Immortal Artifact

Chapter 350 All Worlds Return to 1 [The previous article has been revised]

Chapter 350 All Realms Are One

As Xiao Hansheng and Mani Temple temporarily reached an agreement, the atmosphere between them became much more harmonious.Then, they have to face the attack of the two zombie armies together.

"You don't have to worry, the zombie army only has three immortal emperor-level masters, and my Mani Temple also has three immortal emperor-level masters. I don't have any worries about the top combat power, but the zombie army that is close to the number is my confidant Big trouble." Sakyamuni said.

In an instant, Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran understood what was going on.Mani Temple is not afraid of the top players, but when it comes to large-scale collisions, Mani Temple is not the opponent of the zombie army.Because the zombies that make up the zombie army are all masters in the Immortal King Realm, it is very difficult to destroy them, how can they be dealt with by the disciples of Mani Temple who are not strong in combat power.This is because the Dharma of the Mani Temple has a restraining effect on zombies. Otherwise, the Mani Temple would have ceased to exist long ago.

"Hehe, don't worry senior, I have my own way to deal with the zombie army." Xiao Hansheng laughed.

Sakyamuni was full of doubts, looked at Xiao Hansheng, and asked, "What magical method does Benefactor Xiao have that can restrain the army of zombies?"

What Xiao Hansheng relies on is the teardrop, which is a Buddhist sacred object, and is the most effective against the zombie army. Now, with the help of the disciples of the Mani Temple to stimulate it, it must be able to restrain the zombie army.

All of Xiao Hansheng's treasures have already been taken by Chen Yu, but she dare not snatch the holy relics of Buddhism.Today, Xiao Hansheng only has two Buddhist treasures left.Oh no, he still has seven twists.These are the gods left by the seven goddesses. At this moment, they are buried in the chaotic god soil, and they have not been discovered by the sinking fish, so they have been preserved.As for the Zhuxian sword formation that has sealed Chen Yu, the law of nature has been used.Yuxu Palace is the main body of sealing the sinking fish, and it cannot be used even more.Of course, maybe the Tianbei can still deliver a powerful blow.

In short, the only treasure that Xiao Hansheng can use for the time being is teardrops, which are most suitable for dealing with the zombie army.Immediately, he took out the teardrops, and the strong aura of the great Buddhist sage made all the disciples of Mani Temple look sideways at him. [

"Haha, I deserve that the Mani Temple will not be destroyed!" Sakyamuni saw the teardrops in Xiao Hansheng's hand, and instantly understood that the zombie army could be destroyed.

"Damn villain, I will kill you!" came a furious voice.The owner of the furious voice was Kuang Dao, who finally persisted until the space crack was completely healed and escaped.However, looking at his bloody appearance, it should be understood that he has no combat strength.It is already a great legend that he can keep himself immortal, and it is absolutely impossible to preserve his combat power intact.What he has to do now is to escape from here, heal his wounds and get rid of the illness.However, he has lost his mind and vowed to kill Xiao Hansheng.It is absolutely unacceptable for him to be plotted against by Xiao Hansheng as an immortal emperor level expert.It's like Chen Yu can't stand her true face being exposed.Immediately, he rushed to the center of Mani Temple, intending to kill Xiao Hansheng.

"How presumptuous, you dare to break into our Mani Temple!" After finishing speaking, an old monk made a move to block Kuang Dao's attack.

Xiao Hansheng is already the treasure in the eyes of Mani Temple.With teardrops in his hand, Mani Temple can be saved. If he is killed, Mani Temple will naturally have to end.Therefore, Mani Temple naturally has to do its best to protect Xiao Hansheng.In an instant, a powerful Immortal Emperor-level wave burst out, sweeping across the field.

With the war between Kuang Dao and the old monk, the army of zombies seems to have also received a signal, and the army has arrived, intending to fight Mani Temple to the death.

"All eminent monks, please use the Dharma to activate the Buddha power of teardrops!" Xiao Hansheng said loudly.Immediately, all the eminent monks of the Mani Temple sat on the ground, their Dharma images were solemn, and strong Dharma poured out.

I saw Taoism Buddha's power spurting to the teardrops, and the sense of mellowness flashed out from the clear teardrops.Gradually, the teardrops turned into a statue of a goddess with compassion on her face.Facing the army of zombies scattered across the sea of ​​stars, he gently waved his plain hand, and the Buddha's light bloomed like a lotus flower, covering the army of zombies.

In an instant, the skins of the zombies began to fester, about to turn into pus and dissipate completely.Kuang Dao felt a strong breath of death, and blasted away the old monk in the Mani Temple with his palm, came to the zombie army, and shouted: "These human masters obviously want to kill us all! Facing the ferocious enemy, we How to do it?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Although they were on the brink of extinction, they still fought with high spirits.

"But now, we have been besieged by Buddhist holy objects, Fa Anran escaped, are you afraid?" Kuang Dao roared.

"Don't be afraid! We will die with them!" The zombie army roared.

"Just give the order! The Heavenly Corpse Emperor's guess is really good. It is not so easy to occupy the mortal world. Fortunately, the Heavenly Corpse Emperor has prepared for the worst. While we still have strength, we will Open the door for your majesty to invade the mortal world." The remaining two immortal emperor-level masters came to Kuang Dao and said in a deep voice.

Kuang Dao looked at the surrounding world with nostalgia again, "It seems that I have no chance to appreciate the beautiful scenery here." Immediately, the violent breath was released, and he said in despair: "We have no chance to escape from here, but we can Bring your lord into the mortal world, and let your lord avenge us." After saying that, his body began to disintegrate, a bridge began to appear, and then began to limit its enlargement.

"Death is our destination!" Kuang Dao's body disintegrated completely, and the strong corpse aura scattered on the bridge, and the bridge suddenly magnified a lot, with great power.

Seeing that Kuang Dao was dead, the zombies were all filled with grief and indignation, and began to disintegrate their bodies, and the evil spirit of the corpses scattered on the bridge, bringing incalculable power to the bridge. [

When Xiao Hansheng saw this bridge, his face changed drastically, "This is the Naihe Bridge! It has the ability to reach all worlds, if it successfully penetrates the mortal world and the first level of hell..." He could no longer imagine the consequences .

Xiao Hansheng wanted to attack Naiheqiao with teardrops, but the tears didn't act according to his wishes, which made him extremely distressed.

Both teardrops and Naihe Bridge are sacred objects of the heavens, and in comparison, Naihe Bridge is even better.After all, Naihe Bridge was born of heaven and earth, and a teardrop is just a teardrop, and it is still one of 49 drops, so it cannot compete with Naihe Bridge.That being the case, the teardrop will naturally not attack the gods that are more powerful than it.

As more and more zombies disintegrate, blood permeates the air, forming a viscous blood gas that turns into an ocean and traverses thousands of miles.Then, the blood mist began to be swallowed by Naiheqiao, turning into exhausted power, extending towards the exhausted void.

Finally, the Naihe Bridge successfully leads to the unknown space. The Naihe Bridge vibrates endlessly, forming a bridge deck that is thousands of miles wide. From west to east, it crosses the chaotic space and directly leads to the cultivation world.

At this moment, the four domains of Mortal Realm are finally fully connected and connected into one piece.

Seeing the power of Naiheqiao, Xiao Hansheng understood that the situation was completely out of control.

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