Immortal Artifact

Chapter 318 The Fire of Nirvana

The battle between dragon and phoenix was not as fierce as imagined.Qingyan made a strong move, killing dozens of Feng clan masters, how could other Feng clan masters dare to stay any longer?They all ran away desperately.

Of course, there are still two thousand masters of the Phoenix clan who are entangled by the only remaining masters of the Dragon clan and cannot escape.Of course, some Feng clan masters who are powerful or very lucky can escape for their lives, but most of the Phoenix clan masters were killed by the dragon clan masters in a reckless manner.

The battle between the dragon and the phoenix did not last long, and ended with the retreat of the phoenix clan.It seems that the Phoenix Clan was defeated, but in fact it was the Dragon Clan who suffered heavy losses.Due to the sudden sneak attack of the Feng Clan, there were only a thousand masters left in the Dragon Clan, but at least [-] masters of the Feng Clan fled away.

"What a loser, I think my dragon clan is also a big clan in the realm of beasts, but I was beaten like this by the phoenix clan, it's really embarrassing!" Some dragon clan masters couldn't help cursing.

"Hey, if the ancestor of Longzhen was here, we would not have suffered such a heavy loss!" A master analyzed.

"I may not. Just now, you also saw that there is an immortal emperor-level master of the Feng Clan hiding in the Feng Clan. Even the ancestor of Longzhen can't let us survive the disaster safely!" A master retorted.

Almost all dragon masters nodded and said, "Yes! Immortal emperor-level masters, even the ancestors of Longzhen can't deal with them, so they can only put their lives in it."

'Huh', Feng Wutian's fire of Nirvana soared, and the spirit of the fairy gradually gathered, whizzing into his body, and a vast breath was born suddenly, as if a master of the world was about to descend.

"No, Feng Wutian is going to attack the Immortal Emperor Realm, let's stop him! We not only want to stop him, but also kill him to avenge the brothers of the Dragon Clan!" Surrounded by the sky, they joined forces to display the unparalleled dragon power and hit Feng Wutian. [

The joint attack of more than a thousand dragon masters can be described as the ancients, and the latecomers. No master in the mortal world can resist it, even the emperor-level master.

In an instant, the incomparable dragon force directly hit Feng Wutian's body.The sound that should have been a violent explosion did not sound, but the fire of Nirvana turned into a thousand-foot fire dragon in vain, spewing fire snakes and attacking the dragon master.

Thousands of dragon masters were slightly astonished, then calmed down, and used their dragon power to prepare to resist Feng Wutian's Nirvana fire.

"Get away from me, all of you!" Qing Yanjiao shouted.Facing the domineering fire of Nirvana, even she dare not take it, let alone these dragon masters?

Some dragon masters immediately jumped away when they heard it, while some dragon masters hesitated a little.Just for a moment of hesitation, the fire of Nirvana struck directly, and the dragon masters stopped dodging and used their dragon power to resist the fire of Nirvana.

When Longli came into contact with the fire of Nirvana, they immediately felt their consciousness being burned by the fire of Nirvana, and within a short while, they completely lost consciousness.

The dragon masters who escaped this catastrophe saw their companions being swallowed by the fire of Nirvana, all of them were pale and unable to speak.

"The fire of Nirvana is so weird that there is basically no way to crack it!" Qingyan Fei came forward and explained softly.

"Ah! There are only more than [-] dragon masters left, and the loss is too great!" A dragon master hugged his head and murmured.

Looking at the [-] dragon masters in the area, I feel deeply desolate, "When we set off from the dragon star, there were [-] masters, and now there are only [-] left. How can this not be desolate!"

"Do you want revenge?" Xiao Hansheng suddenly opened his eyes, and a voice came.

"Is what Senior Xiao said true?" These five hundred masters suddenly turned their heads to Xiao Hansheng.Qingyan also stared at him, showing a puzzled look.

"Naturally!" Xiao Hansheng said firmly.The reason why he helped the Dragon Clan so much was not because of his kindness, nor because the Dragon Clan treated him very well, and he wanted to repay the Dragon Clan, but because he got news about Yue Ziqun from the Phoenix Emperor.Yue Ziqun has always been his main target of defense. Now that Yue Ziqun has become a guest of the Feng Clan, he knows that he will definitely confront Yue Ziqun in the future, and the Feng Clan is definitely an enemy rather than a friend.He had a feeling that the fire of Nirvana would be a big trouble for him to deal with Yue Ziqun.Taking advantage of this opportunity, he must study the fire of Nirvana in order to find a way to get rid of it.

