Chapter 362 Parting ways

Following Duan Pan's defection, more and more masters announced their separation from the Demon Saint Alliance, either absconding by themselves, or leading a large number of masters to escape.What's more, some masters directly declared their allegiance to the Buddha Realm Alliance, the Divine Beast Alliance, and the Phoenix Clan.

There are more and more masters fleeing from the Demon Saint Alliance, and they all seem to be out of control.

"Brother Long Hao, the Alliance of Demon Saints is about to be destroyed. We must destroy the Alliance of Demon Saints faster than the Phoenix Clan! Otherwise, the Demon Saint Realm should belong to the Phoenix Clan." Kui Tian said anxiously .

"Brother Kuitian, don't worry. Although the Demon Saint Alliance has lost its face, they still have peerless figures like Di Shi and Emperor. If we go to offend them, they risked their lives. How many times do you think we will survive?" Sure? So, we have to wait slowly until the masters of the Phoenix Clan can bear it and decide to attack the Monster Saint Alliance with all their strength, before we act." Long Hao said lightly.

"However, many fighters will be missed in this way!" Kui Tian was very anxious.

"Hmph, the masters of the Phoenix Clan are just waiting for us to attack the Demon Saint Alliance. When we are both defeated, they will attack brazenly and become the final winner! Would you like to see them like this?" Long Hao said sharply.

Kui Tian snorted two streams of air from his nose, "You have become as timid as a mouse now. You dare not seize the great opportunity presented to you. Since you don't want to go, I, Kui Tian, ​​will take the beast with you." The masters of the alliance go." After that, he ignored Long Hao, flew straight out, and shouted: "Everyone, the destruction of the alliance of demon saints is a foregone conclusion. Race? If you have such a wish, then follow me! We can get these by defeating the Alliance of Demon Saints." After speaking, he flashed into the void.

Many ethnic groups in the Divine Beast Alliance seemed to be very excited.After all, their strength is not as good as that of dragon and phoenix. If they want to strengthen their clan, they can only actively expand outward.And the resources in the Demon Sanctuary are abundant and readily available, which has an unimaginable temptation for them. [

After thinking for a moment, many clans of the Divine Beast Alliance followed Kui Tian to attack the Demon Saint Alliance and occupy the territory.

At this time, Long Hao's face was extremely gloomy, he had already seen that Kuitian did not intend to destroy the Alliance of Demon Saints at all, but to take away part of the strength of the Alliance of Gods and Beasts to fight for hegemony in the mortal world.

Long Zhen stepped forward and said, "Old Ancestor, you don't have to get angry. Kui Tian's departure is a happy event for our Divine Beast Alliance."

Long Hao hesitated, and asked, "Oh? What's your opinion?"

Long Zhen smiled and said: "Kui Tian has great ambitions, he even wants to become the master of the mortal world. However, he has a fatal flaw, that is, his foundation is shallow, and there is no group of beasts willing to regard him as the master. If He has been staying in the Divine Beast Alliance, but it is the biggest constraint on our Dragon Clan. Now that he has left the Divine Beast Alliance, we just take this opportunity to integrate the strength of the Divine Beast Alliance and form a monolithic one, so that we can have the capital to be proud of the world."

Long Hao said happily: "You have a good idea, let's do what you say!"

Long Zhen pondered for a moment, then cupped his hands and said to Long Hao, "I think it's very strange that the Demon Saint Alliance has retreated this time."

Long Hao was a little terrified, "What do you mean?" He vaguely felt that there was a big problem with the withdrawal of the Demon Saint Alliance, but he still couldn't find out the truth.

"Old Ancestor, the Demon God Clan and the Saint Clan are very powerful forces, and they have a rebellious and arrogant character in their bones. Now they retreat so simply, this is by no means their style." Long Zhen said in a deep voice.

"That's right! The Alliance of Demon Saints has always been head-to-head, so why would they retreat? This is indeed a huge problem." Long Hao immediately wanted to understand the cause and effect of the matter.

