Xiao Hansheng only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and he appeared in the spacious palace.Xiao Hansheng looked up, but found a tall mountain, like a pillar supporting the sky.

Xiao Hansheng looked up, but there were three big characters shining brightly - Buzhou Mountain.

"The Heavenly Palace deserves to be a space opened up by great supernatural powers. Even the Yuxu Palace can hide incomparable mountain peaks. It's really amazing!" Xiao Hansheng couldn't help but lament the magic of the Heavenly Palace.

"Hehe, what you said is not bad! Tiangong is the most precious treasure in the world. In the world, the only one that can stand shoulder to shoulder with it is Zixiao Palace." Youdao's boundless voice came.

Xiao Hansheng looked around, terrified, "Who is talking to me?"

That voice came slowly, "Hehe, I didn't expect Hong's reincarnation to be so timid. It's really incredible."

After hearing this, Xiao Hansheng was dumbfounded, "What are you talking about? I am Hong's reincarnation? How is this possible?"

The voice didn't make any excuses, and fell silent.

Although Xiao Hansheng was full of doubts, he didn't intend to break the casserole and ask the end. He just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. [

However, he wanted to leave Yuxu Palace, but he couldn't find a way out, so he cupped his hands and said, "Senior, this junior wants to leave Yuxu Palace, please let me do it."

"How about I go out with you? Although I was waiting for the reincarnation of the master of Tiangong to come, but he never appeared, I don't want to be buried here." That voice came slowly.

After Xiao Hansheng heard this, his brain thought quickly, "What does he mean?" Before he could react, Buzhou Mountain suddenly shrank, turning into a three-inch long and wide jet-black seal.At the bottom of the seal, there are three large golden characters - Fan Tian Yin.

All of a sudden, Fan Tianyin got into Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness.Just entering Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness, Fan Tianyin was very surprised, "I didn't expect that there are so many treasures hidden in your body, you really deserve to be Hong's reincarnation." Immediately, Fan Tianyin turned into a streamer and fell into chaos In the sacred soil, a tall mountain peak was formed, and the replica was restored, and it turned into Buzhou Mountain and stood up.

After Bu Zhou Mountain disappeared, Yuxu Palace suddenly became somewhat empty.Xiao Hansheng looked up, but saw many treasures lying in the sky, emitting bright light, shining on the world.

I saw the purple and gold twin swords turned into two flood dragons, biting each other, with awe-inspiring power.

I saw the yin and yang mirror rotating back and forth, white light and black light intertwined, scattering divine light, killing everything.

I saw the hot wheel turning into a fireball and spinning in the void, surrounded by blue wind, showing its power.

Seeing so many treasures, Xiao Hansheng was shocked, "There are so many treasures here, if you get one, you can travel the world!" Although he already has many treasures in his hand, he still wants to get them.After all, having too many babies doesn't overwhelm you!

"Hey, I can use Jubaoyan and Luobao money to gather these treasures in my body and suppress them with Zhuxian sword array." Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.

Just do what you say, and in an instant, Jubao Rock, which is several feet high, appears, and Luobao Money also exudes a divine light.Suddenly, two Taoisms appeared in the void, the Taoism of Treasures and the Taoism of Falling appeared, enveloping the treasures in Yuxu Palace.

The Way of Treasure is fatally attractive to these treasures, and the Way of Falling is also difficult for them to resist.I saw these babies flying towards Xiao Hansheng unsteadily.

Xiao Hansheng was ecstatic when he saw it, and opened the chaotic world, and the babies were completely submerged in the chaotic world.However, when they entered Xiao Hansheng's chaotic world, they woke up.Immediately, he became angry, "This human kid actually relied on two big treasures to lure us in here, damn it, kill him, kill him!"

While talking, I saw that many treasures began to exude absolute divine light, trying to destroy Xiao Hansheng's chaotic world.The chaotic world, which was already almost broken, was hit hard again, and it was about to perish completely.

At this time, the Zhuxian formation began to appear, and the four swords of Zhuxian were separated in all directions.I saw the Juexian sword shaking, and the incomparable sword energy swept across the sky. [

The Juexian sword energy collided with a saber-shaped divine weapon, and instantly shattered it and scattered it in all directions.At the same time, the innate Taiji map wraps the chaotic world, preventing the Zhuxian sword energy from destroying the chaotic world.

Feeling the overwhelming aura of Zhu Xian's sword formation, many divine soldiers all withdrew their divine power, not daring to reveal the slightest bit.

The attacking power of Zhuxian Sword Formation is unparalleled, how can these low-level soldiers be allowed to provoke?Although each of these magical soldiers has a great background, in the eyes of Zhuxian Sword Formation, they are just not popular.

Xiao Hansheng felt that the Zhuxian Sword Formation subdued all these magical weapons, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is extremely arrogant and will not allow these magical soldiers to provoke. Otherwise, it would be asking for trouble."

Xiaoyao Tianzun who secretly observed Xiao Hansheng was stunned, "Damn it, this kid has completely subdued these treasures so easily? You man, I am ashamed of myself!" Although Xiaoyao Tianzun can also subdue these magic soldiers, he must It takes a lot of effort, unlike Xiao Hansheng's Zhuxian sword formation, which can suppress the Quartet with a single move, and dare not accept it.

After Xiao Hansheng took away all the treasures of Yuxu Palace, Yuxu Palace had other things and planned to leave Yuxu Palace.

"Boy, are you willing to take all of Yuxu Palace? Now you don't need Yuxu Palace, but in the future, Yuxu Palace will be of unimaginable importance." Manghe Patriarch seduced.

After Xiao Hansheng heard this, his heart was pounding, "What is the best way for seniors?"

The ancestor of Manghe smiled and said: "There is a stele of the township in Yuxu Palace, named Tianbei. Not only Yuxu Palace has a Tianbei, but every palace in Tiangong has a Tianbei, and there is even a Tianbei that controls Tiangong. As long as you get this stele, you can become the owner of Tiangong. However, Tiangong already has its owner, so you can’t get it at all. Although you can’t control Tiangong, you can still control Yuxu Palace.”

Xiao Hansheng was a little bit regretful, but there was nothing he could do about it, who told him not to be the master of Tiangong's destiny!However, getting Yuxu Palace is not bad, it's better than nothing.

Then, Xiao Hansheng rushed to the place of the Tianbei according to the instructions of the ancestor of Manghe.He didn't know how long it took him to finally reach the depths of Yuxu Palace, and there appeared a celestial stele that looked like wood but not wood, and stone but not stone.

The shape of the Tianbei is somewhat similar to that of the Emperor's Stele, but the fluctuation is completely different from that of the Emperor's Stele.If it wasn't so, Xiao Hansheng thought it was another emperor's stele.

"It is rumored that the owner of the Heavenly Palace once smashed the Emperor's Stele in an attempt to thoroughly study the Emperor's Stele. This strong man thought that he had studied the Emperor's Stele thoroughly after spending countless years, so he imitated the Emperor's Stele and refined the Heavenly Stele. Monument. After the Tianbei is refined and formed, although it is similar to the Emperor's Stele in appearance and power, it lacks the charm of the Emperor's Stele. This strong man refined more than 120 pieces in a row, but the result is far from the Emperor's Stele. Annoyed After that, he directly smashed more than ten pieces. In the end, there were still one hundred and nine celestial steles left, so he refined the celestial steles into the Tiangong to enhance the power of the Tiangong." Telling Xiao Hansheng caused huge waves in Xiao Hansheng's heart.

"The emperor's stele is also known as a tool of Taoism. What secret does it hide?" Xiao Hansheng was puzzled.

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