Immortal Artifact

Chapter 323 A Great Victory

Chapter 323: Great Victory

Although Xiao Hansheng came, he still couldn't deal with Zhunti's Seven Wonders Treasure Tree.Please use to visit this site.Afterwards, he decided to fight Zhunti first to find out Zhunti's background, and then discuss how to deal with the Western Paradise.

On the second day, accompanied by masters such as Di Jun and Jin Chan, Xiao Hansheng led more than ten thousand masters to challenge the Buddha Realm Alliance.

When they came to the void, they saw densely packed Buddhist masters besieging the planet where Putuo Temple was located.I saw the Buddha's light shrouded, and the vast aura fluctuated out, engulfing the myriad fields.

"The Western Paradise is so arrogant! It's so close to Putuo Temple!" Xiao Hansheng said in a deep voice.

"It's really embarrassing to measure the Buddha!" ​​Jin Chan said with clasped hands, her face flushed slightly.The master who was following behind him had a red complexion and looked ashamed.

When they came thousands of miles away in front of the Buddha Realm Alliance, Jieyin and Zhunti appeared at the same time, followed by a flash of Buddha light, and several masters followed behind the two of them, coming to confront Xiao Hansheng.

"Hmph, how dare a group of defeated generals come here to die?" Zhun Ti held the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree in his hand, and the five-colored divine light appeared, which was very extraordinary.

"Don't talk nonsense here. If you didn't have the seven wonderful treasure trees that can destroy everything, how could you be our opponent?! If you have the ability, let's do it with bare hands?" Hou Yi said coldly.He holds a sun-shooting bow, which is extremely powerful.The sun-shooting arrows can sweep away a large number of Buddhist masters.However, his power and the near-marginal Buddha Realm Alliance are still too weak to cause irreparable losses to the enemy. [

The same is true for other masters, and the fundamental method hurts the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance on a large scale.However, Zhunti's Seven Wonders Treasure Tree is different. He can deal with all the masters of the Lich Alliance at the same time and wipe out the weapons in their hands.How can the Lich Alliance without weapons be the opponent of the Buddha Realm Alliance?Therefore, it retreated thousands of miles until it was not far from Putuo Temple.

"Hehe, Hou Yi, don't you also have a sun-shooting bow in your hand! You can use such a treasure, so why can't I use it? You are too domineering!" Zhunti laughed.

Hou Yi couldn't refute Zhun Ti's criticism, so he could only snort coldly and stop talking to Zhun Ti.

After Zhunti quarreled with Houyi, he finally turned his attention to Xiao Hansheng, and said with a sneer, "I never thought that your luck would be so good, and you could escape from ascending to heaven even in the catastrophe of heaven and earth. You are really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang!" "

Xiao Hansheng said lightly: "At the critical moment that day, you abandoned the masters of Buddhism, prevented me from going through the catastrophe, and wanted to put me to death. Today, it is time to avenge that day." After finishing speaking, he teleported to Zhunti's body In front of him, the Hegemony Technique was cast immediately, and kicked at Zhunti's stomach.

This is already Xiao Hansheng's pinnacle blow, reaching the limit that the mortal world can bear.I saw the space split open suddenly, and the powerful force hit Zhunti directly.He is very confident about the attack on Zhunti this time, "I use the body dominance method, which is very explosive and can easily kill a master at the top of the Immortal King Realm. What's more, although Zhunti's strength is extraordinary, but His power has not yet reached the highest level of the Immortal King Realm. It is easy to kill him."

Seeing that Xiao Hansheng's red body was about to kick Zhunti's body, Zhunti smiled coldly, "Don't you know that I have reached the highest level of the Immortal King Realm?" The color glowed, forming a golden body of glazed glass, raised his right leg and confronted Xiao Hansheng's right leg.

This is a confrontation between the strongest attack and the strongest defensive body training methods, which one is stronger and weaker will be revealed immediately.

