Immortal Artifact

Chapter 388 The Ascension Secret of Mortal World

Chapter 388 The Ascension Secret of Mortal World

Xiao Hansheng, Guo Tianya, and Gu Meng want to ascend to the fairy world, but is it really so easy to ascend to the fairy world?If it was really that easy, the masters of the mortal world would probably not reach the Immortal King Realm and not be allowed to ascend!

However, Xiao Hansheng is very special.He has been to the fairy world and knows the secret of ascension like the back of his hand.

"You mean to say that ascending to the Immortal Realm needs to experience two catastrophes! One is the catastrophe that strikes; Immortal world!" Guo Tianya said doubtfully.

Xiao Hansheng was surprised to hear Guo Tianya's doubts, and doubts flooded into his brain, "Yes! Although it is extremely difficult to ascend to the mortal world, it will not trap all the experts! There must be a big secret hidden in it!"

Guo Tianya continued to speculate: "Have you ever thought about the time when the Lower Immortal Realm and the Mortal Realm merged, could it be that the Mortal Realm only gave birth to these immortal emperor-level masters? This is obviously impossible!"

yes!The mortal world is vast, but the masters who have really stepped into the Immortal Emperor Realm are insignificant. There are definitely no more than thirty masters who can call out their names, and even if all the hidden immortal emperor-level masters are added up, the number will not exceed fifty. .This conjecture made Xiao Hansheng and Gu Meng feel very strange.

However, they obviously couldn't understand Guan Yue's question.

Then, Xiao Hansheng came to the Alliance of Demon Saints and told the Emperor and Di Shi what he, Gu Meng, and Guo Tianya wanted, hoping that they would take care of Xiao Alliance. [

The emperor was quite surprised by Xiao Hansheng's idea of ​​leaving the mortal world, "Are you really planning to leave the mortal world and ascend to the Middle Immortal Realm?"

Xiao Hansheng smiled and said: "Senior Emperor, is this still fake?"

"Oh? Then can you tell me the reason why you ascended to the fairy world?" the emperor asked.Judging from his tone, it is obvious that Xiao Hansheng has been regarded as a master who can be on an equal footing with him.It can be seen from the words 'can you tell me'.

Xiao Hansheng said faintly: "The catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching, and the future and fate of the mortal world are extremely bleak. If we can't find out a way to ascend to the fairy world, I'm afraid no master can escape the doom of death!"

The emperor was horrified, sweating coldly!Previously, he was only thinking about how to become the master of the mortal world, and he had completely forgotten about the catastrophe of the world.If Xiao Hansheng hadn't mentioned this matter, then he might not even know how he died.

I saw the emperor walking back and forth, thinking about how to deal with it.

"Brother Xiao, I really want to thank you this time! If you hadn't reminded me of the demon god race, I'm afraid we wouldn't even know how to destroy it." The emperor's gratitude to Xiao Hansheng was very real.Then, he continued: "Since the matter has come to this, I will tell you the peerless secret about ascension."

Xiao Hansheng was very interested in this, and asked with a smile: "The mortal world is unfathomable, and the hidden secrets can be said to shock the world, but I don't know what the peerless secret that senior refers to!"

The emperor took two deep breaths and said: "It's not that there are no masters in the mortal world who ascended to the fairy world. On the contrary, there are still a lot of masters who ascend."

Xiao Hansheng suddenly felt a little unbelievable, "Since there are many masters who ascended, why didn't there be news that masters from the mortal world ascended to the fairy world?" Regarding this matter, Xiao Hansheng couldn't understand it.

Emperor Youyou said: "They did not ascend to the Middle Immortal Realm, but directly ascended to the Upper Immortal Realm."

Xiao Hansheng was almost overwhelmed by the news thrown by the emperor, "What? There is such a thing?"

"You also find it incredible, right! Not only do you feel this way, but I do too. However, what I tell you is the truth." The emperor smiled jokingly.

Previously, Xiao Hansheng was confident about everything, almost nothing could make Xiao Hansheng look shocked.Now it has become a fact, which makes the emperor quite excited.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng also suddenly felt that he was making a fuss, and couldn't help touching his head, looking extremely embarrassed. [

The emperor laughed loudly, and said: "When I got such news, I was not as good as you!" The emperor was outspoken and told his embarrassing things, which instantly brought Xiao Hansheng and him closer.

Afterwards, the emperor continued to say: "Brother Xiao, I will tell you all the reasons for this! A long time ago, the masters of the mortal world could not ascend, just like now. The appearance of such a scene made the mortal world The masters of the world were in great despair. However, on the road of heaven and earth, a river with a wider ratio suddenly appeared in the mortal world. This river hangs down from the nine heavens, and it does not know where it leads. Soon, the masters of the mortal world found the bank of this river, There stands a stone tablet, and the three big characters of 'Huangquan River' are engraved on the stone tablet!"

When Xiao Hansheng heard about Huangquan River, he suddenly thought of Huangquan River in the second hell.That is also a boundless river running through the second layer of hell.

"Is the Huangquan River in Mo Feifei Realm and the Second Hell the same river?" Xiao Hansheng secretly guessed.

Before I could think about it, I heard the emperor say: "After this river appeared, the aura of celestial beings in the mortal world increased greatly, and it was extremely suitable for cultivation. After the masters at that time discovered this situation, they believed that the Huangquan River was unworldly. Treasures. So, some masters from the mortal world jumped into the Yellow Spring River, hoping to rely on the fairy energy contained in the Yellow Spring River to improve their cultivation. However, the masters who jumped into the Yellow Spring River were all reduced to ashes and died. remove."

Xiao Hansheng was not surprised by this situation, "Before, Ziyi had personally seen countless corpses thrown into the Huangquan River, dyed into yellow corpse water. This kind of power is so tyrannical that it is impossible to kill the masters of the mortal world. Therefore, Xiao Hansheng is not surprised by this matter."

"Such a situation made all the masters despair. Just at this time, a master who was extremely high in the realm of the immortal emperor did not believe in evil and jumped into the Yellow Spring River. This master of the immortal emperor suffered inhuman torture, but when he When he came out of the Huangquan River, he appeared to be full of energy and strength. Immediately afterwards, he stepped into the Immortal Saint Realm with the enemy's capital, and his fists collapsed and he ascended to the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Realm. What's more, when the masters of the mortal world did not expect, This master who has just stepped into the Immortal Sacred Realm will immediately meet the catastrophe of ascension to the Upper Immortal Realm. In this way, this master successfully ascended to the Upper Immortal Realm and became an immortal legend in the Mortal Realm." The emperor told about this master He seemed extremely excited when he saw the deeds, as if he was the master.

"Is that expert from the demon god clan?" Xiao Hansheng asked.

The emperor was slightly stunned, then nodded and said: "That's right, he is the senior of my Demon God Clan. After the seniors of my Demon God Clan ascended to the Immortal Realm, other masters followed suit and all ascended to the Upper Immortal Realm. Of course, there are also immortal emperor-level masters who failed. An extremely important rule can be concluded from these failed masters: if your cultivation base has not reached the extreme peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm, you must never set foot on the Huangquan River!"

Xiao Hansheng understood completely and thoroughly: It is not an easy task to ascend to the fairy world.If the cultivation base has not reached the Immortal Emperor Realm, it is extremely possible to ascend to the Immortal Realm, which is too far from his plan.

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