With Huang Xian's explanation, the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance have the confidence to fight.If they can't do this, they will lose their doubts.

In the next two hours, the army of the Demon Saint Alliance began to retreat across the board, and the retreat was in a hurry, and all the corpses of the dead masters were thrown away.From this point of view, the Alliance of Demon Saints was completely defeated and no longer had the courage to fight.

After Shantian saw this situation, he quickly summoned Long Hao, Kui Tian, ​​and Emperor Feng to send troops to pursue them.If the Alliance of Demon Saints escapes like this, it will be almost impossible to force the Alliance of Demon Saints to such an extent in the future.Therefore, Shantide made up his mind to completely kill the Demon Saint Alliance.

Long Hao, Kui Tian, ​​and Feng Di all agreed, and went all out to pursue the Alliance of Demon Saints.After all, the Alliance of Demon Saints has fallen into such a miserable situation, this is a godsend opportunity.They are not stupid, so they naturally want to destroy the Demon Saint Alliance first, and discuss the matter later.

Immediately, the Buddha Realm Alliance, the Divine Beast Alliance, and the Phoenix Clan attacked the Demon Saint Alliance with overwhelming force.There are also many bloody men in the Demon Saint Alliance, and they can't help but fight with them.However, the strength is not their opponent after all, and it is very miserable to lose soldiers and generals along the way.

After the Alliance of Demon Saints made another final counterattack, and lost nearly 5000 billion lives of masters, they fled in defeat.

"Haha, there are only 8000 billion masters remaining in the Demon Saint Alliance today, and killing them is just around the corner." Shantiden beamed with joy.

Kui Tian and Long Hao couldn't hide their smiles either, they laughed at each other.

"Based on the current situation, it will take only a few battles for the Demon Saint Alliance to be completely wiped out. However, have you ever thought about how the Demon Saint Domain will be allocated after the Demon Saint Alliance is destroyed?" Feng Di asked in a deep voice. road. [

Emperor Feng's question was also a question they wanted to ask, but they didn't ask it.Of course, they have been thinking about these issues for a long time, and they are just waiting for some experts to come up with them.

"Everyone, my Buddha Realm Alliance has something to say beforehand. After the Demon Saint Alliance is shattered, it will hibernate in the Western Paradise. Therefore, my Buddha Realm Alliance will not participate in the ownership of the Demon Saint Realm. You two races can figure it out !” Shantide said lightly.

After hearing this, both the Beast Alliance and the Feng Clan showed joy.

"I don't think it's better than this! The Divine Beast Alliance and our Feng Clan each own half of the Demon Sanctuary, which is the most fair." Feng Di said firmly.

Emperor Feng also understands that the strength of the Feng Clan cannot match the Alliance of Gods and Beasts, and half points are already a great advantage to the Feng Clan.

"How is the Phoenix Clan entitled to get half of the Demon Sanctuary? It's wishful thinking." Long Hao said disdainfully.If the dragon clan wants to let the phoenix clan get half of the demon sanctuary, it will be a ghost.

"Hehe, the Phoenix Clan is indeed a bit wishful thinking. Let me see it this way, the Phoenix Clan gets one-third, the Dragon Clan gets one-third, and my Divine Beast Alliance gets one-third." Kui Tian suggested.

When he said this, it was obvious that the Dragon Clan would be excluded from the Alliance of Divine Beasts.However, he also understands that Long Hao will definitely be able to see his tricks, but he is not worried about it, because only this third of the Demon Sanctuary has already given the Dragon Clan a big advantage.After all, the strength of the dragon clan is not as good as the combination of the remaining strength of the beast alliance, and it is very advantageous to get one-third of the demon sanctuary.

Kui Tian completely wants to exchange benefits for the departure of the Dragon Clan.