The moment Xiao Hansheng and Zhunti's body came into contact, it was as if he had kicked a diamond.The piercing pain kept hitting his main soul, making him unbearable.

Zhunti originally thought that the glazed golden body he cultivated was the strongest body training method. After he fought against Xiao Hansheng, he felt that his glazed golden body seemed to be broken, and his body seemed to be hit by this confrontation. disintegrate.Zhunti's face became extremely terrifying, pale, and he gritted his steel teeth, "I really miscalculated, he actually knows such a powerful body training method!"

'Bang', the crisp sound of the collision of jade and gold came.Although the voice was silent, Hou Yi, Di Jun and other masters felt chills when they heard it.

"I think the physical strength of the two of them is stronger than ours!" Xing Tian said leisurely.

"Well, their physique is indeed very strong. However, let's not belittle ourselves. I am going to go back to Putuo Temple and attack the Golden Fairyland. Thinking about it, reaching such a realm should not be worse than them!" Di Jun said lightly.

"Yeah, we have to rush to the Golden Fairyland. Otherwise, our strength will be farther and farther away from Brother Xiao!" Hou Yi said with emotion.

Then, both Xiao Hansheng and Zhun Tiju went back.I didn't know how far I traveled in the void, and then gradually stopped. [

When Xiao Hansheng stopped, he saw that his right leg was bent, and the leg bone was exposed along the broken part, which looked extremely terrifying.Compared with Zhun Ti, Xiao Hansheng's injury is quite graceful.I saw that Zhunti's right leg had been completely broken, forming a crystal and irregular glazed steel diamond.Under the illumination of the stars, it occasionally emits bright light.Looking up along his right leg, he saw that the glazed golden body had been cracked all over his body, some even had gaps of three or four centimeters, and the dark red blood flowed down the cracked skin, which looked bloody abnormal.

This battle ended with Xiao Hansheng's victory.The reason for his victory was not that he was stronger than Zhunti, but his understanding of the glazed golden body.Xiao Hansheng's glazed golden body comes from the Measuring Sutra, while Jieyin and Zhunti are the reincarnations of Amitabha Buddha. Naturally, the most important method of practice is also the Quanjing Sutra, and the method of their glazed golden body naturally also comes from the Measuring Sutra.

This also led to Xiao Hansheng's deep understanding of the operation of the glazed golden body.During the confrontation with Zhunti, he specifically looked for the sluggish place when the glazed golden body was running.This also led to Zhunti's overall defeat, not his opponent.

In general, Xiao Hansheng's strength combined with his luck hit Zhunti hard.

"Brother Xiao's strength is really strong, and he will hit Zhunti severely just after making a move. Let's go, let's win a battle first." After more than ten days of consecutive defeats, the morale of the alliance is at a loss.Now, they desperately need a win to boost morale.Sure enough, Xiao Hansheng hit Zhunti severely with his shot, which gave them a chance to win the battle, so they naturally refused to let it go and shot with all their strength.

I saw the ten thousand alliance masters blasting out their spiritual power without any scruples, a powerful force burst out, and they had the ability to kill the masters of the Buddha realm alliance.

Seeing that their enemy God of War, Zhunti, had been defeated, the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance were naturally disturbed and unable to kill the enemy with all their strength.

I saw Houyi holding a sun-shooting arrow, pulling the bowstring, and the spiritual power in his body turned into an arrow, and shot at the master of the Buddha Realm Alliance.With a bang, the arrow exploded, flesh and blood flew across the body, and the Nascent Soul was shattered, taking the lives of nearly a hundred Buddhist masters around in an instant.Every time Hou Yi makes a move, he will take the lives of dozens of masters, making the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance terrified.

Not only Hou Yi's majesty, but also Jin Chan, Di Jun, Xing Tian, ​​and Tai Yi also showed their power, and the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance fled without daring to hesitate for a moment.

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