Immortal Artifact

Chapter 345 Dharma East Crossing [The previous article has been modified]

Chapter 345 Dharma crossing eastward

Yue Ziqun praised his self-confidence as astonishing, which made the masters of the God and Beast Alliance fall in love.Who dares to calmly declare that he has the ability to control the general situation of the mortal world?Absolutely no master would dare, not even an immortal emperor master, but Yue Ziqun did.

What does this mean?This shows that he has the strength to control the general situation of the mortal world.

If Yue Ziqun hadn't shown unparalleled fighting power, I'm afraid no master would believe him.But when he showed his strength, who would dare to look down on him? !

What he said was decisive and loud, wouldn't it cause the masters to panic?

Of course, if what Yue Ziqun said didn't work out, his story would surely be passed down through the ages.However, this story is certainly not written as a legend, but as a joke.

"Hmph, just because you also want to block the Buddha's Realm Alliance, you are really blocking the car with your arms, and you are overconfident." Some experts who are inclined to the Buddha's Realm Alliance reprimanded through sound transmission.

Yue Ziqun stroked his slender fingertips, and said with a smile, "Do you dare to come out and talk to me?" His words obviously matched some masters!Some masters wanted to test whether Yue Ziqun had the ability to change the general trend of the mortal world.

"I know that your combat power is close to the level of an immortal emperor. I admit that I am not your opponent. However, there is no mention of the Buddha Realm Alliance here! Why don't you fight against him to see which of you is stronger and weaker? , so that we can make the right choice." A master said again via voice transmission. [

As for who, it is not yet known.However, this master of sound transmission must want to provoke Yue Ziqun to fight Zhunti.Today, the forces in the Mortal Realm are intricate and complicated, but it is not difficult to see that the crux of all problems lies in Zhunti.He holds a treasure in his hand, can destroy everything, and has the ability to change the future direction of the mortal world.The reality is that Zhunti has the ability to decide the fate of the mortal world. Therefore, if there is no expert who can deal with Zhunti, the Buddha Realm Alliance will definitely become the master of the mortal world, and the forces that rely on the Buddha Realm Alliance will also achieve unprecedented development. , Big opportunity.But if there is a master who can deal with Zhunti... the future direction of Mortal Realm is uncertain.

Now, Yue Ziqun claimed to be able to deal with Zhunti, and some experts expected them to fight a big battle to make the situation clearer.

There is nothing wrong with this idea, but Yue Ziqun and Zhunti will not do it.If they decide the winner now, it will be extremely detrimental to the Feng Clan and the Foyu Alliance.The defeated side will almost face the siege of all the remaining forces, which is a situation that neither the Feng Clan nor the Foyu Alliance want to see.

The victory or defeat of this battle means the victory or defeat of their forces, how dare they not be cautious?

"Hehe, there will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers, but it's not now." Yue Ziqun said lightly.

Some masters couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that they couldn't predict the possible future endings in advance.

"Hey, so the experts sent by the Feng Clan are just cowards!" Some experts tried their best to ridicule, hoping to provoke Yue Ziqun to fight Zhunti.

How shrewd is Yue Ziqun, how can he hide this plan from him?He just smiled and turned a deaf ear.Zhunti also stood still, and had no intention of fighting Yue Ziqun at all.He understands that the current situation is very delicate, so he naturally refuses to put himself in danger.

Afterwards, Yue Ziqun quietly retreated to the side, closing his eyes slightly, as if what happened in Tianyu Hall had nothing to do with him at all.It was clear that he didn't want to interfere in the future.

Kui Tian looked at Yue Ziqun, then at Zhunti, and estimated which of these two young heroes was stronger.However, he looked around and did not find out which of them was stronger or weaker.

"They are all heroes of the moment. If they live separately to different periods, they will definitely become the masters of the mortal world. Now, they have to live and die. How sad is this?!" Kui Tian secretly said.Immediately, he put away his sad emotions, "Oh, now I have to make a choice, should I choose the Buddha Realm Alliance or the Demon Saint Alliance?"

"Nephew Dijun, go ahead!" Kui Tian said.Di Jun hadn't finished talking about the mischievous intentions of the Foyu Alliance, but was interrupted by Yue Ziqun and had to pause.However, Yue Ziqun disturbed him, instead of getting angry, he became happy instead.

Yue Ziqun once said in person that he can restrain Zhunti.If they formed an alliance with the Feng Clan, the Demon Saint Alliance would have nothing to worry about.Even if he couldn't form an alliance with the Feng Clan headed by Yue Ziqun, wouldn't there still be Xiao Hansheng!Generally speaking, the danger of the Demon Saint Alliance being wiped out is gone, so he naturally seemed extremely excited.

However, the four masters of Dijun didn't know that Xiao Hansheng and Yue Ziqun were the great enemies of the world. Without the crisis of the alliance between the Buddha Realm Alliance and the God Beast Alliance, it meant that the Feng Clan would never be able to get together with the Monster Saint Alliance.This may seem like a trivial matter, but it caused subsequent changes.Of course, now Di Jun and Yue Ziqun are comrades-in-arms standing on the same front.

Di Jun cleared his mind and said: "I said just now, if you remove the factor of quasi-mention, you shouldn't think that we are worse than the Buddha Realm Alliance!" When he said this again, many experts were silent , obviously acquiescing to his words.Since Yue Ziqun was able to resist Zhunti, the Buddha Realm Alliance naturally couldn't count Zhunti.This also means that the Alliance of Demon Saints is absolutely no worse than the Alliance of Foyu. [

"Hmph, so what? When the Alliance of Beasts and Beasts joined hands with the Alliance of Buddha Realms, your Monster Saint Alliance is absolutely no match. Even if you add the Phoenix Clan, you will also be killed." A master retorted.

In fact, this idea also makes sense.Excluding the quasi-promotion, even if the Buddha Realm Alliance is strong, it is not strong enough. Even if it can kill the Lich Alliance, it is estimated that there will not be much left in the Buddha Realm Alliance's own family.But with the Alliance of Beasts, they will deal with the Lich Alliance together, and the Lich Alliance will definitely lose extremely tragically, even with the addition of the Phoenix Clan.

Although it is not known who the master who made such a suggestion is, almost all the masters of the Divine Beast Alliance believe that this test is reasonable.

Di Jun smiled slightly, "You do have the strength to kill the Alliance of Demon Saints, but have you thought about the future?"

A master sent a disdainful voice transmission, "Naturally, we will share the mortal world equally with the Buddha Realm Alliance. There shouldn't be any doubt about it!"

The masters of the Divine Beast Alliance whispered to each other, excited about such a suggestion.

Di Jun suddenly laughed wildly and said, "I think you are really courting death!"

"If you dare to say it again, I will kill you!" A master of the Divine Beast Alliance rushed towards Di Jun with killing intent.

Di Jun shook his body, crushing all the powerful killing intent back, "I want to kill me with this level of strength, are you worthy?"

"You, you actually have a combat power that is close to that of an immortal emperor!" The master who flocked to Di Jun with killing intent showed his face full of disbelief.

Di Jun didn't take it seriously, and said loudly: "You should have heard of the legend of the Buddha's journey to the east, right? You should understand what the Buddha's journey to the east means to you!"

Hearing Di Jun's words, the masters of the God and Beast Alliance were not moved.

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