Immortal Artifact

Chapter 377 Great Crisis

Chapter 377 Big Crisis

Shantide looked back, and saw a young expert stabbing towards him with a divine sword in his hand.This is a peerless swordsmanship, extremely powerful, and in his current state, it is extremely difficult to block.As a last resort, he jumped away to avoid the young master's attack.

This young expert was also unwilling to pester Shantian too much, so he jumped in front of Long Hao, and used his tyrannical strength to cross into Long Hao's body to help him maintain his life.

When Long Hao saw the face of the young master, he showed a gratified smile, as if expressing his joy.

"Father, I'm back!" the young master said softly.

Long Hao's joy was even greater, and his tears even glistened.

"Father, don't talk yet, I'll get rid of Shantideva, that old thief!" After that, he came to the void with the divine sword in his hand, and looked at Shantideva at the same level.

"You are Long Hao's son, Long Chen?" Ji Tian asked in a deep voice.As a peerless figure who controls a world, he is very clear about the situation of Long Hao, the ancestor of the dragon clan.Long Hao's son Long Chen is also the object of his focus.

According to Shantide's information, Long Chen completely disappeared a long time ago, and there was no one alive or dead.This made the Dragon Clan spend a long time looking for him, but they couldn't find him.Therefore, the Dragon Clan had to give up looking for Long Chen. [

Regarding the disappearance of Long Chen, it has always been rumored in the mortal world that Long Chen was murdered by the Feng Clan.This news naturally alarmed the Dragon Clan.The Dragon Clan once sent a large number of experts to the Phoenix Clan to inquire about it!The result is that they broke up unhappy, and even fought for it.

After this great battle, all the forces in the mortal world are almost sure that this was done by the Feng Clan.But the Feng Clan didn't admit it, and the Dragon Clan couldn't force the Feng Clan to admit it.Over time, this matter has become a top case.

But what Xantian didn't expect was that Long Chen actually appeared at this critical moment and rescued his father Long Hao.

Judging from the aura released by Long Chen, he has obviously reached the Immortal Emperor Realm, plus the magic weapon in his hand, this can completely tie with Shantiden.

Ji Tian searched, "Even if Long Hao can survive, his Nascent Soul has almost collapsed, and his cultivation is absolutely impossible to return to the peak state. If this is the case, why should I attack Long Chen again?" Of course, this It wasn't the main reason he wanted to leave.The main reason is because of the Feng family.

Yue Ziqun once promised him: In this battle, the Buddha Realm Alliance will win a big victory.He believed in Yue Ziqun's promise, but he never believed that Yue Ziqun would let the Buddha Realm Alliance win easily.Looking at the current situation in the mortal world, it can be said that the Buddha Realm Alliance dominates.Therefore, Yue Ziqun will definitely find a way to weaken the strength of the Buddha Realm Alliance.Therefore, the means he arranged will naturally not be used easily.

Up to now, Yue Ziqun's goal of weakening the Buddha Realm Alliance has been preliminarily achieved, and he urgently needs to go and force Yue Ziqun to launch the means he arranged.If he is entangled by Long Chen, it is estimated that many masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance will be killed by the Divine Beast Alliance, this is the last thing he wants to see.Therefore, he still decided to go ahead and leave.

Long Chen didn't chase after Shantide's departure, it wasn't that he didn't hate Shantide, but because his father Long Hao still needed to take care of him, so he would helplessly watch Shantide leave.

After Ji Tian left Long Chen, he rushed to the headquarters of the Feng Clan at top speed, forcing Yue Ziqun to launch the means he arranged.

Yue Ziqun had expected Shantideva's arrival, so he waited for him early.

"Senior Shantiden, I already know why you're here! I'll launch the means I arranged right away." Yue Ziqun laughed.

Shantide got a little angry, "If I don't come, you won't start your feelings!" However, he can only sulk, but he can't express it.In fact, whether Shantideva came or not was an important criterion for Yue Ziqun to judge whether he wanted to make a move.If you don't come, it means that you can still withstand it, and naturally you don't need my help.

In other words, as long as Shantideva comes, Yue Ziqun will activate the means he arranged.If Shantideva knew about this situation, he would definitely regret it.If it had come earlier, the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance would not have died so much.

I saw Yue Ziqun shooting a black glow towards Xutian.Then, several pitch-black swimming snakes hung down from the void.And these swimming snakes seem to be very intelligent, and they fell straight into the body of the master of the beast alliance.

The masters of the God and Beast Alliance sensed the invasion of a foreign body and summoned their spiritual power in an attempt to expel it.However, their efforts had no effect, and they were still invaded by the black snake. [

Although they are invaded by the snakes, it does not seem to have any effect on them.The immortal power and spiritual power in his body surged like rivers and rivers, and the powerful attack still made the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance terrified.

Of course, this kind of joy didn't last long, and they keenly discovered that the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance seemed to be able to easily find their flaws, and they found one right.In just one stick of incense, the number of casualties of the army of the Divine Beast Alliance increased exponentially.

"This, what the hell is going on!" The master of the beast alliance couldn't figure out what was going on, and couldn't help but swear.

Long Zhen is the commander of the army of the God and Beast Alliance, so he is very aware of the situation here, "It seems that this is the method arranged by Yue Ziqun! But how should I crack it?"

Although Long Zhen knew that this was Yue Ziqun's method, he had no way to solve the current predicament and could only act in a hurry.

Just at this moment, a figure of Youdao flew forward and said to Long Zhen, "Go to this direction to find Xiao Hansheng and Fuxi! They must have a way to decipher Yue Ziqun's strange method."

Although Long Zhen wondered why this young expert would help him, when he heard Xiao Hansheng's name, he instantly understood that he was a friend rather than an enemy.Therefore, he didn't delay, and quickly flew over according to the direction he provided.

After Longzhen left, the young master stared at the Foyu Alliance indifferently, "Since my father doesn't even care about injuries, let me come and kill you! I can't live up to his expectations!" In an instant, he began to unleash his sword , The tyrannical sword energy penetrated thousands of miles, smashing countless masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance.

With Long Chen's strong support, the Divine Beast Alliance barely managed to gain a firm foothold, and would not be defeated.

Talking about Jieyin, Zhunti fled in a big defeat, and went directly to the headquarters of the Buddha Realm Alliance.At this time, Shantideva just rushed back to the headquarters of the Buddha Realm Alliance.

When Shantideva saw the pitiful appearance of Yingying and Zhunti, a bad feeling lingered in his heart.

Jieyin and Zhunti told Shantideva about the scene without hesitation.After listening to Shantideva, he let out a long sigh, "Our plans are all over."

Shantide was depressed for a moment, Huo Di stood up, and said loudly: "Go, we will bring back half of the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance safely. If they are all wiped out, my Western Ultimate Bliss World is very likely to completely decline!" Said Come on, Shantideva gallops away.

Jieyin and Zhunti looked at each other, and followed Shantideva.

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