"Come here! Hurry up and tell Shantideen of the Buddha Realm Alliance that the Demon Saint Alliance has..." Before he finished speaking, Long Zhen shouted: "Old Ancestor, no!"

Long Hao was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed displeasure, "Why did you stop me?"

Long Zhen smiled wryly. He didn't expect that Long Hao hadn't understood what he meant, so he could only say: "Old Ancestor, the Demon Saint Alliance retreated so simply, do you think they will retreat without any reason? There are obviously some experts here." They will retreat in this way if they give advice. Since this is the case, they must have a backhand."

"Oh? You mean to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?" Long Hao understood the real intention of Long Zhen, and summed it up in four words: both ways.

Long Zhen didn't mean that, but since Long Hao understood it this way, he couldn't do it either.Then he said: "This method is the most beneficial to our Dragon Clan."[

At the same time, the Phoenix Emperor of the Feng Clan is also secretly deciding whether to send troops to destroy the Demon Saint Alliance and become the master of the Demon Saint Realm.

"Emperor Feng, haven't you realized that this is a trap?" Yue Ziqun said lightly.

What Yue Ziqun said was extremely plain, but it shocked Emperor Feng, "Young Master Yue, what do you mean?"

Yue Ziqun laughed and said, "The biggest ambition of the Buddha Realm Alliance is to spread Buddhism to the east. However, they have not been able to succeed. Why? Isn't it because they are fighting all the forces in the Western Paradise alone, so how can they be invincible? Now, they plan to divide and rule first, and then plan for the mortal world. To put it bluntly, they first let us fight within, and then attack and annihilate us at critical moments. In this way, they are very likely to succeed."

Emperor Feng was greatly surprised, and turned back and forth, looking extremely irritable, "What should I do?"

"I have already reached an agreement with the Buddha Realm Alliance. My Feng Clan will join hands with them to destroy the God Beast Alliance and the Demon Saint Alliance. In this way, my Feng Clan will be able to divide the mortal world equally!" Yue Ziqun said lightly.

"Ah! You...Aren't you afraid that the Buddha Realm Alliance will encroach on the mortal world?" Emperor Feng asked in shock.

"Haha, they don't have the guts." Yue Ziqun laughed loudly, looking extremely confident.However, Emperor Feng didn't know where his self-confidence came from.

Kui Tian led part of the strength of the Divine Beast Alliance to leave and directly attacked the Demon Saint Alliance.When he asked them to chase after the Alliance of Demon Saints, his face showed a dignified expression instead.The reason why he scolded Long Hao for being cowardly as a mouse was just an excuse.Now that he is really facing the Demon Saint Alliance, he is really a little weak.

Kui Tian understands that if the Emperor and Di Shi are immortal, the super combat power of the Demon Saint Alliance will not suffer irreparable losses.This also caused him to dare not fight the Emperor and Di Shi alone.

"I brought these beast groups out in the name of destroying the alliance of demon saints. If I don't attack the alliance of demon saints, I'm afraid I can't justify it!" Immediately, he turned his attention to the Buddha Realm Alliance and the Phoenix Clan, hoping to make peace Together, they may have a chance of winning.

Immediately, he performed a great teleportation and came to the headquarters of the Buddha Realm Alliance.

Kui Tian came with great hopes, but what he got was Shantide's rejection.According to Shantideva, they can't get any territory in the Demon Sanctuary, so naturally they don't want to get involved in this matter.

Immediately, Kuitian came to Feng Clan, but the answer he got was also not good.

Just kidding, the Buddha Realm Alliance and the Feng Clan have made up their minds to destroy the God Beast Alliance, how can they help Kuitian?

Kui Tian was furious, "With my Kui Tian's combat power, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to destroy the Alliance of Demon Saints?" After that, he led the masters of the Alliance of Gods and Beasts to attack the Alliance of Demon Saints.

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