Chapter 346

The Eastward Journey of Buddhism mentioned by Di Jun really shocked the masters of the God and Beast Alliance, and even flinched.

According to ancient legends, after the formation of a sect of Buddhism, it gradually prospered, and it has the tendency to become the most powerful sect in the world.The space between heaven and earth mentioned this time does not refer to the mortal realm, but to the heavens and myriad realms.Moreover, there is a strange phenomenon in Buddhism, that is, they are all located in the west of the heavens and worlds, and they are collectively called the Western Paradise, which can also be called the Buddha realm.

After the Buddha Realm became stronger, they were unwilling to be trapped in the Western Paradise. They wanted to cross their original world and become the masters of the heavens and worlds.Therefore, Foyu once initiated the great event of Buddhism going east.Naturally, it is impossible for Buddhism to travel eastward without shock, but to kill and kill, bloody.The masters who have gone through that period of time have a fresh memory of that battle, and they will never forget it.

The initiator of Buddhism's journey to the east is Amitabha Buddha, who is revered as a Buddhist sage.He strongly advocated the eastward crossing of Buddhism, and at the same time he was also the biggest practitioner.The great Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats leading the Buddhist sect occupied the territory and became the source of turmoil for a period of time.

However, this vigorous journey of Buddhism to the east came to an abrupt end because of the sudden disappearance of Amitabha Buddha.Then, Buddhism encountered a catastrophe, and several Buddhist masters were beheaded to death.Moreover, the monstrously powerful Buddhist sect was slaughtered overnight, and no one knew who did it.However, this incident told the masters of the heavens and the world an important message-Buddhism can be destroyed.Ever since, the Buddhist sects in the heavens and worlds suffered another catastrophe, and it was also an endless disaster. Various forces fought against the Buddhist realm, the bones filled the heaven and the earth, and gods and ghosts wept for it.This is the well-known movement to destroy Buddha.

These two major events brought unimaginable disasters to the heavens and myriad worlds. Several masters were slaughtered and many masters died unexpectedly.The extermination of Buddhism has lasted for countless years, and every time Buddhism is about to be destroyed, Buddhism will choose to hide from the world.Once given a chance, they will make a comeback and become a famous and powerful force in the heavens and myriad worlds.

To this day, there are Buddhist influences in all the heavens and myriad worlds, not just big or small.Similarly, the eastward travel of Buddhism has also spread to all worlds, and every once in a while, Buddhism will flourish.Taking advantage of the opportunity of great prosperity, Buddhism conquered the four regions and occupied territory.At the same time, the mortal world will also set off a massive movement to exterminate Buddha.It's just that every time it can only drive Buddhism back to the Western Paradise, and it can't make any further progress.

This also means that Mortal Realm must be on guard all the time to be on guard against Buddha Realm's further eastward journey of Dharma.Now that the great prosperity of Buddhism has appeared, it seems that the eastward journey of Buddhism has almost begun.Di Jun brought up the legend of Buddhism's eastward journey to remind the God-Beast Alliance not to seek skins from tigers and become the minion of Buddhism's eastward journey. [

After Di Jun finished speaking, he stepped aside and said nothing more.He believed that the Alliance of Beasts and Beasts would seriously consider the matter of Buddhism traveling eastward.

At this time, Long Zhen, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly stood up and said, "Old Ancestor, there is nothing wrong with you wanting to turn our Dragon Clan into the master of the mortal world. Even, all the beast races, and even all of the mortal world There is nothing wrong with all the powers planning this way. But, are we going to watch Buddhism go eastward and turn the orthodoxy and descendants of our dragon clan into branches of Buddhism? With the domineering nature of Buddhism, even if we become the masters of the mortal world , How long can it last? Is this really beneficial to our Dragon Clan?"

What Long Zhen said was not serious, it was enlightening and enlightening.Although Di Jun only told some truths, it made the masters of the God and Beast Alliance feel suspicious, and they dared not trust the Buddha Realm Alliance easily.

"You don't need to worry!" Jie Yin stepped forward and said with a smile: "You only know about the eastward journey of Buddhism, but you rarely know about the campaign to destroy Buddha. After so many campaigns to eliminate Buddha, my Buddhist school has also concluded. That is, although my Buddhist sect can remain immortal, it cannot escape the dilemma of being trapped in the Western Paradise and become the master of a domain. Think about it, when did my Buddhist domain unify the mortal world?"

The masters of the Divine Beast Alliance thought carefully, and it was indeed as Jie Yin said.Although the Buddhism Dongdu has experienced several times, but has not succeeded once, becoming the only overlord of the mortal world.Doesn't that mean that the Buddha Realm has no way to become the master of the Mortal Realm?

After having such an idea, the minds of the masters of the God and Beast Alliance became active again, and they wanted to join the Buddha Realm Alliance.

"Since everyone is silent, it means that my Buddhist domain has no destiny to unify the mortal world. If so, how can my Buddhist domain do such fruitless things again?" Jie Yin analyzed indifferently, However, it successfully offset the possible threat of the Buddha Realm Alliance to the Divine Beast Alliance.

Hearing Jieyin's analysis, Di Jun thought secretly, "He is really powerful, and he can clear up all doubts about the Foyu Alliance in a few words." However, he was not without the power to fight back. The former said: "Then I would like to ask Brother Jieyin, Buddhism has appeared many times in the Eastward Journey. Could it be that there are no Buddhist wise people who have thought of this level? Buddhism is a force with frequent talents, and there must be many wise people who think of this level. Since So, why is it formed every time the Buddha’s Dharma travels eastward? There must be a reason driving the Dharma’s eastward travel, and this reason cannot be stopped by manpower. This means that the Dharma’s eastward travel is imperative.” Then, he looked around. The master of the God and Beast Alliance, "Have you ever thought about how to deal with this time the Dharma goes east?"

When these words were thrown out, the masters of the Divine Beast Alliance wavered, making it difficult to make a final decision.

"About your question, I can answer it!" Jieyin stepped forward and said with a smile, "I don't know if any wise Buddhists have thought of this question before. But now I can assure you that my Buddha Realm Alliance defeated After the Alliance of Demon Saints, you will surely stay dormant in the Western Paradise. If you violate this statement, all your forces can come and crusade against me in the Western Paradise." Jieyin said solemnly.

The words of the introduction caused all the masters to move, and they all thought that the sincerity of the Buddha Realm Alliance was full.After all, it is difficult to resist all forces with the power of Buddhism.

"Have you seen the sincerity of the Buddha Realm Alliance? We, the God Beast Alliance and the Fo Realm Alliance, have joined forces to destroy the Monster Saint Alliance and the Phoenix Clan. At that time, our God Beast Alliance is the master of the mortal world! Such a good thing, where do we go? Go find it!" There are still some forces, and some masters choose to join forces with the Buddha Realm Alliance to defeat the Demon Saint Alliance and the Feng Clan.

The four masters from the Alliance of Demon Saints fell silent, while the guide Zhunti beamed with joy.

"Actually, I seriously doubt the sincerity of the Buddha Realm Alliance." Yue Ziqun, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes and ejaculated.

In an instant, all the masters turned their attention to Yue Ziqun, wanting to hear what shocking words he could say. [

"As far as I know, when Buddhism goes eastward, it has always been Buddhism that fights against all forces at the same time!" After saying this, all the masters fell silent.

Almost all masters understand that the promise of seduction is nothing but nonsense.The Buddha Realm Alliance intends to resist all forces at all, and the promise he made is just a stopgap measure.Then, all the masters became angry, wishing to strangle the four masters of Buddhism.

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