Immortal Artifact

Chapter 385 Golden Nine Years

Xiao Hansheng's proposal made all the alliance forces not entangled in this issue.Then, they discussed the general situation of the mortal world, and then returned to their respective base camps with their respective alliance forces.

The Alliance of Demon Saints will naturally return to the Domain of Demon Saints, and the Alliance of Divine Beasts will return to the Domain of Divine Beasts.As for Xiao Hansheng and other masters, they naturally came to the place where they came to the demon sanctuary - Mingxingyu.

As for the monks of Putuo Temple, they have secretly gone to the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss long ago.It seems powerless to use Mani Temple alone to compete against Daleiyin Temple.Therefore, Xiao Hansheng secretly found Jinchan to discuss the secret assistance of Putuo Temple to Mani Temple.

For Xiao Hansheng's worries, Jin Chan agrees very much.Therefore, he secretly went to the Western Paradise with all the masters of Putuo Temple.

With the end of the World War, the major alliance forces have also begun to recuperate.It's been 15 years in a flash.

During this period of time, there was also an extremely tragic battle, that is, the Emperor and Di Shi of the Demon Saint Alliance led an army to destroy the Western Paradise.However, the reality is not so satisfactory.Instead of destroying the Western Paradise, they plunged themselves into deep passivity.

Fortunately, the Emperor and Di Shi had left behind enough backers, which allowed the army of the Demon Saint Alliance to escape calmly without suffering a major blow.

After this battle, the Alliance of Demon Saints finally realized that the Western Paradise is extremely terrifying, and stopped clamoring to destroy the Western Paradise.

Of course, the Divine Beast Realm is also very unstable, and the friction between the Divine Beast Alliance and the Phoenix Clan has never stopped.However, this friction did not escalate to a large-scale fighting, and it was relatively calm. [

The mortal world war ended, and several masters were beheaded. To a certain extent, the number of mortal masters dropped sharply, which can be described as withering.However, this is not all bad things, their death makes it relatively easy for a new generation of young masters to rise.All of a sudden, the young masters of the mortal world emerged one after another, which made people overwhelmed.

Characters like Xiao Hansheng, Tai Yi, Di Jun, Hou Yi, and Xing Tian have rarely been revealed to the world.Although they are still young, they are already the predecessors of younger masters, for the new generation of masters to look up to.

With the passage of time, Mortal Realm became more and more prosperous, and various masters emerged one after another, such as Xu Lin, Xu Yihan, Huang Tianhua and so on.Although masters in the mortal world have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, there is one, no master can cover up his brilliance, his name is Ye Xundao.He is only 15 years old this year, but his strength is comparable to that of a master in the early stages of the Immortal King Realm, and his realm has also entered the Celestial Fairy Realm.

Such a piece of rough jade made several alliance forces covet him and wanted to take him as their own.However, Ye Xundao's vision is extremely high, no one master can enter his eyes, not even Shantiden from the Western Paradise, the Emperor of the Demon God Clan, and the Phoenix Emperor of the Phoenix Clan.

"Ye Xundao is really arrogant! How dare you reject these masters of the mortal world face to face, I think he will fall soon." Some experts asserted.Indeed, as some experts asserted, some alliance forces became enraged and came to chase and kill Ye Xundao.

However, it is often not Ye Xundao who is killed, but the masters sent by the alliance forces.

Such a scene really stunned countless masters, "I heard that some masters from the Immortal King Realm went to chase and kill Ye Xundao, but he escaped safely!"

"Yes! I've heard about it. I don't know the origin of Ye Xundao. He is so brave that even the most powerful alliance forces can do nothing to him!" a master said.

When the masters in the mortal world were talking about Ye Xundao, it suddenly came out that Xiao Hansheng was about to make a move and wanted to subdue Ye Xundao.

"Haha, I'm laughing to death! Xiao Hansheng? His strength is only at the extreme of the Immortal King Realm, not even at the Immortal Emperor level. How can he subdue Ye Xundao? I don't know where the rumors came from .” When some masters heard Xiao Hansheng’s name, they looked very disdainful.

However, the masters who doubted Xiao Hansheng's strength were not proud for a long time, and it was reported that Xiao Hansheng's realm had crossed to the realm of immortals, and he had the combat power of an immortal emperor.

Such news has not been confirmed, and most of the masters choose not to believe it.However, when the news came that Xiao Hansheng fought against Shantiden, all the masters in the mortal world believed in Xiao Hansheng's fighting power.

The battle between Xiao Hansheng and Shantiden can be said to be a meeting of opponents in chess, and a good talent in the future.They fought for two days and two nights, and there was no winner.This result means that Xiao Hansheng has become the master of the mortal world and can participate in shaping the future of the mortal world.

Not only was Xiao Hansheng's strength greatly improved, but Ye Xundao was also subdued by Xiao Hansheng and became a member of the Xiao League.

Such important news made the major alliance forces quite emotional, "How is Xiao Hansheng's luck so good? He can attract Ye Xundao to vote at will! Alas, Ye Xundao is not very old, but his methods are extremely clever. After that Over the past few years, Ye Xundao has grown up completely. Together with Xiao Hansheng, he can completely conquer the enemies of the mortal realm! Not only that, there are dozens of extremely powerful masters behind him! Xiao Meng is very likely to become the dominant force in the mortal realm ah!"[

The more these alliance forces thought about it, the more frightened they became, and even wanted to destroy Xiao Alliance.However, Xiao Hansheng's legend did not last long, and news came from Yue Ziqun that he also had the combat power of an immortal emperor.Moreover, he and Emperor Feng fought with all their strength, and there was no sign of defeat.

With the appearance of Yue Ziqun, the masters in the mortal world finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally there are masters who can compete against Xiao Hansheng."

After another two years, the strength of the introduction and Zhunti of the Western Paradise entered the country extremely quickly, and they also possessed the combat power of the Immortal Emperor.The Alliance of Demon Saints is even more powerful, and Di Jun, Tai Yi, Hou Yi, and Xing Tian have all reached the level of immortal emperors.

In the following time, more and more masters possessed the combat power of the immortal emperor. This scene made countless masters in the mortal world feel very strange. , the speed of realm improvement is obviously accelerated, could it be related to the general environment of the mortal world?"

Although there are various guesses by the experts in the world, after all, no expert can prove it, it is just a public case.As for the specific reason, no one knows to this day.However, this is very beneficial to practitioners in all realms, who cares about his reasons? !

In fact, this is related to the appearance of the hand that covers the sky.Since the appearance of the hand that shrouds the sky, the most powerful people in the world have used their supernatural powers to change the rules of the mortal world.The changes in the rules of the mortal world are not the same as the original rules, and the masters of the mortal world can relatively easily capture these changes in the rules, thereby improving the realm of cultivation.

Another two years have passed, and it has been 19 years since the Mortal Wars ended.During these 19 years, the Mortal Realm was generally peaceful, and it was the golden time for the development of the Mortal Realm.But recently, the major alliances have begun to hoard troops again, and there is a faint confrontation.

Just at this time, a powerful army suddenly appeared in the mortal world, sweeping away the enemies of heaven and earth!The appearance of such a large army immediately attracted the attention of all alliance forces in the mortal world.

"Where did this army come from?" The answer that all masters want to know.

However, this situation did not last long, and news came that this army came from the world of comprehension.

Only then did the alliance forces in the mortal realm realize that the Naihe bridge had already penetrated to the realm of comprehension.The army of the comprehension world can naturally pass through the Naihe bridge and come to the mortal world.

The arrival of the army from the comprehension world brought new variables to the mortal world.

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