Chapter 363 The Lonely Family

In this battle, Kui Tian intends to kill all the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance.However, when he saw the master of the Demon Saint Alliance, he couldn't help but tremble a little.

"How could there be so many masters of the Immortal King Realm in the Demon Saint Alliance? There are no less than ten of them!" Kui Tian gasped vigorously.

What is the concept of a dozen masters with extreme combat power in the Immortal King Realm?There is a master with extreme combat power in the Immortal King Realm who can almost beat all enemies in the world.It is simply unimaginable that more than a dozen masters of the Immortal King Realm suddenly appear now.

"Kui Tian, ​​we have been waiting for you for a long time." The Emperor smiled.

Kui Tian's face suddenly changed, "Wait for me? What do you mean?"

The emperor fiddled with his palms, and said with a smile: "Because the commander-in-chief of the Demon Saint Alliance has calculated all your characters, knowing that you are not willing to be manipulated by Long Hao, you will definitely try to break away from the Divine Beast Alliance. At the beginning, I didn't believe it, but the fact is that Right now, I have to believe it!"

Kui Tian said in a cold voice: "That's so mysterious! But, how could I not know that this is your method to disturb my mind!"

The emperor laughed and said: "Do you know, why didn't they come to destroy us when you went to the Buddha Realm Alliance and the Feng Clan to ask for help?" [

Regarding this point, Kui Tian really couldn't figure it out, and said in a cold voice, "Why?"

"Because the Buddha Realm Alliance and the Feng Clan have united to deal with the Divine Beast Alliance. You know, the strength of my Monster Saint Alliance has dropped sharply, and it is no longer a concern for the Fo Realm Alliance. Therefore, his real The main enemy is actually the Alliance of Gods and Beasts. The Feng Clan has already understood the true intentions of the Alliance of Buddha Realm, so they are in step with the Alliance of Buddha Realm. Generally speaking, they are waiting for the Alliance of God and Beasts to make mistakes! You are the source of the mistakes!" The emperor was not stingy, and told Kuitian all these secrets.

Maybe the Emperor already thought Kuitian was dead, which told him the truth of the matter.From this point of view, the Emperor is indeed a very good man.

Kui Tian connected the events before and after, and immediately concluded that the emperor's guess is very likely to be true.Immediately, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

"In this way, those so-called masters who announced their rebellion were all planned by you?!" Kui Tian said in a concentrated voice.If what he guessed is true, it means that the Demon Saint Alliance has a cunning strategist who is secretly stirring up the relationship between the major alliance forces in the mortal world.

"Haha, you're right. Those rebellious masters were arranged by us. Their role is just to let you know that my demon saint alliance army is already in panic, so that you can relax your vigilance." The emperor laughed.

Kui Tian suddenly said: "Are you so sure that we will let our guard down?!" He also had a reason.After all, they are all old fritters who have been in the mortal world. How can it be so easy for them to believe that the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance have really betrayed?

The emperor smiled and said: "Actually, I don't need you to believe it completely, I just need you to half believe it! After all, the previous situation of our Demon Saint Alliance is very clear, and you more or less think that our Demon Saint Alliance is no longer yours. It's an opponent. After you were doubtful, you started your own conspiracy. You want to control the alliance of beasts and become the master of the mortal world. When things fail, you will take the next best thing and take away some masters. The Feng Clan, on the other hand, worked together to deal with the Divine Beast Alliance. Therefore, we took advantage of the conflict between you and calculated carefully..."

Speaking of this, the emperor actually showed a smile.

Kui Tian was mad with hatred, "Aren't you afraid that your plan will come to naught if you ambushed me so blatantly?"

The emperor stopped talking, and Fuxi stepped forward and said with a smile: "Do you think the plan made by the Foyu Alliance and the Feng Clan will suddenly change? This is obviously impossible. What's more, they will only think that we are temporary A counterattack before death, so..."

"So our death is for nothing, right!" Kui Tianhan said.

Fuxi snapped his fingers and laughed loudly: "You are really right!"

Kui Tian suddenly said: "I think you came up with these schemes, right?!"

Fu Xi smiled lightly and said: "Not only me, but also..." Before he finished speaking, he saw Kui Tian slap him with peerless palm strength, "Hmph, your calculation is very profound, I feel ashamed. But, Your strength is not as good as mine, you still have to die!" [

I saw the fleshy palm rolling, suddenly turned into a huge stone and pressed down.His main body is a fossil beast, so the palm force he strikes naturally has the breath of stone.Of course, the breath of stone is completely different from the palm fossil.

Kuitian fossilized with immortal power, it can be seen that he has actually reached the peak.

However, Fuxi is not easy to deal with, although his expression is very relaxed, but secretly he is surging with spiritual power, ready to deal with Kuitian's attack at any time.

In an instant, Fuxi threw the heavenly book at Kuitian, and a fiery white light appeared, instantly cutting the stones in the palm of Kuitian and scattering them on the ground.

However, Fuxi didn't feel too well.Although he withstood Kuitian's attack with the power of the book of heaven, his strength was far inferior to that of Kuitian's after all, his chest was in severe pain from the shock, and he felt it was difficult to breathe.

"Kui Tian, ​​you are also a peerless figure who has been famous for years, but secretly attacked the younger generation, you are shameless!" Di Shi scolded angrily.He despises the villain who secretly plots the most.Then, he encouraged Xianli to fight against Kuitian.

The emperor was not idle either, and fought against Kuitian together with Di Shi.

Now that it is a decisive battle of life and death, how can they care about being a gentleman?Killing Kui Tian is the most important thing.

Then, the remaining masters of the Alliance of Demon Saints wanted to make a move to annihilate the masters of the Alliance of Divine Beasts.However, when they saw Gu Meng, Guo Tianya, Nuwa, Tianyu, Xiaoyi and other majestic scenes, as well as the peerless demeanor of the old masters such as Tianxuan Taoist and Kou Zhun of the Danxia School, how could they dare? withstand?All dropped their weapons and shouted surrender.

"Oh, it's so boring! Why did these guys surrender without fighting? You let the emperor show his supernatural power like this?!" Tianyu sighed a little.

"Wow, wow, that's right! I haven't fought for a long time!" Xiao Yi stared at the chubby legs, and said in a childish voice.Seeing her petite and lovely appearance, Tianyu couldn't help but want to hug her.However, Xiao Yi kicked him far away and disappeared.

"Tianyu is really a bad guy, always trying to take advantage of my mother, hum!" Xiao Yi shook her head and floated away.

Such a scene left the masters of the Divine Beast Alliance stunned and unable to speak.

"You scum, you surrendered without a fight, damn it!" Kui Tian was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

"Kui Tian, ​​who are you? A few days ago, how many brothers in my God Beast Alliance did you kill? You didn't even say an apology! If it weren't for your strength, we would have killed you long ago! "A master of the Divine Beast Alliance sneered.

"Ah wow! You are really inferior to bastards!" Kui Tian couldn't find the words to swear.After all, he is a peerless master, how could he have the opportunity to scold others?When it was his turn to curse, he couldn't even find the words.

"Kui Tian, ​​don't swear at others, you'd better accept death obediently!" After finishing speaking, the Emperor and Di Shi shot with all their might.The Kui Tian who hit him was only able to parry, and had no power to fight back.

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