Immortal Artifact

Chapter 366 Countermeasures

Chapter 366 Countermeasures

Shantideen has discovered that it is impossible to kill the Alliance of Demon Saints first, so he decided to destroy the Alliance of Divine Beasts first.However, Shantideva obviously wouldn't tell the masters in the mortal world that he was going to sneak attack the Divine Beast Alliance.

Then, Shantidena told all the masters in the mortal world that the Buddha Realm Alliance and the Phoenix Clan could do nothing to the Demon Saint Alliance, so they decided to return.

Such an announcement made the masters of the mortal realm stunned, "This is equivalent to the Buddha Realm Alliance admitting that they are not the opponents of the Demon Saint Alliance! How could such a shrewd Shantideva do such a stupid thing?"

This is the thinking of most experts, but it has a different meaning in Fuxi's ears.

"It seems that the Buddha Realm Alliance is planning to get rid of the Divine Beast Alliance! Also, the plans of the Buddha Realm Alliance are not limited to these!" Fuxi said lightly, eyes shining.

Fuxi's words made many masters of the Demon Saint Alliance suspicious, "Brother Fuxi, isn't this exactly what you want to see? You don't look very happy!"

The other masters also looked at Fuxi, hoping that he could solve the problem.

"The announcement made by the Buddha Realm Alliance is actually to tell us a major message, that is, they are going to leave the Divine Beast Alliance." Fuxi said. [

"Is there a problem?" Di Jun was a little puzzled.

Fu Xi stared at the void, and said slowly: "With the current strength of the God Beast Alliance and my Demon Saint Alliance, you can easily inquire about the movement of the Buddha Realm Alliance. Therefore, they don't need to spend a lot of time to make announcements and make the city full of storms. Therefore, The reason why the Buddha Realm Alliance did this is not to let the God and Beast Alliance be negligent, and let me, the Demon Saint Alliance, rescue the God and Beast Alliance."

Hearing Fuxi's explanation, everyone immediately understood what he meant. If the Buddha Realm Alliance wants to destroy the God and Beast Alliance, just start fighting. Why make the city full of storms?

"In my opinion, the Buddha Realm Alliance must have thought that we are going to rescue the Divine Beast Alliance. They may have prepared traps and are waiting for us!"

After hearing Fuxi's explanation, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and could not speak.

"This... Brother Fuxi, is this impossible?!" Some masters asked in surprise.

Fuxi pondered for a moment, then nodded fiercely, "The Buddha Realm Alliance must have such a plan, otherwise how to explain their announcement?"

After Fuxi finished asking this question, everyone fell silent, shaking their heads in silence.

"Brother Fuxi, if the Buddha Realm Alliance really plans to kill our Demon Saint Alliance, what do you think we should do then?" a master asked in a deep voice.

Other masters also set their sights on Fuxi, as if he was the final decision maker of the Demon Saint Alliance.

Fuxi's eyes flickered, and he ejaculated, "Since the Buddha Realm Alliance has prepared such a grand meal, how can we miss it?!"

Everyone was shocked, "Didn't you send yourself into the tiger's mouth on purpose?!" They couldn't figure out why Fuxi took such a big risk.

"If my estimate is correct, this battle will be a crucial battle. If we successfully disintegrate the offensive of the Buddha Realm Alliance, the mortal world will enter a fairly long period of peace. And if we cannot break the offensive of the Buddha Realm Alliance, we will It will be destroyed, and the mortal world will eventually belong to the Western Paradise." Fuxi said calmly.Although he was calm on the surface, he couldn't hide the shock of the facts.

"Is it really so serious?" Some masters couldn't believe it.

Fuxi didn't speak, but seeing his heavy expression, he knew that the truth might be more serious. [

Indeed, the battle to determine the universe in the mortal world is about to begin, and all major forces are also ready to welcome the brand-new mortal world at any time.

Then, Guo Tianya and Fuxi walked in the void, only to hear Guo Tianya ask: "Can you count the current situation in the world?"

Fuxi looked at the flickering stars and sighed slightly: "Since the appearance of the hand that covers the sky, the secrets of the heavens have become chaotic, and I can't figure it out at all. However, one thing is certain, the mortal world will definitely experience catastrophe within ten thousand years."

Guo Tianya nodded, and said lightly: "I have already felt the strong aura of the catastrophe, and there are even signs of destroying the mortal world. However, to this day, I still can't understand, what exactly is the catastrophe? What caused it? !"

Fuxi took out the heavenly book and ran the formulas. He saw that the heavenly book kept turning the pages, and it fell straight to the seventh page. He saw that the heavenly book was continuously twisted and gradually turned into two big blood-red characters, 'Hell'.

Guo Tianya was a little surprised, "Could it be that the source of the catastrophe comes from hell?"

Fu Xi seemed to be thinking, "It is true that the catastrophe in the mortal world originated from hell, but the catastrophe itself did not come from hell."

"Oh? You mean to say that the catastrophe of heaven and earth involves hell, and hell involves the mortal world. To be clear, what the mortal world suffers is a calamity of delusion?" Guo Tianya tried to explain the catastrophe of heaven and earth clearly. .

Fuxi laughed and said, "You're right! The so-called catastrophe is nothing but a calamity suffered by the mortal world."

Guo Tianya was a little dumbfounded, "This... we are really unlucky!" Then, he collected his emotions and asked, "What exactly does the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth refer to?"

Fu Xi smiled wryly and said, "Don't ask me this question anymore. This is the top secret of heaven and earth, and the heavenly book has never appeared, so I know from it."

Guo Tianya also understands that the Heavenly Book has significant limitations, so he no longer asks what the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is all about.Suddenly, he thought of an extremely important question, "Will the Mortal Realm still exist after the Great Tribulation of the Mortal Realm is over?"

For this question, Fuxi didn't know how to answer, and smiled wryly: "How would I know?!"

"Brother Fuxi, after this matter is over, let's try to cross the catastrophe and ascend to the middle fairy world!" Guo Tianya said in a deep voice: "The mortal world is about to experience a catastrophe, and it is still unknown whether it can survive. However, we There are many brothers and friends in the world, if they all die in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, how can we feel at ease? Therefore, I want to try to ascend to the world of middle immortals and open the way to the world of middle immortals."

"Haha, brother Guo really has great wisdom. I also think so, but there are too many things in the mortal world, and I can't get distracted." Fu Xi laughed.

Then, Guo Tianya and Fuxi conspired to try to ascend at the same time, so as to find hope for their brothers and friends in the mortal world.

In just two days, the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance quickly moved out and stationed near the Divine Beast Alliance, putting on a defenseless posture.But the Feng Clan didn't follow. It was rumored that the Feng Clan had broken up with the Buddha Realm Alliance.

Shantide came to the Divine Beast Alliance, and before he entered, he cursed: "The Feng Clan are really villainous, they actually wanted to take over my Buddha Realm Alliance. Fortunately, I found out in time, so they didn't succeed."

"Haha, what made brother Jitian so angry?" Long Hao asked.

"Hey, isn't it because the Feng Clan wants to betray them! It's in vain for me to be so kind to them!" Shantide looked heartbroken.

"Hehe, the entire Feng Clan are villains, why do you bother with them?" Long Hao completely disbelieves Shantide's words.But if you don't believe it or not, it is also a good excuse to attack the Feng Clan.

"Brother Long Hao, why don't we join forces to eradicate the Feng Clan, what do you think?" Shantiden threw out shocking news.

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