Immortal Artifact

Chapter 384 Generous Compensation

Chapter 384 Generous Compensation

Now that the emperor has already spoken, the experts present will naturally give him some face.Then, they relaxed their bodies and put the weapons in their hands back into the Nascent Soul.

"Senior Emperor, how do you think Zhang Yu's hatred will be ended?" the master of the Saint Race asked in a deep voice.

yes!Although the war can be avoided, it is necessary to give the Holy Race a decent explanation.

Regarding this matter, Hou Yi and Xing Tian did not say anything.If Tianyu and Xiaoyi were just lone rangers, they would probably strike and kill them without hesitation.But in the current situation, they can't make a move.Not to mention whether they can be killed, but to say that the masters standing behind them are frightening.Like Xiao Hansheng, Gu Meng, Guo Tianya, Nuwa...these are a lot of masters in the fairy king realm, and if you offend one, you will offend a swarm of masters.Although the saints thought they were powerful, they did not dare to blatantly kill Tianyu and Xiaoyi.

Although Xiao Hansheng, Gu Meng, Guo Tianya and other masters did not make a statement, it is certain that as long as the saint clan masters dare to make a move, they will definitely fight back.What's more, there is the full support of the God and Beast Alliance, which means that Zhang Yu's hatred must be resolved peacefully.

This is why the killing intent that Di Shidu had already begun to brew suddenly faded away.Facing such a group of masters, Di Shi felt very weak.He believes that as long as he makes a move, the demon gods will definitely cut off their relationship with his saints, and then the saints will face the alliance of beasts and Xiaomeng alone.

Such a heavy burden, the saints can't bear it, and he, Di Shi, can't bear it even more, so the saints must resolve this matter peacefully and satisfactorily.

"An explanation? I want an explanation, but no!" Tianyu said indifferently.He has already seen that the saints have great consideration and dare not let the situation escalate, so he dared to speak so arrogantly. [

Tianyu's words made the masters of the holy clan furious again, and the weapons that had been put away were once again held in their hands.

At this time, Xiaoyi didn't have any trouble with Tianyu, she directly stood beside Tianyu and stared at him.This kind of voice support made Tianyu quite useful, and he became carefree, looking down at the appearance of all beings, only to hear him laughing wildly: "Want to fight?! I, Xiao Meng, will accompany you!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Hansheng was quite helpless, "Hasn't this guy even seen that this matter will be resolved peacefully?! He actually provoked on purpose, he really deserves a beating!" Xiao Hansheng secretly made up his mind to teach Tianyu a good lesson some.

However, there is no rush to teach Tianyu a lesson at this moment.He also did not comment on Tianyu's arrogant remarks, but just watched the development of the matter with a cold eye.

Since Xiao Hansheng didn't speak, the other masters of Xiaomeng naturally wouldn't interrupt.

As the anger got tighter and tighter, the battle was almost imminent.

"Stop it all!" Di Shi's aura suddenly engulfed the surrounding fields, horrifying all the masters, "I am responsible for the revenge of Zhang Yu! All the masters of my holy clan put away their weapons!"

"But Patriarch, Zhang Yu's hatred is just like this...?" A saint clan master asked in a concentrated voice.He thought that his ancestor would no longer avenge Zhang Yu, and he was a little angry, so he asked.

"I still need you to ask me what I'm doing?!" Di Shi looked extraordinarily serious. If this master said something that questioned him again, he probably couldn't help but want to kill someone.

The expert was so frightened that he was trembling all over, and he took a few steps back quietly, only then did he feel better.

Immediately afterwards, Di Shi turned his head and said solemnly: "As the ancestor of the Holy Clan, it is naturally impossible for me to see my members of the Holy Clan die in vain! So you have to give my Holy Clan an explanation!"

At this time, Xiao Hansheng stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what the senior wants us to do?"

Di Shi said in a deep voice: "You Xiaomeng's masters killed my Saint Clan's masters, and my Saint Clan would have killed the murderer! However, my Saint Clan is willing to spare his life for the sake of the overall situation. However, Capital crimes can be forgiven, living crimes cannot escape, you must give us sufficient compensation."

Hearing this, Xiao Hansheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Just compensation is not a big problem!" Then, he asked aloud: "I don't know what kind of compensation senior wants?"

"My saint clan needs one sixth-rank fairy artifact, twenty fifth-rank fairy artifacts, and one thousand fourth-rank fairy artifacts!" Di Shi obviously had already made plans, and soon finalized the compensation plan. [

These compensations are relatively harsh. After all, the strength of Zhang Yu who was killed by Tianyu is only in the late stage of the Immortal King Realm, and its value is far less than a sixth-rank fairy weapon!You must know that the sixth-grade fairy weapon is a weapon that can only be used by immortal emperor-level masters.Nowadays, exchanging the life of a master in the late stage of the Immortal King Realm for a sixth-grade immortal artifact is quite a value.

In fact, the weapons equipped by Immortal Emperor-level masters should be Seventh Grade Immortal Artifacts.It's a pity that there are no seventh-rank fairy weapons in the mortal world. Naturally, sixth-rank fairy weapons are already the top weapons.There are not many immortal artifacts of this level in the world, and they are also treasures that many immortal emperor-level masters are vying for.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng frowned slightly, as if he was quite embarrassed!

Di Shi was a little surprised by Xiao Hansheng's expression, and asked, "Can't you even take out a sixth-grade fairy weapon?"

"Senior, I don't think one sixth-grade fairy artifact is enough to make up for Tianyu's fault, so I am willing to compensate the saints for two sixth-grade fairy artifacts! Now after Tianyu's disturbance, there has been a major gap between the demon saint alliance and my Xiao alliance. , I hope to take the opportunity of two sixth-rank fairy artifacts to break the gap between our two major alliances! Of course, I will increase the number of fifth-rank fairy artifacts to one hundred, and I will give you ten thousand fourth-rank fairy artifacts!" Xiao Hansheng Slowly said.

'Hiss, hiss', this is the sound of counting gasps.They were really overwhelmed by Xiao Hansheng's atmosphere.

"It seems that Xiao Hansheng is holding a treasure in his hand! He is taking it out now, just to make us greedy and get close to him!" Some masters smelled Xiao Hansheng's profound intentions.

How could Di Shi not be happy about the preferential conditions given by Xiao Hansheng?So he readily accepted it.

The revenge of Zhang Yu's murder was settled like this, and no one brought it up again.

Di Shi received the two sixth-grade fairy artifacts given by Xiao Hansheng, played with them for a while, and took them into his pocket.

When the emperor saw these two fairy artifacts, he was so jealous that he even wanted the masters of the Xiao League to kill the masters of the demon gods and get rich compensation from Xiao Hansheng.

Of course, he was just thinking about it.

Xiao Hansheng saw that this matter had been dealt with, and said with a smile: "It is difficult for us to reach a unified opinion on whether to attack the Western Paradise. After all, every master has his own ideas. I think it is better to do so! Anyone who is willing to attack The alliances or forces in the Western Paradise can completely attack on their own, and there is no need to act in a unified manner. Of course, the basic structure of the Monster Saint Alliance, the Divine Beast Alliance, and my Xiao Alliance still exists. If there is a unified action, there will be no problem. If there are different Opinions, you can act on your own. My suggestion is not to cause major differences between the major alliance forces, or even confront swords."

The major alliance forces also understood what Xiao Hansheng meant, and they stopped talking.

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