After this war, the Buddha Realm Alliance was repelled to a million miles away, and a balanced state was formed again.When Xiao Hansheng returned to Putuo Temple, he was alive and well, without any signs of injury.

Returning to the main hall of Putuo Temple, the masters sat down as guests and hosts to discuss the matter of dealing with the Buddha Realm Alliance.

"Brother Xiao, we should take advantage of Zhunti's injury and attack again to kill the Buddha Realm Alliance. How about you?" Tai Yi suggested.The other masters nodded in agreement.After all, this situation is not easy to come by, so naturally we can't give up easily.

Before Xiao Hansheng came back, he was thinking about whether to attack the Buddha Realm Alliance again.However, after thinking for a long time, he decided to give up attacking the Buddha Realm Alliance.

"I, we don't need to attack the Buddha Realm Alliance anymore. Maybe they are waiting for us to attack!" Xiao Hansheng said quietly.

Xiao Hansheng's words made the masters present frown, not knowing why.

"We can think of taking advantage of this opportunity to attack the Buddha Realm Alliance, but how can the masters of the Great Leiyin Temple not think of it? It can be concluded that if we go to attack here, we will definitely be ambushed by the Fo Realm Alliance. The situation will be gone!" Xiao Hansheng said leisurely.

Xiao Hansheng's words were like a slap in the face, waking them up.

"Brother Xiao, how do you think we should deal with the Fo Realm Alliance? If we don't take this opportunity to deal a fatal blow to the Fo Realm Alliance, it will be even more unfavorable to us when Zhunti's injury recovers!" Di Jun said in a deep voice. Said. [

Xiao Hansheng smiled and said nothing.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng's mysterious smile, these masters were all moved in their hearts, "Could it be that Brother Xiao already has a plan to deal with the Buddha Realm Alliance?!"

"Brother Xiao, tell us if you have a good plan! It might make us happy!" Hou Yi laughed.

"Haha, I really have an idea!" Xiao Hansheng pondered for a moment, then continued: "Of course we can't deal a fatal blow to the Buddha Realm Alliance from the outside, but that doesn't mean we can't break through their fortress from the inside."

Xiao Hansheng's words made the eyes of the masters present light up, "The Buddha Realm Alliance is not monolithic, but has major hidden dangers."

"Brother Xiao, does it mean Mani Temple?!" Jin Chan asked in surprise.

"That's right! As far as I know, Mani Temple has always had the ambition to become the leader of the Buddha Realm Alliance. It's just that in the last competition, Mani Temple handed over the position of leader to Da Leiyin Temple. However, I believe that Mani Temple will definitely I am not reconciled to being driven by Da Leiyin Temple. We contact Mani Temple, and they will definitely welcome you wholeheartedly." Xiao Hansheng said in a deep voice.

"Brother Xiao's idea is very good! In this way, we are equivalent to driving a wedge within the Buddha Realm Alliance, which is extremely beneficial to us. But, is Mani Temple willing to do things for us?" Hou Yi Ask your own questions.Similarly, this question is also a common question of the masters here.

"I just want to ask you one thing, do you want to get the territory of the Western Paradise?" Xiao Hansheng asked.

Regarding this question, the masters present looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.Territory, they naturally want it.After all, the resources of the Western Paradise are exhausted, and if they can get a little, it will greatly improve the strength of the clan.

After waiting for a long time, no expert stood up to answer the call.

"I know that the size of the territory determines the strength of the major forces. However, if you intend to plunder the territory of the Western Paradise, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Mani Temple to agree to us to deal with Daleiyin Temple together!" Xiao Hansheng said lightly .

"Brother Xiao, what do you mean?" Jin Chan asked in a calm voice.

"What I mean is very simple. We only need to call names, and we don't mean to offend the Western Paradise. As long as the Mani Temple can destroy the Great Leiyin Temple, they will naturally become the masters of the Western Paradise!" Xiao Hansheng said.Afterwards, he continued: "However, I believe that once the Mani Temple gains power, it will expand aggressively. At that time, I don't need to say more about how to do it."

