Immortal Artifact

Chapter 381 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 381 The overall situation has been decided

At the same time, Jieyin and Gumeng are engaged in a peerless battle.I saw that Gu Meng's stone ax was stronger than wave after wave, more powerful than others.Jieyin was in a weak position, constantly dodging Gu Meng's attack.Judging from its appearance, this is not a close battle.

Jieyin has always been on the defensive, not because he has no power to fight back, but because he has hidden this ability deeply, and waits until the critical moment to make a move.With his combat power, he could completely fight Gu Meng to the death, but he thought it was just a show of bravery, and it could only be quick for a while.Therefore, when he fought Gu Meng, he took a stance of hiding as much as he could.

When he saw that Zhunti was already seriously injured, he decided not to hide his strength any more, and tried his best to rescue Zhunti.Suddenly, his whole body was radiated with golden light, and golden blood flowed from his fingertips.The blood appeared, as if attracted by some kind of force, releasing unusual fluctuations.

Suddenly, the golden blood danced with the palm of the receiving hand, forming a vast demon pestle.As soon as the Subduing Demon Pestle appeared, it attacked Gu Meng's stone ax with lightning speed.

Gu Meng and Jieyin have been fighting for so long, and he has been pressing Jieyin to fight, which makes him think that the means of Jieyin are only mediocre, so his defense against Jieyin has also been greatly reduced.This also caused him to be a little caught off guard by the sudden attack.Fortunately, he is also a master who has experienced many battles, mobilizing all the immortal power in his body, swinging the stone ax and chopping the demon pestle horizontally.

"铛..." The clear voice stretches and spreads thousands of miles.Every time there is a collision, the subduing magic pestle will be thrown thousands of miles away, and then hit at a faster speed.More importantly, the Subduing Demon Pestle does not need to be directed at all to launch an attack, it can only rely on the power of the golden blood.

Every time Gu Meng confronted the Jiangmo pestle, he felt that the stone ax was about to escape from his control. If he didn't hold it tightly, the stone ax would be blown away by the impact.The tighter he grasped the handle of the stone axe, the stronger the counterforce, which made his body a little bit overwhelmed.Fortunately, his physical strength was also extremely strong, which ensured that his body would not be crushed by the Demon Subduing Pestle.Even so, his whole body began to crack, blood was dripping all over his clothes.

Seeing that the subduing magic pestle was about to hit again, Gu Meng raised the stone ax high and used his strongest ax technique.What Gu Meng was about to perform was the move of splitting the sky and the earth with the ax in the method of splitting the sky.This is one of the three major moves he has mastered, and its power is poor.At this time, strange fluctuations appeared around Gu Meng's body, and everything seemed to revolve around him. [

Suddenly, behind the ancient dream appeared a vast man holding a god-opening axe, stepping on the stars to catch the moon.However, this scene can not describe his good looks.

The subduing magic pestle felt the aura of a vast man, its power suddenly increased, and a strong murderous intent loomed.This feeling is like it has a deep hatred with this vast man.

The vast man also seemed to sense the murderous intent of Jiang Mo Chu, and glanced at Jiang Mo Chu.This look is sad and happy, and he doesn't care about the murderous intent of the subduing magic pestle.Immediately afterwards, the ax intention brewed by Gu Meng reached its peak, and the vast man suddenly disappeared, as if he had blessed the poor power on the stone axe.

'Pfft', the sound of metal and stone casting sounded, spread thousands of miles, and wiped out countless stars.

Gu Meng's stone ax passed directly through the body of the Jiangmo pestle, and the Jiangmo pestle suddenly stopped spinning for a moment, and then the Jiangmo pestle began to spin again.Suddenly, there was a slight sound, followed by exhausted spirit energy swarming towards the Demon Subduing Pestle.

As more and more fairy energy gathered, the body of the subduing magic pestle began to show dense cracks, which could not be healed even with more fairy energy.

In the end, the Subduing Demon Pestle suddenly shrank, and in an instant it exploded again, turning into dust.Received and led by the shattered subduing magic pestle, he began to vomit blood profusely, appearing to be seriously injured.

However, all of this is no longer important to Yingyin, he has successfully rescued Zhunti.

A moment ago, when Jieyin saw Zhunti being suppressed and beaten by Xiao Hansheng, he fully understood that if they were all trapped by a top expert, they might fall completely.Although they think that they are peerless figures born from heaven and earth, it does not mean that they will not perish.

Their identities are not their talismans, but may be their urging talismans.Therefore, they also have to be careful.

At the critical juncture, Jieyin did not hesitate to use his own blood essence as a medium to command the subduing magic pestle to attack Gu Meng, while his real body came to Zhunti to rescue him.

Jieyin didn't promise Xiao Hansheng not to use the treasure, so he directly swung the half of Amitabha's golden relic to attack Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng felt a great crisis and had to give up and continue chasing Zhunti.

Just at this moment, the Demon Subduing Pestle was shattered, and the waves were affected.However, he has successfully rescued Zhunti. Although he suffered serious injuries, he saved his life after all.As for the loss of life energy, just make up for it later.

"Junior brother, let's get out of here quickly!" The voice transmission said.Then, he exhausted his last Buddha power and escaped.Before leaving, Zhunti threw out a sentence, "Xiao Hansheng, when we meet again next time, my physical strength will definitely surpass yours, and I will kill you completely at that time!"

Xiao Hansheng didn't even bother to comment on Zhunti's provocation. [

After Gu Meng shattered the subduing magic pestle, he felt uncomfortable.When the stone ax pierced through the Demon Subduing Pestle, it suffered a strong shock and suffered severe injuries.But for this injury, he recovered after a short breath adjustment.

Jieyin and Zhunti fled, and the masters who chased the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance also returned one after another, like Guo Tianya, Tianyu, Xiaoyi, Nuwa and so on.

Then, Emperor and Di Shi rushed back.When the two of them appeared, Xiao Hansheng, Guo Tianya and other experts all stared at them, expecting to get good news from them.

"Oh, you don't need to look at it. Shantideva's old thief escaped safely, and we failed to kill him!" The emperor said slightly embarrassed.

Although everyone sighed a little, they were relieved afterward.Immortal emperor-level masters are already the top combat power in the mortal world, and it is as difficult as heaven to kill them.

Then, more masters began to return, all bringing good news, big or small.This kind of victory made the experienced masters of the Demon Saint Alliance overjoyed, and all of them were beaming with smiles.

"Haha, you are all here!" Long Chen landed and laughed loudly at Xiao Hansheng, Guo Tianya and other experts.

The appearance of Long Chen shocked all the masters, and they couldn't help asking: "Who are you?" Xiao Hansheng felt very familiar with Long Chen.Suddenly, he thought of who Long Chen was.

Seeing that everyone didn't know him, Long Chen said a little, "Hey, let me tell you, I've only been away from you for a few years, and you don't even know me?"

Suddenly, Fuxi exclaimed in surprise, "You are Xiaolong?!"

Long Chen showed a smile, and laughed loudly: "That's right, it's me! My real name is Long Chen, and I'm the Dragon Prince of the Dragon Clan! Haha, none of you thought of it!"

When the masters of the Monster Saint Alliance and the Divine Beast Alliance heard Long Chen's self-report, they all remembered that the Dragon Clan did have such a Dragon Prince.Among the many masters of Xiao Meng, except for Tian Yu and a few who are not Xiaolong, the other masters are very familiar with him.

The return of Xiaolong made all the masters more happy.

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