they worked so hard that they finally arrived at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, but Xiao Hansheng arrived here ahead of time, so how can they not be confused? !

"Uh, I met a bastard, he threw me here!" Xiao Hansheng shrugged.

Hearing Xiao Hansheng's words, Qingyan and Longzhen were a little dumbfounded.

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