The meaning in Xiao Han's words is that now there is a need to deal with Daleiyin Temple, so naturally there is a compromise with Mani Temple.As for what happens next, it is natural to speak according to strength. [

How could the masters here not understand the meaning of Xiao Han's words?It's just tacit understanding.

"Okay, let's do what Brother Xiao wants!" Jin Chan said.

Just at this moment, the golden aura rushed straight to Xiaohan, and two golden maces stood between the sky and the earth, becoming the only protagonists.

"Ha, the blazing golden mace has finally been refined!" Jin Chan said pleasantly.

Yes, this is the golden mace made by Chi Ran himself.During this period of time, Putuo Temple collected gold everywhere, supplying Chiran to make gold maces.

Chi Ran is different from Xiao Hansheng, Tai Yi, Di Jun and others. What he cultivates is a golden mace that no one has ever practiced before.Naturally, there is no golden mace in the world for him to use, so he can only forge the weapon at hand with his own hands.And Jin Chan from Putuo Temple wanted to make friends with Chi Ran, so she naturally tried her best to help him collect gold.This also led to the scene of Qili thieves robbing Xujia Village of gold.

After a long period of time, Zhiran continuously extracted the gold essence from the gold and smelted it into the golden mace, resulting in the continuous improvement of the power of the golden mace.Today, the golden mace has reached the level of a sixth-grade fairy weapon, enough for him to use it for a long time.

With his continuous refinement of the golden mace, his strength has also been greatly improved, enough for him to break into the Golden Wonderland.He decided to take this opportunity to go through the catastrophe of heaven and earth and reach the golden fairyland with one effort.

Immediately afterwards, the pair of golden maces disappeared into the sky, and they flew into the void with Chi Ran to help Chi Ran survive the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

The masters in the Putuo Temple suddenly felt a strong aura of catastrophe attacking them, and it was obvious that Chi Ran had already begun to cross the catastrophe.

"Let's go, how did Chi Ran cross the tribulation!" Jin Chan cut through the void, came to the void, and stared at Chi Ran who was in the process of crossing the tribulation thousands of miles away.Then, almost all the masters came to the void, staring at how Chiran can overcome the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

I saw that the heavenly tribulation was densely packed, forming a cage, trying to envelop and swallow the blazing.Immediately afterwards, the first Heavenly Tribulation landed, but it was easily crushed by the blazing golden mace and disappeared.

"Tell me, can Chiran reach ten thousand times the catastrophe of the nine waves of catastrophe!" Di Jun asked.As soon as Di Jun's words fell, all the masters showed strange eyes, staring at Xiao Hansheng.After all, Xiao Hansheng is the only master in history who can reach ten thousand times the catastrophe.

Xiao Hansheng's face was calm, looking at the blazing fire that was crossing the catastrophe in the distance.

I saw Chi Ran waving the golden mace, like two flood dragons shuttling in the sea of ​​thunder, looking extremely handsome.Waves of Heavenly Tribulations came, and the Heavenly Tribulations became stronger and stronger, but Chi Ran seemed to be able to do a job with ease and not panic.

When the eighth wave of catastrophe arrives, it will be ten thousand times catastrophe just one time short, which has already tied Xiao Hansheng's record.Seeing the Heavenly Tribulation crashing down, Chi Ran immediately vomited blood and was seriously injured.However, with blazing tenacity of will, he suddenly hit the incomparable golden mace, smashing the Heavenly Tribulation to pieces.

The last wave of catastrophe did not appear ten thousand times of catastrophe, but was equal to the multiple of the eighth wave of catastrophe.Although Chi Ran was seriously injured, he had smashed the eighth wave of Heavenly Tribulation after all, and the ninth wave of Heavenly Tribulation was naturally no surprise.In this way, Chi Ran became a master of the Golden Wonderland.

"Hey, Brother Chiran has finally not reached the ten thousand times of the catastrophe! If it really reaches the ten thousand times of the catastrophe, I really have no way to live." Di Jun teased.

The other masters also showed relaxed smiles.

It is enough for Xiao Hansheng, a master of heavenly tribulation in all realms, to appear.If this happens again, it is extremely abnormal.

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