Immortal Artifact

Chapter 378 Counterattack

Chapter 378

Originally, the Buddha Realm Alliance was in an advantageous state, and in a blink of an eye, it was necessary to run around for survival. How time has changed!

As soon as Shantide came to the center of the battle, he mustered all his celestial power and shouted: "The masters of my Buddha Realm Alliance listen to the order and retreat immediately. Please visit the latest free chapter of this book."

Shantideva's order was so abrupt that the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance were stunned, "We are already in an advantageous position! Why are you in such a hurry to let us evacuate?"

This kind of weird situation has never happened before, and the understanding of the advanced methods of the Buddha Realm Alliance is also normal.However, they still believed in Shantideva instinctively, and all obeyed Shantideva's orders.He used the strongest means to repel the masters of the Divine Beast Alliance and left in the air.

The masters of the Divine Beast Alliance are also very puzzled, "The masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance can easily find our flaws. They have already gained the upper hand, and they still want to retreat. Could it be a fraud?" This is the common thought of the masters of the Divine Beast Alliance.Shantideva's actions are indeed contrary to common sense, and it is reasonable to have this kind of thinking.

Long Chen was overjoyed to see the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance retreating.He understood that it was Fuxi and the others who had successfully wiped out another army of the Buddha Realm Alliance.Knowing this, he ordered the army of the Divine Beast Alliance to counterattack without hesitation.

However, his orders were in vain.All the masters of the Divine Beast Alliance stared at Long Chen with strange expressions, "Who are you? Why do you order us?"

Long Chen thought for a moment before he suddenly realized.It was almost the end of his time away from the Dragon Clan, these Dragon Clan masters probably didn't recognize him anymore, as for the other beast clans, they didn't even know him, and naturally they wouldn't listen to his orders. [

This kind of result made Long Chen dumbfounded, "Could it be that the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance should be allowed to escape calmly?" Just then, Youdao said in a surprised voice, "Give me an order, and the entire army of the Divine Beast Alliance will be dispatched to counterattack the Buddha Realm Alliance. "

The owner of this voice was Qingyan.She was originally the founder of the Divine Beast Alliance and had a decisive influence on the Divine Beast Alliance.It was only later that the immortal emperor-level master intervened strongly, and she was forced to retreat behind the scenes.Now, all the immortal emperor-level masters of the main Divine Beast Alliance have disappeared, so she naturally has the qualifications to command the Divine Beast Alliance.

The master of the Divine Beast Alliance hesitated for a while, then decided to obey Qingyan's order.It's not because they admire Qingyan very much, but because they hate the Buddha Realm Alliance very much.Not much to say, but the masters of the God and Beast Alliance who were killed by the Buddha Realm Alliance just now have a hatred that is difficult to resolve. They really want revenge, but there is no unified action.And Qingyan's order was a signal of unified action, they carried out the order without hesitation, and pursued the Buddha Realm Alliance.

Qingyan glanced at Long Chen, turned her head, and swept forward at an extremely fast speed to chase the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance.Long Chen didn't care, holding the divine sword in his hand, flashed through the void with phantoms, and attacked the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance.

At the same time, Shantideva, Zhunti, and Jieyin flew to the front to lead the way, followed by countless Buddhist masters.

Suddenly, thousands of top masters appeared in front of Shantideva, Zhunti, and Jieyin, each of whom could swallow the sun and the moon, and hold the universe in their hands.The emperor and Di Shi stood at the front, and behind them were masters such as Xiao Hansheng, Hou Yi, Di Jun, Guo Tianya, and Nu Wa.

This time, it can be said that the essence of the Alliance of Demon Saints and the Alliance of Xiao are all out, and their power is unbelievable.

After seeing such a formation, Shantide felt his heart pounding, and said to himself: "This time, we are in serious trouble. Only these masters can destroy my Buddha Realm Alliance!"

The faces of Jieyin and Zhunti were not much better, they just felt that their speed was so fast, and they decided to keep all the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance.

"Xantian, you are really scheming! You actually used the Mani Temple to deceive us and plot against our demon saint alliance. You are really vicious! Unfortunately, my demon saint alliance has a great fortune. Not only did you not get calculated by you, but instead Kill you all. Shantideva, this is the result you didn't expect!" The emperor said in a deep voice.

The emperor did not expect Shantide's scheme to be so profound that it almost wiped out the Alliance of Demon Saints.Fortunately, Xiao Hansheng made a shot at a critical moment, which turned the crisis into safety.

"Hmph, you just got shit luck, next time you will never escape with your life." Ji Tian said coldly.He thought that his plan had no flaws, it was just a lack of luck.

"You have no chance to leave alive today, why don't you let us go next time?" Di Shi stepped forward, attacking Shantiden with his palms like a dragon.

Ji Tian showed a dignified look, turned his palms into fists, several golden lights converged on his fists, and blasted towards Di Shi.I saw a wormhole formed in the space, and the peerless fist power hit Di Shi through the wormhole.

Suddenly, the fists and palms of the two masters intertwined and bombarded continuously, the sound rumbled and spread thousands of miles.Seeing that they were in a state of anxiety, the emperor no longer hesitated, and made a bold move, hitting Shantide with powerful fists. [

Shantideva is confident that he will not lose against either Emperor or Di Shi.But to deal with the Emperor and Di Shi at the same time, he seemed powerless.Because, he had no choice but to escape from here and deal with the two masters, Emperor and Di Shi.

Before Shantide left, all the masters of the Sound Transmitter Buddha Realm Alliance said, "Scatter and run away! If we get together again, we may be completely wiped out by them."

This is also an unavoidable way. Before the army of the Demon Saint Alliance has arrived, thousands of masters can't be divided into tens of thousands, and shoot to kill the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance.In this way, the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance can have the hope of escape.

Although there were chasing soldiers from the Divine Beast Alliance behind them, they were all tricked by Yue Ziqun, so they could easily find their flaws.This situation gave the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance a lot of hope of escape.

Hearing the sound transmission of Shantideva, the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance scattered and rushed towards the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.Smart masters fled towards the southeast and southwest.The direction towards the Western Paradise is the focus of the pursuit of the Alliance of Gods and Beasts and the Alliance of Demon Saints, and the possibility of escaping safely in other directions is extremely high.

The army of the Buddha Realm Alliance dispersed in a rush, and thousands of masters all went down. After killing these fleeing masters, only a few people such as Xiao Hansheng, Hou Yi, and Di Jun were left.As for Shantideva, he was engaged in a peerless battle with the Emperor and Emperor Shi to other voids.

The meeting between Xiao Hansheng and Yingying and Zhunti can be described as meeting enemies, and they are extremely jealous.

"Xiao Hansheng, don't be complacent, sooner or later I will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces, so that you will never be reborn!" Zhunti said coldly.Zhunti's words are no longer what a Buddhist master should do, but rather like a demon master who rushed out of hell.

Of course, this also reflects from another aspect, how much Zhunti should hate Xiao Hansheng.

Zhunti does have a reason to hate Xiao Hansheng. He has prepared all the years in the Western Paradise for Buddhism to travel eastward.Seeing that he was about to succeed, he was destroyed by Xiao Hansheng.He'd be damned if he wasn't angry.

"I really found that you talk a lot of nonsense! Our hatred can't be resolved, you still want to talk about these nonsense?!" Xiao Hansheng said lightly.

Zhunti was yelled at by Xiao Han's angry seven orifices.

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