Immortal Artifact

Chapter 383 The Swordsman

Chapter 383

Although Xiao Hansheng thinks so, most of the masters have become extremely fanatical, and even plan to set off immediately to attack the Western Paradise.

After all, Di Huang and Di Shi are people who have experienced countless storms, and they are well aware of the dangers hidden inside.They looked around, hoping to get a different opinion.

Just at this time, Fu Xi said: "We have indeed become the largest force in the mortal world, but it does not mean that we can easily destroy the Western Paradise. The Western Paradise has a profound foundation and has been operated for many years. The strength is not enough to destroy them! Similarly, the strength of the Phoenix Clan should not be underestimated. Although they fled without fighting, their combat power has been fully preserved. In addition, they are in a home game. The possibility of us winning big!"

As soon as Fuxi's voice fell, there was a strong discussion, from the initial small discussion to the final loud noise.

"Brother Fuxi, are you being too cautious? We are already in an absolute advantage, killing them is easy!" The master named Zhang Yuan asked Fuxi.He has a good relationship with Fuxi, so his words were not too intense.

In response to Zhang Yuan's question, Fuxi asked, "What do you think of my innate easy numbering?"

Zhang Yuan had been staying with Fuxi all this time, and he admired Fuxi's innate easy numbering, so he couldn't help saying: "No. 1 in the world!"

Fuxi accepted Zhang Yuan's praise calmly, without any humility, "Since you said so, let me tell you that I have done divination for the future of the Western Paradise several times. According to the divination, the future of the Western Paradise The luck is endless, and there are even signs of great prosperity. This means that we have no chance to destroy the Western Paradise! If this is the case, why do we have to go to die?!"[

Zhang Yuan was shocked, "Really good?!"

Fu Xi's expression was serious, "How dare I speculate on such a thing? According to the hexagrams, this is indeed a fact."

The power holders of the major alliance forces were all shocked when they heard Fuxi's words, "Could it be true that as Fuxi said, the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is about to prosper?"

"Hmph, what nonsense! Fuxi, you said that the Western Paradise is about to prosper. Let me ask you, how do you explain the defeat of the Buddha Realm Alliance today? Since the Western Paradise is about to prosper, how could the heavens let them suffer such a disastrous defeat without any power to fight back?" ? I think you were wounded by the Buddhist kingdom that you received, and you have lingering fears, and you are afraid of the Western Paradise! That's why you speak out to dissuade us from unifying the mortal world!" Zhang Yuhan, who advocated the unification of the mortal world, said in a voice.

When Fuxi heard Zhang Yu's words, he was very angry.However, he still tried his best to calm down and said: "Think about when you were suppressed and beaten by the Buddha Realm Alliance and were about to be destroyed, didn't I, Fuxi, stand up and force the king to keep the Demon Saint Alliance? If I was really afraid of the Western Paradise , How can it help you, it is ridiculous."

After listening to Fuxi's explanation, Zhang Yu thought he was asking for credit, and said coldly: "Don't think that you saved the Demon Saint Alliance, and you think you are our savior, so you can shout at us. If you think so, then It's really naive. What's more, implementing your so-called estrangement scheme directly caused my saint clan to lose a master of the Immortal Emperor Realm. Such a huge loss, my saint clan has not settled with you yet!"

Fuxi pointed at Zhang Yu, his fingers trembling, "" Before he could say anything, his face flushed quickly, and his breathing was unsteady.Before that, his life energy was consumed a lot, and his body became weak.Being so angry by Zhang Yu again, his blood flowed backwards, which almost made him suffer from internal injuries.

Just at this moment, a piercing scream came from Zhang Yu's mouth.Immediately afterwards, his body retreated extremely quickly, hit the pillar of the palace, and fell down.

'Pfft', Zhang Yu turned over and opened his mouth to spit out blood.

"Kahwah, bad guy, you dare to say that about Brother Fuxi, you really want to die!" Xiao Yi floated in front of Zhang Yu with her petite body, and said softly, "See if I won't teach you a lesson!" Kill Zhang Yu directly.

However, Xiaoyi's speed was fast, and Tianyu's speed was faster than hers. He directly grabbed Zhang Yu's neck and twisted it vigorously.Then, Tianyu directly smashed Zhang Yu to the ground, and said with a cold face: "When we arrived at the Alliance of Demon Saints, your Alliance of Demon Saints was almost wiped out by the Buddha Realm Alliance. If your Alliance of Demon Saints is destroyed, don't Saying that your saint clan will lose an immortal emperor-level master, I am afraid that even the saint clan will be wiped out! Now that we have saved you, it’s okay if you don’t appreciate it, but you still want to settle accounts with us, you really deserve to die!” While speaking, Tianyu's fist smashed down mercilessly.

When Hou Yi heard Zhang Yu say such unbearable words, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and he just wanted to slap Zhang Yu to death.However, the development of the matter was beyond his imagination. Xiaoyi and Tianyu shot mercilessly and planned to kill Zhang Yu directly!

"Stop!" Hou Yi made a bold move, trying to prevent Tianyu from killing Zhang Yu.

'call out! A small figure of Xiao Yi suddenly appeared in front of Hou Yi, and her tender white fist directly hit Hou Yi's palm.Hou Yi only felt the incomparable power of the punch coming through, and couldn't help but retreated dozens of steps before stopping.

Xiao Yi also flew back dozens of steps and stopped, and said immaturely and slightly coldly: "If you dare to come over again, I will kill you together!" [

Just at this moment, Tianyu's fist directly smashed Zhang Yu's head, like smashing a watermelon, blood flowed.Nascent Soul flew out immediately, wanting to escape.However, Tianyu had already taken precautions. He directly grabbed Zhang Yu's Nascent Soul and squeezed it violently, obliterating Tianyu's consciousness.

'Hiss, hiss', the master gasped and exclaimed secretly, "He really dares to kill the master of the Demon Saint Alliance!"

"You guys are really deceiving people too much. If you dare to kill the masters of my holy clan, you all deserve to die!" They attacked Xiaoyi, Tianyu and people related to them without hesitation.

Then, Long Chen drew out the divine sword, and said in a deep voice: "If you dare to hurt anyone in the Xiao League, you are making an enemy of my Divine Beast Alliance, and you will never die!"

Long Chen set an example, and all the masters of the God and Beast Alliance also acted as if they were facing the enemy, attacking the Monster Saint Alliance at any time.Ever since Long Chen revealed his identity, the masters of the Dragon Clan followed Long Chen's example.And the Dragon Clan has a dominant position over the Divine Beast Alliance, so they follow Long Chen's pace and draw out their weapons.

Today, the Alliance of Demon Saints, the Alliance of Divine Beasts, and the Xiao Alliance are already at war, and a battle may start at any time.

The companions who were fighting against each other not long ago will turn to each other in a blink of an eye. The speed of the change is amazing.

At the same time, Di Shi was brewing murderous intentions and pointed at Tianyu and Xiaoyi.His temper is extremely hot, now seeing the master of the saint clan being killed by Tianyu in front of him, how do you make him bear it?Therefore, he wanted to take action to kill Tianyu and Xiaoyi.

Seeing that Di Shi was about to erupt, the Emperor suddenly pressed his shoulders and shook his head slightly.Di Shijian thought for a moment, and then slowly withdrew his immortal power.

"Stop it all, do you want internal strife?" The emperor said loudly.The powerful sound waves directly knocked out the weapons of many masters, and the anger of the battle suddenly eased.He understands very well that if this great war really starts, the power that has been gathered with great difficulty will probably collapse immediately, and the hope of unifying the mortal world will be restored.This was the last thing he wanted to see.

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