Immortal Artifact

Chapter 382: A Consensus

It turned out that Xiaolong was injured by Tai Shiba, and he could not recover to the cultivation base of the heyday without a thousand years.But his luck was very good. When he went to the realm of cultivation and false immortality, he encountered an extremely powerful inheritance.Not only has his cultivation recovered quickly, but his realm has also been greatly improved.

In the end, he came to the Realm of Pseudo-Immortals to absorb the supernatural energy that descended from the Immortal Realm.This period of time is several years.Finally, two months ago, he successfully crossed the tribulation and became a master of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

At that time, the Naihe Bridge had already penetrated to the realm of comprehension, and Xiaolong came to the world of mortals smoothly.When he came to the Mortal Realm, he was not in a hurry to return to the Dragon Clan, but quietly followed the development of the Mortal Realm.When he saw that his father Long Hao was about to suffer, he couldn't help but act blatantly.

Although everyone didn't know what kind of adventure he had, they were all happy that his realm had improved.

"Will you be called Long Chen from now on, or..." Xiao Hansheng asked.

Long Chen pondered for a moment, and said: "My father's Nascent Soul has been broken, and I'm afraid he won't be able to restore his original cultivation in the future. Therefore, I will take on the important task of revitalizing the Dragon Clan. So, I will be called Long Chen from now on! "

Long Chen's decision can be said to be human nature, no one can criticize it.

Xiao Hansheng noticed the detail that Long Chen mentioned that his father's Nascent Soul had been broken, and asked in a deep voice: "Can you show me Senior Long Hao's injury, maybe I can heal his injury!"

"Really?" Long Chen asked impatiently. [

Xiao Hansheng nodded with a smile, "There should be eight levels of confidence!" It is normal for him to have such confidence. He once replaced the Nascent Soul of his master Wu Yong with a living elixir, which did not have any impact on Wu Yong's future practice. .Therefore, it shouldn't be a big problem to restore Long Hao's cultivation base.

Since Xiao Hansheng is so sure that he has a solution, Long Chen is naturally willing to hand over Long Hao to Xiao Hansheng for treatment.

"Even if my father's cultivation cannot be restored, it won't destroy my father!" Long Chen secretly thought.Of course, this kind of thought flashed by and didn't stay in my mind forever.

However, Long Chen did not immediately ask Xiao Hansheng to treat his father Long Hao.After all, the war has just ended, and there are still many things to deal with.

As the masters who pursued the Buddha Realm Alliance returned one after another, the power holders of the major alliance forces also gathered together to discuss the general trend of the Mortal Realm in the future.

The masters were divided into guests and hosts, and they exchanged greetings.

After a while, Di Jun stood up first, and said with a smile on his face: "Everyone, our alliance army, together with the God Beast Alliance and the Xiao League, finally defeated the culprit of the Buddha Realm Alliance. Although there are still some masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance An Ran escaped, but after all, they were already seriously injured, and it was impossible to launch such a large-scale war. At the same time, the Feng clan allied with them fled without a fight and returned to the base camp of the Feng clan. They did not have the strength to launch such a large-scale war. A big war. All signs show that we have become the strongest force in the mortal world. Because we need to come up with a charter to guide future actions. If you have any opinions, feel free to put them forward!"

The reason why Di Jun dared to speak first in front of several masters was because he carried the might of a winner.After all, the one with the highest strength now is his ancestor, the Emperor, and he is the first successor of the Demon God Clan, so he is naturally qualified to speak out.

Of course, the reason why he stood up in such a hurry to express his position was because he didn't want to be the first to make the demon gods become the masters of the demon saint alliance and even the power of the major alliances.

Obviously, the friendship once forged with life and death has begun to fade, and they have begun to plan their own interests.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. The words of the ancients do not deceive others!

Of course, most of the masters didn't think as much as Di Jun thought, and they were all lost in thought, thinking about the current general trend of the mortal world.

Judging from the current situation, the Alliance of Demon Saints, Alliance of Divine Beasts, and Xiao Alliance have become the largest forces in the mortal world, and they can completely sweep the Buddha Realm Alliance and the Phoenix Clan as victors.

However, the combination of these alliance forces has obvious flaws, that is, there is no absolute controller that makes all the masters admire.Just looking at the two emperors and emperors, it is clear that neither of them obeys the other. Who is willing to hand over such rights to others?

As the saying goes, you can share adversity, but it is difficult to share sweetness.Now, they are facing such a problem. [

Just at this time, the Immortal Emperor-level senior master of the Saint Race stood up in a panic, cupped his hands and said: "With our current power, we should immediately raise troops and attack the Western Paradise. The harm is extremely great, and being able to kill them all is considered for the sake of future generations."

Now that Duan Pan had spoken, the other masters also fell silent.It's not because of his high strength that all the masters are very admired, but because he abolished the Nascent Soul for the alienation scheme of the Demon Saint Alliance, and made Shantiden of the Buddha Realm Alliance believe what he said, which laid the foundation for the defeat of the Demon Saint Alliance. The foundation of the Buddhaland Alliance.

It can be said that these forces can become the strongest forces in the mortal world, and Duan Pan has made great contributions.For this reason, all the masters had to give him face.

"Yes, with our strength, we can easily unify the mortal world, why not do it?!" A master echoed.Once such an idea was put forward, it attracted the approval of several people.They have completely forgotten their previous failures, and only want to fulfill their long-cherished wish of unifying the mortal world.

In the end, this is an irreversible trend.

After Emperor and Di Shi heard this suggestion, their hearts were pounding, and they seemed quite excited.After years of cultivation, they have become the most powerful masters overlooking the mortal world.However, because of the limitation of heaven and earth, they could not ascend to the fairy world, and they no longer had any goals to strive for.And unifying the mortal world is something that no master can do, so they all have a long-cherished wish to unify the mortal world.

However, they have such thoughts, but they can only hide them in their hearts.After all, there were still many masters in the Mortal Realm who could restrain them and form a balanced state.Therefore, it can be said that there are many obstacles for them to unify the mortal world.

However, to this day, the Alliance of Demon Saints, the Alliance of Divine Beasts and the Alliance of Xiao have become the most powerful forces in the mortal world. In addition, the Alliance of Buddha Realm and the Phoenix Clan have suffered heavy losses. This gives the Emperor and Emperor Shi Rainbow a rare opportunity, you How can they resist such a great temptation? !

As several masters voiced their support, their attitude became more and more wavering, and they even wanted to directly order to attack the Buddha Realm Alliance.

For this proposal of unifying the mortal world, Xiao Hansheng remained quite skeptical.

"Unifying the mortal world is not as easy as imagined. Although the Buddha Realm Alliance is newly defeated, their foundation in the Western Paradise is still there, and their extreme combat power has not suffered any losses. This is destruction The insurmountable threshold of the Buddha Realm Alliance!" Xiao Hansheng secretly said.In addition to Shantideva, the extreme combat power he refers to also includes subduing dragons and subduing tigers.Although subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger does not take part in Buddhism, but if there are forces attacking Daleiyin Temple, they will definitely take action, so there is no need to think about it.

In short, in Xiao Hansheng's view, it is extremely difficult for them to unify the mortal world.

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