Immortal Artifact

Chapter 387 Decided to Ascension Again

Soon after, the real plan of the army of the cultivation world spread in the mortal world, which was to unify the mortal world after they gained a firm foothold.

The plan of the comprehension world made all the forces in the mortal world very vigilant, and some forces even clamored to eradicate the army of the comprehension world.However, this sound is very weak and basically negligible.It's not because the forces in the mortal world don't want to eradicate the army of the comprehension world, but because they don't have enough power.The reason for all this is that the two major alliance forces in the mortal world did not respond positively.Without their participation, the army of the cultivation world would be as stable as a rock.

With the passage of time, the major alliance forces in the mortal world seem to have reached a tacit agreement, and the army that was about to move has also died down and returned to a balanced state.

As for why this kind of change happened, it was entirely because of the emergence of the army of the cultivation world.Previously, it was two tigers fighting each other, and the winning side would naturally become the master of the mortal world.However, the emergence of the army of the comprehension world turned the two tigers into three heroes, and any two major alliances may unite to deal with a third party.This situation has disrupted the plans of the two major alliances, so all plans have come to a standstill.

At present, it seems that the possibility of large-scale fighting in Mortal Realm in the near future is not high.Therefore, the major alliance forces have also begun to recuperate and improve their strength.

So far, Mortal Realm once again experienced a long period of peace.

One early morning, the bright sunlight pierced through the clouds and hit the top of the Yunlan Mountain, against which the strange rocky rocks looked majestic and magnificent.I saw the dense fairy energy swimming from time to time, like the ebb and flow of the tide, which is completely the scene of the secret realm of the fairy family.

At this time, a young master sat cross-legged on the dangerous rock of Yunlan Mountain, exhaling white immortal energy, a scene of immortal cultivation.

I saw this young man's face was delicate and handsome, and his sense of beauty was beyond doubt.This young man is Ye Xundao who has been in Xiaomeng for four years. [

At this time, Xiao Hansheng came on a cloud, landed in front of Ye Xundao, and said with a smile: "Ye Xundao, you have been in Xiaomeng for more than four years, and your combat power has reached the extreme level of the fairy king."

Ye Xundao looked indifferent to Xiao Hansheng's praise, as if it was a matter of course.

Xiao Hansheng admired Ye Xundao's indifferent and elegant demeanor very much.

"Senior Xiao, I don't know what is the important thing for you to come to me?" Ye Xundao said indifferently.

Xiao Hansheng has long been accustomed to Ye Xundao's attitude and doesn't take it seriously.Immediately said: "Are you 75 days away from turning 20?!"

Ye Xundao was very surprised that Xiao Hansheng stated his age so accurately.Although all masters in the world know that he will be 20 years old, no one knows when Ju will reach 20 years old.More importantly, he has a strong sense of closeness to Xiao Hansheng, and always feels that Xiao Hansheng can bring him unexpected opportunities, which is the main reason why he chooses to return to Xiaomeng with Xiao Hansheng.

Seeing Ye Xundao's puzzled expression, Xiao Hansheng smiled and said, "20 years ago, I promised someone something, and now is the best time to complete it."

Now, Ye Xundao was even more puzzled, "Senior Xiao, what exactly do you mean?"

Xiao Hansheng smiled and said nothing, suddenly, a strange stone as pure as snow appeared in his hand.When Ye Xundao saw this strange stone, his eyes were fixed on it without blinking.This look is sweeter and more anticipating than meeting his lover.

Ye Xundao could only feel the pictures of numbers flashing through his mind, and the scenes of numbers began to be reproduced and restored.As time passed, Ye Xundao's eyes became brighter, more energetic, and more intelligent.

When the strange stone erupted with the last bright light, Ye Xundao roared loudly: "I am the Taoist Lord of Order!" After a while, the light of the strange stone faded and returned to Xiao Hansheng's body.

"Thank you so much!" Ye Xundao said sincerely.

Xiao Hansheng waved his hand, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be polite, Lord Order, you now have a body, and your hope of enlightenment has greatly increased. It's really gratifying!"

Ye Xundao said: "It is gratifying to have a **, but I have to embark on a new path. The previous experience of cultivating the Tao is just experience, and I cannot copy the previous experience. Otherwise, my achievements will still be limited. Also, I It has been decided that my future name will be Ye Xundao. This name will urge me to seek the way again and achieve the Dao. As for the name of Taoist Order, let it be completely submerged in the tide of history!"

Xiao Hansheng said with a smile: "The new name is to abandon the old self and realize the Dao of heaven and earth again. Since you already have such an idea, it means that you have found a way to achieve the Dao." [

Speaking of this, Xiao Hansheng and Ye Xundao looked at each other and laughed.

"Brother Xiao, there will be a period of peace in the mortal world, what are your plans for the future?" Ye Xundao asked.

Xiao Hansheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "I think, you should already know about the imminent catastrophe of heaven and earth! At that time, all worlds will probably cease to exist. Therefore, I want to find the Ascension Immortal Realm before the catastrophe of heaven and earth comes. method to give relatives and friends the hope of survival.”

Ye Xundao also said with emotion: "This catastrophe of heaven and earth is no small matter. Dao has to complete its final transformation, and its destructive power is unparalleled. Therefore, it is almost certain that the mortal world will not continue to exist. It is indeed extremely important to plan ahead of time. important things!"

Hearing Ye Xundao's words, Xiao Hansheng's thoughts turned, and he secretly said: "He is so close to the Tao, he should know a lot of inside stories, right?" Immediately, Xiao Hansheng asked: "I want to know, what does the transformation of the Tao refer to... "

Before Xiao Hansheng finished his question, Ye Xundao hurriedly waved his hand and said, "You don't need to ask, and I won't tell. Because this is an act of revealing the secret, you will definitely be punished. With my current strength, you should understand the ultimate result."

Xiao Hansheng suddenly remembered the experience of Xiaoyao Tianzun, so he stopped asking any more questions, buried his doubts deep in his heart, and never showed them.

Immediately, Xiao Hansheng chatted with him about the catastrophe, and then drifted away.

When Xiao Hansheng returned to his room, Gu Meng suddenly came to him.

"My dear brother, you said that my sister is in the Immortal Realm and is the leader of the Righteous Path Alliance, so there is no need to worry about her safety. Even so, I still don't trust her! Because of the war in the Mortal Realm, I had no way to protect her! Now, Fan No matter how hard it is to start a world war, I decided to ascend to the fairy world." Gu Meng was Gu Ting's close relative, so he naturally didn't want to see any problems with Gu Ting.

Xiao Hansheng expressed his understanding of Gu Meng's thoughts.Then, he told Gu Meng all the secrets of Ascension to the Immortal Realm, so that he could prepare.

Gu Meng frowned, but didn't say anything, and then strode away.Obviously, he was going to discuss with Xiao Qing about Ascension to the Immortal Realm.

Seeing Gu Meng leave, Xiao Hansheng secretly said: "I don't know how far the situation in the Zhongxian Realm has developed. It seems that I have to go to the Zhongxian Realm too!"

Gu Meng had such thoughts, Xiao Hansheng had such thoughts, and Guo Tianya also had such thoughts.After expressing their thoughts, they decided to ascend to the fairy world together.

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