The only surviving dragon masters didn't know that Xiao Hansheng had so many twists and turns in his heart, and they all looked at Xiao Hansheng gratefully.

"Young Master Xiao, do you have a way to break the fire of Nirvana?" Qingyan asked. [

"No!" Xiao Hansheng answered very simply.

"How will you break the fire of Nirvana?" Qingyan pressed her step by step.

"Just try it yourself!" Xiao Hansheng said easily.

Qingyan looked at Xiao Hansheng in disbelief, "The fire of Nirvana is so strange, if you try it yourself, aren't you afraid that it will die out completely?"

Xiao Hansheng looked at Feng Wutian, but didn't answer Qingyan's words. He vibrated the flying wings behind his back, flew to Feng Wutian's side, and returned after being contaminated with the fire of Nirvana.

As soon as he stood still, Xiao Hansheng showed pain. 'Phew', this cluster of nirvana fires erupted suddenly, and he immediately became a burning man.

Qingyan covered her mouth lightly, "Here, Mr. Xiao doesn't want to live?" She knew the power of Nirvana's fire very well, so it was naturally hard for Xiao Hansheng to understand why Xiao Hansheng did this.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness was full of flames, burning blazingly, burning everything.The sea of ​​consciousness is the origin of the human body. If the sea of ​​consciousness is burned, the only thing left is the death of the body and the disappearance of the dao.

Xiao Hansheng's main soul has retreated to the edge of the chaotic divine land, mobilizing the treasure inside to protect himself at any time.The reason why he didn't enter the Chaos Divine Land was not because he didn't want to enter, but because he couldn't enter the Chaos Divine Land.I don't know what's going on, the chaotic god soil is extremely repulsive to him, and won't let his main soul enter it.

Xiao Hansheng's main soul grabbed a fire of Nirvana, and constantly analyzed its cause.He only felt that the fire of Nirvana was constantly attacking his original consciousness.

"Longzhen and Qingyan once said that the fire of Nirvana is the fire of the soul, and there must be a reason for it!" Xiao Hansheng suddenly remembered Feng Wutian's Nirvana, "Feng Wutian was severely injured under my surprise attack. He continued to survive. However, he was reborn by relying on the fire of Nirvana! The fire of Nirvana must have incredible power of regeneration, but this is certainly not all of the fire of Nirvana!"

Xiao Hansheng closed his eyes and carefully analyzed the fire of Nirvana!

Time passed by every minute and every second, Xiao Han was born like a sculpture, as stable as Mount Tai.

"I don't know if Mr. Xiao can survive this test!" Looking at Xiao Hansheng who was surrounded by the fire of Nirvana, his face showed hope.

"Haha, I understand! The fire of Nirvana possesses the power of rebirth and the power of the mind! Although the power of rebirth is strong, how can it be obtained without a strong mind?" Xiao Hansheng laughed wildly.Then, the fire of Nirvana that was burning brightly was extinguished.

Just at this moment, powerful fluctuations suddenly appeared, as if a peerless god descended.Xiao Hansheng, Qingyan and more than [-] dragon masters all turned their heads to Feng Wutian who had succeeded in Nirvana.

The moment Feng Wutian succeeded in Nirvana, the catastrophe of heaven and earth came, and he wanted to kill him.

"This is a catastrophe for an immortal emperor level master, Feng Wutian is absolutely impossible to resist!" Qingyan sneered.

Feng Wutian suddenly turned into a human form, looking in horror at the catastrophe coming, his face ashen.

Just when everyone thought that Feng Wutian was about to die under the catastrophe, Tiangong's powerful breath erupted, directly swallowing the catastrophe and dissipating it completely.

The masters in the arena were not shocked, and then Feng Wutian was ecstatic, while the expressions of the other masters changed drastically.

"Hmph, today is your death day!" Feng Wutian said indifferently.

"Feng Wutian, let me make a bet with you, do you dare?" Xiao Hansheng said leisurely.

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