However, Long Hao didn't think so, "This old fox wants to get rid of my Dragon Clan, but also wants to win over the Phoenix Clan, so that the Phoenix Clan can become a hindrance to my Dragon Clan. It's a good plan! However, if you want to force me to submit, then Absolutely impossible." Immediately, he said with a smile: "Haha, my Dragon Clan is also a member of the Beast Alliance, so give one-third of the Demon Sanctuary to the Phoenix Clan! As for the rest of the territory, it belongs to my Beast Alliance. Bar!"

Just kidding, there are still many groups in the Beast Alliance who are close to the Dragon Clan. If the Dragon Clan accepts these sites, the Dragon Clan can only get these sites.But if we plan well, we might as well use the beast alliance to push Kui Tian out, not only gaining a larger territory, but also strengthening our strength, and establishing an absolute dominant position over the Feng Clan.

Obviously, the dragon clan will never allow Kui Tiantian to glove the white wolf, and eventually there will be a white wolf who may be an enemy of the dragon clan.

At this point, the infighting of the God and Beast Alliance kicked off.

Shantideva felt bad looking at them as if they had reached some kind of compromise.My thoughts turned, and I thought about it, "Don't you think it's too early to talk about the ownership of the Demon Sanctuary? I think so, you act separately, and whoever breaks through the old lair of the Demon Saint Alliance first will win the title of the Demon Sanctuary." Part of the territory, those who did not break through later or have a small part of the territory, what do you think."

Kui Tian, ​​Long Hao, and Emperor Feng thought very quickly, trying to figure out the meaning behind Shantideen.They believed that Shantideva would never talk meaningless nonsense.Since he said so, he must have a plan. [

"Foyu will definitely not dare to break his oath now. The reason why he said this is probably because he wants us to be hostile to each other and hate each other so as to achieve mutual checks and balances. In this way, it will be most beneficial to his Foyu alliance." Long Hao secretly said .Emperor Feng and Kui Tian had exactly the same thoughts as him.Now that they have seen through the ghostly tricks of the Buddha Realm Alliance, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Just at this time, an extremely explosive news came from the front. An immortal emperor-level master of the Demon Saint Alliance suddenly rebelled, and suddenly announced that he would leave the Demon Saint Alliance.

Such news really surprised Shantiden, Long Hao and other experts, but when they wanted to know the current situation of the Demon Saint Alliance, their shock at this matter calmed down.

"Perhaps this is their strategy! After all, the immortal emperor level masters are determined, how could they rebel because of the retreat of the Demon Saint Alliance?" Ji Tian said in a deep voice.

The other masters also nodded, expressing their support for Shantideva's opinion.

However, when they saw this rebellious immortal emperor master, they immediately believed that he had really rebelled.I saw that the Purple Palace of this Immortal Emperor-level master had been destroyed, the Yuanying had been broken, and he was already on the verge of death, and he might die at any time.

"Brother Duan Pan, are you really going to become so miserable?" Long Hao was a little surprised.Who is Duan Pan?He is a powerful existence of the saint clan second only to Di Shi.However, he has a shortcoming, that is, he often disagrees with Ti Shik.Sometimes Di Shi angrily threatened to kill him, but he didn't kill him after all.This is entirely due to his strength.

"Ah! I wanted to persuade Di Shi to lead his people to escape to a known star field and develop in secret. However, he made up his mind to fight you. I quarreled with him, but the more I talked, the more angry I became. Without thinking about it, I announced my separation from the Demon Saint Alliance. Unexpectedly, Di Shi became angry and wounded me. If there were not some people who desperately rescued me, I would not have escaped here. Sigh... I really shouldn't..." Duan Pan seemed rather emotional.

After thinking for a moment, Long Hao believed Duan Pan.Because there was regret in his words, which meant that he didn't really want to leave the Demon Saint Alliance, it was just a momentary impulse.

If Duan Huang said that he had a plan, Long Hao would not believe him at all.However, Duan Pan's revealing meaning made Shantiden, Fengdi, and Kuitian choose to partially believe him, so it's dubious!

This is their habit, never fully believe what others say.Half-believing is already the highest level of trust.

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